Dazed And Confused 76 members · 33 stories
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Anima Reaper
Group Admin

Why is it everywhere i look on this site i always see the word Discordia be it part of a user name or the name of a group its like Eris has taken over Fim.

and every time i see that word in someones name its like a voice in the back of my head is demanding i jump on the band wagon and add Discordia to my name

4261406 That's the plan.
Join the family:pinkiecrazy:

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261414 No it's fine.
We're a lovely family.
We will stay peaceful, as long as we take over FimFiction.

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261420 i must stand i refuse to kneel to Eris

4261425 If you go against Eris, you go against me too, you know?:scootangel:

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261426 i'll take you all on

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261426 i would most certainly lose but i will go down in style :moustache:

4261459 No. you will have the most humiliating fail.
It will be glorious.
For us.
Not the you.

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261468 usually being humiliated dosn't affect me much no one can humiliate me more then myself

4261475 You will be humiliating yourself by challenging us.

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261478 okay I Challenge the Discordia Family :moustache:

4261482 Go tell Eris, not me.

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261485 okay one sec

4261406 don't fall into the abyss of Discordias

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261492 sent the message anyway

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261502 why not i find humiliating myself to be amusing

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261506 kinda regret giving up the whole Death thing now

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261517 well i'll have a cheshire on my side if she ever gets her internet back

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261526 well anyway you still didn't answer my question

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261533 the whole point of this thread

4261538 Eris is making a family.
We're gonna take over FimFiction.
Then the world.

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261542 why the world?

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261551 well its cliche

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261557 i figured you guys were more creative so why do what everyone else is doing?

4261566 Nobody else is doing anything.
Also, that's the family's goal.
Eris' goal is to become God.

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261571 oh it would be very amusing to see her and my brother fight for that title

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261578 and he would say he would win you know Oblivion don't you

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261584 well he tends to change his name allot but i know him as Oblivion

but this is him Chaos lord rathordius

4261591 Oh, that's Eris' father.

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261596 i guess i'm her uncle then

4261598 And you're my great uncle.

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261602 i think so....idk anymore my online family tree is confusing

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261604 some how i started out as someones uncle but they considered my wife there mom and then i became there uncle/dad.....i'v given up on trying to understand it anymore

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261612 anyway good luck on destroying your great uncle

Anima Reaper
Group Admin

4261621 but please have the decency to call ahead before you start swinging

4261624 Alright, whatever.

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