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Comment posted by Prince Dustin Hogan deleted May 25th, 2015
Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

The Gods of Equestria are devided into two groups. The Great Lords which are the eleven main gods and goddesses. then there are the minor Lords which are the other known gods and goddesses. These great beings reside in a kingdom high in the clouds called The Great Lord Palace. It's a place were the gods and goddesses of Equestria reside. The Great Lords, which are the good gods and goddesses, are the enemies of the Great Dark Lords which are the evil gods and goddesses that reside in Tartarus (Equestria's version of hell).

The Great Lords:

Lauren Faust:

Lauren Faust in her armor

The pony is often considered to be the mother of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. As their mother and ponysona of the creator, she is also considered to be the Goddess-Empress of Equestria. http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/wiki/Lauren_Faust

She is noticeably much larger and more slender than other ponies. She is also the adopted grandmother of Dustin Hogan and Cadence.

She is a creator Goddess and is the enemy of Hexxus. Her dearest friend is God and her lover is Yggdrasil. It was that because of Yggdrasil and Lauren Faust that the Digiponies have existed. She is the goddess of creation and harmony.


Yggdrasill, also referred to as "God of the Digital World", is the mysterious host computer that rules over the Digital World on one of the servers on the Network. It is named after the giant ash tree that connected the nine worlds in Norse mythology, tended by the three Norns, after which the Terminals in the NEW Digital World that Yggdrasill created are named. It is also known as the father of Digimon because he created the Digital World itself. http://wikimon.net/Yggdrasil

It is said in legend that he and a human woman named Gwendolyn courted which gave rise to the first Digimon/Human hybrid named Norn. Similar to the birth of Jesus. He is the god of technology and data.


The god of the storm and the brother of Amaterasu, the sun goddess. He's slain millions of monsters along with the other Great Lords. He wields a sword called Totsuka-no-Tsurugi to slay even the mightiest of dark creatures. It gives him the power to conjure storms of devastating force.

He is also known to be a trickster god by millions. He can summon typhoons, tsunamis, floods, even blizzards.


The god of primates from apes to monkeys. It was his 3 sons Babi is considered a dark god, Thoth is a neutral god of wisdom, and Hapi, a black baboon who has the role of fertility and river god, but who also guards the underworld, where born from 3 drops of his own blood after a battle with the Great Dark Lords.

He is a god that is worshipped by all Primates, along with other races.

Mata Nui:

Mata Nui is the Great Spirit and ruler and guardian of the Spherus Magnans. As ruler of the Universe, Mata Nui created the Matoran race and various other races and ruled peacefully. Some of his matoran also turned into Toa, brave soldiers destined to fight evil and defend the matoran from danger. Mata Nui also created the Makuta led by his brother, Makuta Teridax, to help protect the matoran. However, Teridax eventually betrayed Mata Nui and infected him with a virus that cast Mata Nui into an endless coma. http://hero.wikia.com/wiki/Mata_Nui

He is the god of the Spherus Magnans, metal, and steel. He is mostly known for defeating his brother Teridax and exiled him to Tartarus along with the other Great Dark Lords.


The creator god and the Great Lord mostly worshiped by humans. He is believed to create the world of Equestria along with the other Great Lords.

He is also said to cause Mary of Nazareth to be blessed with her son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is mainly the god of mankind. He commands the angels and his 3 main students are the 3 Celestials Ophanimon, Cherubimon, and Seraphimon. He also had a student named Lucifer, but Lucifer betrayed God and in doing so, God banished him into Tartarus with the other Great Dark Lords.

Mr. Creepypasta:

A person of unknown origin, very little is known about the being named Mr.Creepypasta. What is known however is that he is responsible for all the creepypasta phenomena that occur in the world. He takes pleasure in creating creatures he calls his “Children” and his only wish is for his children to play. He also is a close friend of Celestia and Luna and the guardian of Lexi (Dustin's half sister).

Gravelord Nito:

Nito, first of the dead, is one of the original Lords who found a Lord Soul at the dawn of the Age of Fire. He administers the death of all life, and offered much of the energy of his own soul to death itself. He, along with the other Great Lords, waged war against the Dragons allied with the Great Dark Lords, unleashing a miasma of death and disease upon them.

After the war with the Great Dark Lords, Nito presumably returned to the Tomb of the Giants, where he slumbers to this day as keeper of a Lord Soul. Travelers brave enough to find their way into his tomb can pay their respects and become a Gravelord Servant. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Gravelord_Nito

The Witch of Izalith:

The Witch of Izalith was one of the deities that defeated the Great Dark Lords long ago. She was the leader of the flame sorcerers, "The Witches of Chaos". The Witch of Izalith gained a Lord Soul, and used it to weave great firestorms to defeat the Dragons and Great Dark Lords.

She was molested by Zalgo which caused her to give birth to three demonic offspring which and one human child.

Her son became the sorrowful lava demon, Ceaseless Discharge, while two of her daughters managed to partially escape: Quelaag and Quelaag's Sister. Their lower bodies morphed into demonic spiders, but from the waist up they were spared. Quelana was the only human born who gained her mother's fire powers and became mother of Pyromancy. The pyromancies used by humans were born after Quelana taught it to her first pupil, Salaman. Prior to the advent of Chaos, there were no human pyromancers. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Witch_of_Izalith

Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight:

At the dawn of the Age of Fire, Gwyn discovered a Lord Soul along with Gravelord Nito and the Witch of Izalith and the other Great Lords, and thus became Lord of Sunlight. They allied with Seath the Scaleless and amassed an army, and with their power, challenged the Everlasting Dragons allied with along with Great Dark Lords for dominion of the World. His mighty bolts peeled apart their ancient scales and they were ultimately vanquished.[3]

When the flames began to fade, Gwyn left Anor Londo and traveled to the Kiln of the First Flame, to link the First Flame, thus prolonging the Age of Fire. When he left, he divided his power among his children, and granted parts of his Lord Soul to both the Four Kings and Seath.

