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Since things are pretty quiet around here, I thought I'd add a couple of bits to things. To start, the Dforgrym universe is my original universe, which is where most of my primary characters come from. In terms of history, the bit I've actually worked out runs along these lines:

At some point in the past, millions of years prior to present day, there was a space capable group of bipedal dragons, ones that controlled at least a few worlds, however they were attacked by something. It might have been in fighting, maybe an external threat similar to the Reapers or Flood, or another empire, whatever the reason, for all their capabilities, they fell, but before they were completely wiped out, they managed to build twenty massive, war armed, colony/bio-transport ships and send them off into space. Five of these ten kilometre behemoths have been found.

One, M'krer, seeded Harrenthias with the contents of his holds, watching as the franthoryn formed and developed civilisation. The Meán Oíche seeded a mountainous world that eventually spawned the ailiaar, the Reul Camhanach found a system with two planets that matched its requirements, one already showing signs of sapient life, the other barren of it. Its seeding formed the rhyl'saarii. Of the last two ships, the Cefnfor Llachar settled its seeds across the ocean world Cefnfor, whose waters sheltered the tregun while the n'krondii were settled in their home by the Blaen Diddiwedd.

Once all the ships were found and repaired enough for the journey, they left the worlds they had watched for millions of years to meet up for the first time since. Councils were formed and eventually the five disparate groups formed an over arching government of their own, after some from each group banded together to rescue the ambassadors that had been using the planet where the ships met as a neutral ground to hash things out on. This was the starting point of the Dforgrym, once simply the elites that got the relic armour on Harrenthias, they became the sword and shield of the entire group, facing everything from pirates and raiders to lower tier Powers and Dominions, though the latter is usually en masse and with heavy support.

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Hreathryn (hreathrae) is the collective name for the five known bipedal dragon subspecies in the Dforgrym-verse. As a group, they are actually a descendant species, though no-one living knows what their forebears actually were called, only that at some point in the past they sent out several massive transports to take life to other worlds before being wiped out. Of those worlds, only five have been found, it is likely that the rest of the twenty transports were destroyed en route.

All dragons of this type are upright bipeds covered in scales, with wings and tails at their backs, and all have the ability to communicate telepathically with one another. They generally stand around 8 foot 6 inches to 9 foot 6 inches in height, though the rare 'midgets' can be as short as 6 feet tall while the 'giants' amongst them can get up to 12 feet.

They also all share the ability to alter their form, with certain cavats. The most common one being the fact that they need to gain a sample of another creature's DNA in order to make a form, the other being the amount of energy it uses. The larger the difference in mass between forms, the harder it is to change into one, except reverting to base form. Because of this, even though the retrovirus originally used to seed the five groups can create a viable change, there will often be 'bits' of the base forms visible, or of the 'base dragon' if someone is changed into one and gains the ability to shape shift from sharing blood with them. Magic cannot replicate this particular virus, even though the virus itself allows the use of magic in certain ways.

Franthoryn (franthryn/franthrae) - The group with the most in common with the standard 'western' dragons, their homeworld is the planet Harrenthias, and they generally have a single pair of bat-like wings, feather-scale crests and nobles are often glossier scaled than their common-born counterparts. Most of the time the franthryn track lineage by name, usually in the form of {name} Mac/nir {parent's name} of {place}, generally the females use nir and then their mother's name, males are mac and their father's name. The place is their place of residence. Royal clans, however, have a clan name which all children of the clan have.

Rhyl'saar(ii) - Born of a system that has two inhabited planets, the rhyl'saarii are marked different from their cousins primarily due to the fact that every one of them has a mane. They also tend to be the youngest to experience heat, often at around the age of ten, two years prior to shedding their child scales and gaining their adult ones, along with the more armoured appearance and scale ridges along their arms. However, while they encounter heat earlier than most, they can't actively breed until they are near twenty, a similar age to their kin. Nobles amongst the rhyl'saarii are marked with pure black scales across their bodies and a coloured mane, usually indicative of their clan. Of them, two in sixty-four 'nobles' are 'royal', bearing both four wings and a set of horns on their face, the others are roughly evenly split between having the extra pair of wings and the facial horns.

