The Competitive Writers Guild 37 members · 22 stories
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This months contest I believe should be storms

Group Admin

Sounds good to me! I will post it on the front page!

Could we have separate sub folders for each contest and then a general submission folder?

ok I'll get on that

4330441 Like with all the contests on this site, I'll promote yours in attempt to get you more contenders.

So... Who won April? :rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

Its been posted on the front page.

4337174 Pardon my ignorance, but the only comments I see on the front page of the group pertain to adjusting the capitalization of the group's name.

Group Admin

Not in the comments, but in the groups front page its self.

To join a contest all you need to do is post a story relating to the theme in the contestants folder before the deadline (typically at the end of the month)
May's Contest
"Storms" is this months prompt. I cant wait to see what you write this month!
Aprils Contest Winner! Arreis Of Avalon with I, See
Runner Up!: Architect with Captain Button
Honorable Mentions!
Noir de Plume With Pinkie's Magic Pinching Shell
Previous Winners!
March 2015 - AlesFlamas with I'm Okay With It

Group Admin

Oh and btw, great job! your story was very well written and it ended up being really close call. I cant wait to see what you decide to write this month if you want to participate!

Storms, hmm? Well, I must say that's quite a challenge. Though I shall step up as a writer and take on the challenge! I hope you guys get more participants this month and, as always, good luck to all contenders in this battle for a spot in the circle of those favored over the-

*psst, you can't say that*

What? Why not?

*It sounds...rude...*

Oh...then join in the circle of awesomeness! The others get the circle of radicalness :)

Have fun everypony! I can't wait to write in this contest myself, though I honestly have no clear vision of what my future should be grasping at in terms of covalent ideas and a nicely-written story flow...:fluttershbad:

Group Admin


Only a week or so until the month is out... just fyi. If you want to submit feel free to participate in this months contest!

4393921 It's particularly hard for me. Not the writing itself, but the prompt. I can't think of much for "Storms," to be honest...

Quick question. I am about to begin writing a fiction that I am thinking could possibly turn into a story, and not a short-fic. Would it still be okay to post it, and have you review one chapter of it, rather than not post at all and not make it into the contest, as I would like to? It is not that I want to defy your rules or anything, but I don't exactly know how it will turn out when I am finished, as normally I do not know what I am to compose until after the music has finished playing and I peek at the finished production. If the rules state that I simply cannot, then I shall do my best to shorten it to the point where it could be a one-shot. Thank you for your time.

Group Admin


You can submit just a chapter as part of the contest. Just make sure you note it.

4405263 Thank you so much. I'm not entirely sure which chapter it will be, but I'm starting the first part tonight, and hopefully I'll have it done by the end of the 28th.

Group Admin

well everyone it looks like MAY's contest is officially canceled as we only had one person who participated.

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