Gwyn is the nephew of Allfather Lloyd and father of Dark Sun Gwyndolin (whom he raised as a daughter due to Gwyndolin's affinity to the moon) and Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight. He also had another, unknown son, who was a god of war and inherited the sunlight as his firstborn, but acted foolishly and was promptly stripped of his deific status. His grandaughter is Crossbreed Priscilla who is the daughter of Gwynevere and Seath the Scaleless. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Gwyn,_Lord_of_Cinder

Seath the Scaleless:

The albino dragon, Seath the Scaleless, betrayed his own by aiding Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight, and the other Great Lords during the war with the Everlasting Dragons. He acquired the Primordial Crystal; a sacred treasure pillaged when he turned on the ancient dragons, granting him immortality and making him a "true Undead.” Gwyn awarded Seath with Dukedom for his role during the war and gave him a fragment of a Lord Soul.

He is the god of magic,immortality, and knowledge. He fell in love with Gwynevere and they both were blessed with a daughter named Crossbreed Priscilla. He used magic to create many of his creations.

Seath is said to be the grandfather of Sorcery and is the object of the infamous sorcerer, Logan's, obsession. Seath's creations include the Pisaca, Moonlight Butterfly, and Crystal Ember. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Seath_the_Scaleless

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

The Minor Lords:

Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight

Gwynevere is the daughter of the once Lord of Sunlight, Gwyn. She fell in love with and she later married Seath the Scaleless. Gwynevere's miracles, Bountiful Sunlight and Soothing Sunlight, were granted to her maidens and aid a great many warriors.

She and Seath have a daughter named Crossbreed Priscilla who is the goddess of Ice, snow, crossbreeds, and art.

She has two brothers. Gwyn's unknown firstborn son as the eldest, and Gwyndolin as the youngest. She is a very close friend to Celestia. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Gwynevere,_Princess_of_Sunlight

Dark Sun Gwyndolin:

Gwyndolin was the last born son of Gwyn who is the god of the moon. He was raised as a daughter due to his strong affiliation with the moon's power. He uses the illusion of the princess, Gwynevere, to help hide his repulsive appearance.

He is the uncle of Crossbred Priscilla who he is very fond to. He is close friends with Luna. Luna is the only one who sees Gwyndolin in person and she actually encourages him to reveal himself to the others showing them that he is not repulsive in appearance. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Sun_Gwyndolin


One of the three demonic children of the Witch of Izalith, who was accepted by the Great Lords along with her other siblings.

She's the goddess of witchcraft, fire, pyromancy, and spiders. She is known by many as the Queen of Spiders. Her flames are said to melt the most durable of metals.

She is the wife of the scorpion god Tark. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Chaos_Witch_Quelaag


Quelaan Close up

Quelaan is one of the demonic offspring of the Witch of Izalith. She is the goddess of death, sickness, and spiders. Quelaag and her sister have an entourage of servants with them, who suffered from a parasitic disease. Out of pity, Quelaag's sister did her best to help against Quelaag's orders, weakening and blinding her in the process.

She is married to Gravelord Nito and is the mother of the Bad bloods. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Quelaag%27s_Sister

Quelana of Izalith:

The only human born from the Witch of Izalith. Quelana was originally a "flame witch" who used fire sorcery. She inherited her mother's fire powers like her Quelaag and Seaseless Discharge. became the creator of Pyromancy. She is the goddess of Fire, pyromancy, and magic. It is unknown whether the knowledge of fire sorcery was forgotten by her or whether she created Pyromancy as a safer version of it. Quelana passed on her knowledge to Salaman, who in turn passed on his knowledge of pyromancy to the people of the Great Swamp. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Quelana_of_Izalith

Ceaseless Discharge:

The only son born from the Witch of Izalith. He is the god of fire, volcanoes, and Tartarus.

He is saind when angered, volcanoes will erupt. He's the one who judges when one dies is worthy for paradise at the Great Lord Palace, or eternal damnation in Tartarus. Although he looks threatening, h's actually quite shy and anti-social. http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Ceaseless_Discharge?file=Ceaseless_Discharge.png.

Crossbreed Priscilla:

The daughter of Gwynevere and Seath the Scaleless. She is born a cross between a human and a dragon, and is known as the first crossbred to exist in Equestria.

She is the goddess of ice, snow, crossbreeds, and art. It's was believed that winter was caused by by her breath. Her fur coat warms her in the coldest climate.

She can be very anti-social as she lives in solitude in her room. The only one she interacts with is a small crow named Valra.


Norn is the daughter born from Yggdrasil and a human named Gwendolyn. She is a kind girl and is the goddess of techonlogy and data. Norn becomes the true Yggdrasill and a new goddess for the Digital World. http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Norn

She is married to Gwyndolin and her children are the Medamon.


Babi is considered a dark god, a red baboon symbolizing aggression and war, but also symbolizing safety and victory. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/204382/the-convergence-multiverse/thread/160337/races-primates


Thoth is a neutral god of wisdom, often portrayed as a yellow baboon or an ibis, a sacred animal to the baboons. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/204382/the-convergence-multiverse/thread/160337/races-primates


Hapi is a black baboon who has the role of fertility and river god, but who also guards the underworld.

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