Ailiaar - Unlike the others, ailiaar actually have feathered wings, more along the lines of birds than bats, and are often considered among the better fliers of the group, though none are bad as a group. While the rhyl'saar and franthryn home worlds tend towards monarchies and tech levels around the medieval period – bar certain relics such as weapons, armour or computers – the ailiaar were closer to the age of gunpowder in Earth's tech time line, at least before they found their seeder ship and met with the other groups. Also unlike the others, there is no obvious way to tell the 'nobles' from the 'commoners' as all have a pair of feathered wings and feathers forming a 'mane' and 'ears' for them.

Tregun - water dwelling dragons, almost all tregun are partially amphibious, with much higher pressure tolerance and gilled throats allowing them to build under water. Also unlike the others, their wings are designed to move in water rather than air, meaning they are poorer fliers than most, but their streamlined bodies, broad tails and webbed digits enable much more manoeuvrability underwater.

N'krondii - This group, once again, is different from their counterparts, not due to the fact they dwell in a world where there is more water than land, but due to the fact that, while, like the rhyl'saarii, they are live born, unlike their counterparts, they don't have any form of wing until they hit their adolescence, something that happens around about their twentieth year, it is at this point that their wings grow in.


The second sapient race sharing the system with the rhyl'saarii, they have their own planet and, for the most part look like bipedal unicorns. They are, however, not currently space capable and while their world is protected by the Dforgrym, the Hren Republic's space military group, they are not a part of it themselves, instead they tend towards medical practices or working with nature, preserving it. It is possible that had the Equestrians ended up on the planet Renataar, they would have become rentaarii rather than taken the form of hreathryn subspecies.

Group Admin


Her full name is Corporal J'kreth-V'ren Cal'drith ('J'kreth').

She was born Wed 12 Apr 0915PNM

The granddaughter of Ghrathryn Cal’drith and V’rentryth Or’nae, J’kreth is a franthryn dragon distantly in line to the throne of two countries in her parents and grandparents’ home lands on the planet Harrenthias. She is not ignorant of the fact there are more universes out there than just her own, in fact she has been to one.

As a youngling, around five, she ended up being cast through a dimensional portal into the universe the holds the world of Pern roughly three thousand to thirty-five hundred years after the planet was colonised. Whilst there, searching for a way back, she was taken under the guardianship of the then weyrleader and his life mate, and gained C’ret, the drathryn whose egg was sent through with her.

J’kreth is now an adult and back in her home universe with her pet. She stands around nine feet tall, with blue and gold scales, some of which have traceries of red on them while her eyes are a clear green.

Having gone through the training to enter the Dforgrym, following her grandparents’ path, she has specialised in a very athletic combat style that makes use of powered claws mounted in special bracers, each of which has a high calibre gun on the back. For the past several years she has served as Jacinth’s corporal in the ‘pony squad’ as it is jokingly known, though only the youngest believe that the ponies are less capable than their draconic counterparts.


Her full name is Knight-Herald (Master Sergeant) Jacinth G’re-Rhyl'naarii ('Jac').

She was born Fri 10 Jun 0875PNM

Having lived in Valdemar for several decades when she was young, Jacinth knows her way around the rule of law and diplomacy, unlike most of the others in her squad. Also unlike most of the others, she is a dragon, a four-winged ‘noble’ rhyl’saar dragon, marked not just by the extra pair of wings, but also by her pure black scales and pure white mane.

She made several friends while in Valdemar and spent much of her time riding circuit, looking for blood mages or their ilk, as she had a sixth sense for them. That sense has helped her avoid or find trouble several times over the course of her life. In fact it was that sense that managed to save her life and resulted in her trip to Velgarth in the first place as her fighter squad was attacked.

After returning to the Dforgrym, she was the one that encountered the ponies first in each of the three cases where they appeared in their dimension. Her experience dealing with intelligent equines, thanks to the Herald/Companion bond she shares with Civa, has been invaluable with helping the six ponies adjust to the new dimension they found themselves in.

Jacinth is actually a summoner a fact she found out when trying to summon Valdemar’s local air elemental, the vrondi, in order to cast a truth spell in class, though she rarely uses the ability apart from spying or forcing truth from people since she doesn’t have any heavy combat summons. Her preferred fighting style is with a staff/spear/swallow (two-bladed sword), assault rifle or dual pistol (laser preferred).

Group Admin


Laser weapons, such as the DHEL-10 emit a highly focus photon beam for a fraction of a second, one that causes a rapid change in temperature on impact with the target, often causing liquids to flash boil and ‘explode’. The beam itself also heats the air it passes through, ionising it and creating a distinctive crack, similar to a small lightning bolt.

