Returning from the Storm 15 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

While Aedrides may have been rocked by the cataclysmic storms, new developments have still been made, especially in the fields of warfare and self-defence. Sword, spear and arrow are still used by some remote settlements around the world, but if anyone want's to guess what is happening elsewhere in the technological world, post it up here.

Group Admin

I'll try and think of a few more, but I just thought I'd get the ball rolling finally:

The majority of the Equestrian and Griffon armies used crossbows as their ranged weapon of choice before the storms hit and the military collapsed. Even the Minotaur’s fielded versions of the weapon, even if they were far larger than anything the other two primary races fielded. Even after the storms the crossbow has survived, it’s rugged design, easy to manufacture ammunition and simple mechanisms have made it a perfect weapon for the new world.

A new weapon, developed quickly after the fall of Tirek in the hopes of giving the guard more staying power in a similar situation, the muskets were only just being brought into service when the storms hit, consequently meaning that there are very few around, those that do exist being guarded jealously.
By using a newly discovered invention known as gunpowder, a metal ball can be propelled at extreme speeds, exceeding the killing and stopping power of the simple crossbow a hundred times over, at the cost of reloading speed. While they are not as practical in the hooves of a novice user, if the musket is in the possession of one trained in its use, it can be used to spit death from a far, capable of felling beasts before they ever get close enough to be a threat.

The humble harness was used across Equestria for generations, allowing Earth Ponies and Pegasi to overcome their lack of opposable digits and utilise tools that only a unicorn would be able to manipulate normally. They come in many varieties:
Battle: Allowing for the use of crossbows and other ranged weapons, the battle-harness allows a weapon to be mounted on the side of a pony’s body. With a specially designed bit, the wearer can fire whatever weapon is mounted there, and usually has a simple reloading mechanism attached to his or her leg. As with all technology in the current world, there are many different kinds of harnesses, from the most basic, inaccurate ones designed for the masses, to the expensive custom built versions used only by warlords or the like, which allow for pinpoint accuracy and are devastatingly effective.
Construction and Agriculture: These are usually a very simple arrangements of straps that distribute the weight of a given load across a pony’s entire body, allowing them to pull far heavier loads without risking hurting themselves.
Travellers: Very similar to the construction or agriculture harnesses, these straps are designed to keep a load on a pony, rather than towed behind it, and are a must if the pony is planning on carrying a vast amount of equipment with them.

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