The Life of A Wanted Changeling Series! 83 members · 7 stories
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Down with Chrysalis
Group Admin

Not gonna bring up the exclamations this time, just gonna get on with the review...sigh and wonder what the heck was my problem with making titles back then.

This episode is actually pretty good at setting up future plot points. Which is pretty funny since I hadn't planned anything by this point and I was just writing whatever scene popped in my head after looking at the comments. So its really interesting how this episode set up a bunch of stuff for later seasons.

Ignoring the out of nowhere Weeping Angle that's never mentioned again....I think(another Big Lipped Alligator Moment), this is the first time the Doctor makes his appearance! Like I said I had no future plans yet, so the Doctor showing up this early is pretty nice. Even if his role is pretty minor this could be seen as him keeping his promise to protect Bugze...well before it got so complicate at least.

Another first is the appearance of...the Friend who sent Bugze stuff! This is the episode where Bugze receives The Inventory, and the pony who gave it to him via teleportation. We now know this pony is DWC, but more on that later.

I'll be honest, the idea for The Inventory kinda hit me halfway though writing that chap. I realized that Bugze needed a way to carry all the stuff he'll get, so I figured I'd supply a bottomless saddlebag for him.

I originally wanted it to be like Wake up. See this. What do?'s persona system. When the main character could switch out personas and gain new skills when he was in a calm situation. I wanted The Inventory to be something like that, where Bugze had to be calm and collected before he could really take anything out.

That never happened however, as I realized The Inventory would be a better item if it could be used at all times instead of just when he was calm. So I changed it up and just had it be you had to think of the item you wanted. Course this is still another example of me abusing my powers of being the author to add in things the commenters didn't.

But seeing as how The Inventorys been a main staple of the series I'd say this abuse of power worked out pretty well.

Now concerning the Friend thing...I'll be honest the idea to make him DWC only came up midway though season 2. Originally it was gonna be a actual friend from Bugze's old life at the Hive. They'd join up with him and it'd be two changelings that were wanted, one who sucks at being one and the other who excels at it.

But then things change and Bugze's backstory was more developed. I couldn't exactly give him a friend after making such a big deal about how he was bullied all the time back at the hive. I mean I guess I could have, but it never came to be.

So I spent a good while of mid-season 2 brain storming ideas for a new Friend. After awhile the idea of it being me, aka DWC, hit me. I won't say too much since his character hasn't been too developed yet, so I'll stop here before I let something slip.

Now onto the Title Segment!

Favorite Moment:

Dear #^%$@$#,
I know that you are trying to change your ways.
So here is a gift to help you do that.
The saddle bag I have given you is bottomless.
It can hold anything, no matter how big or small the object is.
When you want to take something out of it.
All you have to do is think of the item you want.
I hope this gift will help you in the future.
A Friend
Well this is highly convenient.

I don't know why but that last line always gets me. It just seems so blunt that I can't help but find it funny!

Embarrassing Moment:

"Oh dear, that last one was quit depressinAHHHHHHH!!!" Who hit the ejection switch?! *cricket* Fine don't tell me.

I had Rarity get launched into the air after having her 'guest star' in the AN. Honestly the more embarrassing part of this comes from the fact I had her 'guest star' at all. This was definitely a time where I was still trying to find out my own way to do the AN, and before it was the way it is today it was...weird.

First Appearance Comment:

(Assuming the author has read the Warriors books by Erin Hunter); find the Heroes novel by Bearin Jager (about fictional clans of lions, tigers, and panthers in the wild) and learn about the epic and honorable Soldier's code, laid out by Sunclan, in order to learn more about how to be a good participant in society.

(...Assuming the above isn't the case); make sure you aren't being followed, then look around for anything that will help your magic and flying abilities. Remember, though, that the two ponies after you have pegasi friends, who might be willing to transfer them over the gap left by the busted bridge, so search quickly. If you wish, keep checking the skies and hide at once if they do come to find you (there must be thousands of places to hide in a castle this old).

Fireheart 1945's comments where always short, yet they always did a huge contribution to the series when he was around. He came up with some pretty good ideas and he commented often too! I don't think he comments anymore, but the times he did were always a big help.

The Beginning of a Running Gag:

But you don't have anything to carry it*smack*owwwww. Something just smacked you in the head. You look over at the thing that hit you...and its just a saddle bag. Wait, how that hit you. You begin to wonder this but then you notice a note sticking on it. It says

This isn't so much of a running gag as a running plot device. But hey it tends to be funny when used so eh. The 'Friend' dropping stuff for Bugze tends to happen whenever a plot device is needed to continue the story, or when I feel like I really want Bugze to have something. It didn't happen as often as it did in season 1 and 2, but season 3 did still use it. So I count it, even if its only a technicality.

Welp that's it for this review! Reply if you have any questions concerning this chap, for me in general, or to just tell me what you thought of this chapter as well! See ya all tomorrow with the next ep!

Rating: 5/10

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