Returning from the Storm 15 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

Returning from the Storm

Hello everyone in the group, however few we may be.

I realise that things have been quiet as of late, and for that I apologise. I found myself in a position where I had no internet at all, which scuppered a lot of plans, but I have managed to get internet back now, so things can try and get off the ground some more.

Firstly, the structure of the story. As this is a collab, we will have one main story line, with small side stories on that. If you want to have a large side story, which is awesome by the way, then you can write a side story alongside, or before the main storyline.

Secondly, I think that we should close entry to the group. It's not like we've actually had anyone new sign up recently, so this shouldn't make too much of a difference.

Thirdly, starting the story itself. Chapter one can be a simple compilation of how everyone got taken, as well as maybe some bits about how countries began to fall apart, while chapter two can be what happens when people start getting back. I will make a Google Document soon so that we can post what we have, and everyone will be able to edit so we can write this as a collab, rather than a series of slightly connected chapters.

Now, obviously this isn't only affecting me, so if anyone doesn't agree with what I've said then let me know, I'm just trying to get something off the ground here, as I don't want to see this die.

Thanks guys.


Group Admin


Considering of the group, you went down due to net and USNCSS-MrDenim is out for other things… and then with the best part of a month of writing time (I asked for scenes around the 22-24th of March) I've still only got my own scenes, that one combi-scene we did, the prior Blueblood scenes and the sign-up ones… I'm kinda wondering if this'll even get off the ground.

With regards to the Google doc, I'm not that keen on working in them personally, though I was intending on making some once I had something compiled, namely the starter chapters, and work on having a chapter one up in comments mode for people to go through, but do the work on my own machine and import the edits, more used to either solo writing or through IMs, plus I've gotten used to scene writing rather than chapter writing so it's easier on WriteItNow for me since I can hop around and reorganise later with a drag'n'drop either in the scene list or the storyboard.

As far as the story is concerned, I was thinking prelude is pretty much going over the storms and the ponies vanishing, maybe take that into the first full chapter, possibly with some snippets for between times. 1st or 2nd chapter is returns, ending with my group since we decided they're the last to come back as stands, then 2nd/3rd and on is going over what happens with ponies in the modern day after their returns, possibly either sticking to scene switching or drop to 2 or even 1 writer for a chapter and have chapters run simultaneously, probably up to the point of finding out about the storms returning before thinking about possibly breaking and starting the second arc as a new act/story.

Group Admin

I'll chuck up a roll call thread to see who's still interested, and hopefully we can bring all our ideas to the table and find out what we're going to do

Group Admin

Well, I'm presuming VampDash and PonyBornHuman are still in, but distracted at the moment. You might want to PM them, check what's going on if the roll call doesn't get much. I got this from MrDenim when I prompted him for scenes:

I would like to request to back out of the collab. Life's bein' a b!tch atm. I'm almost through with high school, and I'm leavin' for boot camp in late July and I won't be on for damn near 4 months. Heck, I haven't even written anything for myself - fanfiction or original - in lord knows how long.

Horribly sorry,


So I doubt he'll responding.

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