Comments ( 7 )
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Turn the NSFW tag off, it isn't needed here. I keep having to turn my View Mature setting on to get into EVERY group I go to today!

4329386 The control for setting a group to NSFW is a little confusing. It just says something like "NSFW?" and has a tick or a cross to choose from. So if I choose the cross does that mean it's "NOT suitable for work", or "NOT not suitable for work"?

Also, despite your age, I'm surprised your settings weren't already that way. I know for a fact I've seen you comment on a very NSFW story.

4329459 Ik that :twilightblush: I couldn't resist... Sorry... I read a few more then decided to stop, because it grossed me out... I'm such an idiot!

4329463 The one I'm thinking about in particular was especially brutal — they're not all like that.

4329953 Ik which your talking about...

Tennis Match Fan
Group Admin

4329386 Gosh, how did I miss that? :facehoof: Thanks for telling me.

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