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We live in a golden age of Superhero movies. Every year we get at least one to three at the most, some from different studious sometimes the same studios. But how did we get here...and why? Well I talk about some of the Most Defining Superhero films starting with the one that started it all.

SUPHERMAN (Richard Donner): You will believe a man can fly. Superman is the grand Epic of the life of the Man of Steel himself, a Serious well told film that gives the origins of Superman and his life on earth and his battles of Lex Luthor. The film was milestone in Superhero films cause...It was really the first MAJOR one of it's kind. (There were Superhero films beforehand but non taken seriously). But this was the film that started off the Superhero film (Or at least in terms of Superman movies) until the 80's....and then..

Batman 89: The SECOND film that gave a boost to the Superhero films and also started Bat Mania, making Batman a character popular in 60's do to the Adam West series a pop icon again...however this time, instead a campy silly Batman we had a real dark gritty Batman facing off against a insane killer of the Joker (Played by Jack Nicholson). Looking back Comic book fans tend to lambast the film for not being faithful to the source material, but in terms of a Superhero film it was a lot fun and proved once again you can make GOOD Superhero films and take them seriously, and give them Star Power in Jack Nicholson.

Batman and Robin: Wait...What how is THIS a defining Superhero film? Well it is in that for a time...It killed the Superhero film franchise...This is the one that did it....From Batman and Robin to...The next Superhero movies will get into, the Superhero franchise was dead, I'm unsure if anything came out in it the intermediate but that killed the Superhero film genre until...

X-Men/SpiderMan: Now the reason I put these two in the same category is that they came around during the same time and began to revitalize the genre. X-Men was the Spark and Spider Man was the explosion. I say that cause while X-Men films began to spark interest in the genre it was the explosion that was the early 2000 Spider Man films that gave Studios the green light and made them realize...Superhero sell. However like with all things, the films were...Meh...to Eck, they still hadn't found their footing just yet and some studios were still hesitant until...a little director came and said. "I have a idea for a Batman series"

Batman Begins/ Dark Knight...Now this will mostly be about Dark Knight but I do want to thank Batman Begins because we can't have Dark Knight without Batman Begins. This was the first Batman film...To be a Batman film and ...Stay true to the comics while being it's own thing something that 89 I don't think did. But it was Dark Knight that made it popular. It made studios but most importantly audiences that ...Superhero movies can be smart...intelligent...make you think and talk about the important topics of our age. However while DC was doing it's thing Marvel was doing there...

Iron Man: Iron Man is a VERY important comic book film because it does all the great things Dark Knight/Batman Begins did in being a smart Superhero film but smart in a different way. While Dark Knight had all the ideas and stuff...Iron Man decided to to embrace the comic book but take it seriously in that...We won't be ironic we live in a comic book world and we tell a good story. But more importantly Iron began a series of events that would lead to the next defining Superhero film ..

The Avengers: And this is were I end for now, cause unless something else happens, Avengers is the film that changed everything. It had the First Superhero team up taking characters each which their own film and mini-universe within them and bringing them together in one major Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is the film that proved the Cinematic Universe can work as long as you have a good story. It embraced the comic book gave Loki those Silly horns but didn't make fun of it or laugh. It's the film that said. "We can be a comic book film, smart, fun, and entertaining and...Make money." Avengers in my opinion is the last important defining Superhero film the age. What the next one will be IDK? But it will be interesting to find out.

But now I wanna know what you think. What are you most defining Superhero films. What do you think of the ones I picked. How do you think they and your picks defined the Superhero genre. Comment below and let me know.

4621386 The most defining superhero movies are Tim Burton's Batman 89 and Batman Returns


Looking back Comic book fans tend to lambast the film for not being faithful to the source material

What's ironic is that it was being faithful to the source material, it just wasn't being faithful to the material that fans read. It wasn't adhering to Frank Miller, it adhered to the work of Bob Kane. Like in Kane's comics, Keaton's Batman doesn't (usually) intentionally kill, but he won't try to save you if you happened to fall off or burn alive, be it by accident or if you simply got in his way.

4644618 That shows that those fans don't know much about Batman's long history

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