The DHEL series uses a rechargeable power pack that feeds energy into the discharge generator, most of which draw power from the environment, specifically solar energy, each of which can hold one hundred shots for a DHEL on normal power. The gun can, however, be overloaded in order to increase its energy release at the cost of shots, taking up two to four times the energy per shot. These weapons are also what are classed as ‘rainbow lasers’, meaning they can be switched through several frequencies, from the standard infra-red up to near x-ray, granting better range and penetration.

Group Admin


The Dforgrym are the main military arm of the Hrenthyn Gweriniaeth. Originally they were the few elite troops allowed to use the recovered and maintained relics from the ships that seeded the various races, however after the meeting it was decided that they would be the ones to become the space navy, along with the associated air and land branches.

As a group, they are responsible for control and protection of the space and planets under the Gweriniaeth's control, most notably the shipping lanes between each planet and between said planets and the outposts, whether on or off planet. As such they mostly deal with aggressive neighbours or pirates, however they also have to deal with controlling the nastier magics around, namely necromancers and demon summoners along with the things they raise. As such, most units are armed and trained to deal with things outside their usual 'weight class', namely destroying demons or undead beings. Anyone that has skills along these lines when they sign up are often in demand by the veterans who know what can be encountered in the black.

Squad Sealgair Gailleann (Storm Hunters)

The squad Jacinth leads, it is made up of her, J'kreth-V'ren, Spitfire, Nightshade, Sparkler, Lemon Hearts, Roseluck and Lily Valley. The group is the result of several years worth working with one another, as Jacinth and J'kreth were the ones that found the ponies when the storms spat them out in their home universe. As it stands, Jacinth is the leader as she has the most experience, being near 140 years old, she also has Civa to keep her head in the game. J'kreth is second, she's also the second eldest of the group and often works as the scout. Spitfire and Nightshade are melee experts and all rounders at range. Sparkler takes the sniper position, usually getting information from J'kreth while Lemon or Lily watches her back. Lemon and Rose are rifles while Lily takes the role of field medic for the group.

All in, they use seven suits of tech power armour, two bio-power armours (Jacinth and Civa), one sniper rifle, one medium machine gun (mounted), six assault rifles, one pair of bracer mounted pistols, six standard pistols and one SMG as their main equipment, though each has their own preferred melee weapons, such as the two swords Spitfire and Nightshade use (silver/diamond edged titanium) and standard steel/titanium or Jacinth's las-staff and J'kreth's power claws.

Group Admin



The drathryn are a small (relatively) dragon found primarily on Harrenthias. They are the primary threat species to the hedrachin, able to sniff them out over much larger distances than most, and are virtually immune to their venom. Weighing in at around 5-7kg (11-15lbs), they are capable hunters, though they often bond with others in the first few months of their lives, taking similar scale colours and being able to tap some of their abilities.


Lothryn are the Harrenthian horse equivalents, standing roughly 8-10 feet to the withers, with heavy claws and large fangs, they hunt in packs, co-ordinating through tele-empathic impulses. Like their smaller kin, they can bond with others outside their packs, usually during their first year of life, their scales shifting from a dull grey to whatever colours the ones they bound to show. They have been used for millennia to carry franthryn from place to place, help with hunts or haul cargo.


Vermin. They're the best known, and most infamous, rodent on Harrenthias. They're also very large, weighing anywhere from 50-100kg and travelling in swarms of 50-300, they're feared with good reason. Their bites are poison, not just from the venom they produce, but also the bacteria and rotten food trapped in their mouths. The mixture is toxic enough that a single bite can down a franthryn for anywhere up to a week, multiple bites are often fatal if not treated quickly, and this is with millennia of association enabling a resistance to the toxic mixture they carry with them. Drathryn are often kept because they can find the vermin and root them out before they cause trouble.


Standing roughly five feet tall, tinirri are effectively cattle. They're herbivorous reptiles with broad tails, bright scales and venomous horns and barbs on their tail. They are also considered a delicacy by most of the dragon species in the Hrenthyn Gweriniaeth as their meat is much sweeter than most, and much denser as they carry very little fat, instead they chew hydrogen bearing rocks the way most equines eat salt, the hydrogen burning in a special stomach to fuel their body heat.

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