The Life of A Wanted Changeling Series! 83 members · 7 stories
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Down with Chrysalis
Group Admin

Again have to mention my obsession with too many exclamation points in the title. Also how the title makes no sense since no castle exploring actually happens till the next chapter...and even then its just to the library.

Also, this is when me and Kersey stopped fixing the chaps. I think we sorta just forgot about it hehehehehe...

This besides Nightmare's armor being reveled nothing much happens so...yeah.

The weeping angle that shows up here literally only happened because this was around the time I got into Doctor Who, and I had just finished watching the Angle's first appearance with Tennant. I figured it would be a cool idea so I put it in, though thinking back on it I was lucky the Hive Mind at the time knew what Doctor who was. Would have been really embarrassing if I had it in but no one did anything hehehehe...

Now the Nightmare be perfectly honest I just put it in for the heck of it. My thought process at the time was that I figured after Luna turned good the armor she was wearing kinda just fell off her smaller body and that some Nightmare magic was left in it. Plus a changeling wearing it and showing up in town would have been funny!

The idea for Nightmare to be in Bugze's head doesn't pop up till way later, after the Dragonshy arc.

But yeah...besides these to thing nothing much else happened. Well...that and how I have Bugze use his magic perfectly fine to cut the bridge....and then every other time it messes up. Underdeveloped character at its finest!!!

Anyway, onto the Title Segment!

Favorite Moment:

You juggle your options, you either get pulverized by two angry mares and then probably sent to a dungeon for the rest of your buggy life, or probably fall to a quick and painless death. *Crash*thud*crack* and that was the sound of a tree being crushed by something either very big, or something very, very, MAD! the bridge!

I'll be honest the image of Applejack and Rarity being so pissed off that they knocked down trees trying to get to Bugze is just funny as hell! Like seriously picture this in your head and tell me its not funny.

Embarrassing Moment:

Yeah thanks for that awesome answer dude, also this episodes question is...

If you had all the money in the world, would you?
a) build a portal to Equstria
b) cure censor
c) something else that you would do

I misspelled cancer with censor...just...just how!? I'm pretty sure this has been a running joke in the comments for as long as the fics been around to, so yay for that!

Seriously how do you mix up cancer and censor they're not even spelled the same way dang it!

First Appearance Comment:

Your shapeshifting already failed once, so you can't trust it to keep you hidden forever. Try putting the armor on to disguise yourself.

Search the library for information, find info on nightmare moon, transform into her and wear the armor.
Then the statue gets you and you go back in time, becoming nightmare moon herself.

you remember why that statue gives you the creeps ITS A WEEPING PEGASUS FROM DOCTOR WHOOVES
you decide to use a banishing spell to send it into the void between universes

Introducing Mind's Eye! One of the original Hive Minder's and a great commenter giving idea after idea for season 1 and most of season 2. Sadly he has left the Hive Mind, but its simply cause he lost interest. Can't fault anyone for not liking something anymore, besides the comments he did give were always the best!

Then we have Thetntm and AlphaThroughZeta, too awesome folks who stuck around till season one was done and over! Don't know where they went to, but their comments always brought some pretty good ideas for the story.

Welp that's it for this review! Reply if you have any questions concerning this chap, for me in general, or to just tell me what you thought of this chapter as well! See ya all tomorrow with the next ep!

Rating: 5.5/10

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