The Life of A Wanted Changeling Series! 83 members · 7 stories
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Down with Chrysalis
Group Admin

And yet again I must question what was my obsession with having excessive amounts of exclamations and question marks in my titles. Was that a thing back then? Were other fics doings this? Ah whatever its in the past now, literally, might as well leave it alone.

This episode gives out thought after thought from Bugze...and giving us one of the longest standing running gags to date.

Now this ep is a clear example of my inexperience at handling the comments. They're all chunked together and aren't really in the spots they start in. Kinda just comment comment, long segment combining the two, then more comments. Its kinda embarrassing looking at it now, but hey not everything is perfect.

Besides I got better later down the road and now the comments actually happen right after the comment is quoted. So hey if anything this could be considered the starting point or something.

Anyway, this was also around the time when I tried copying Wake up. See this. What do?'s style. By that I mean I did the weird thing of having the comment be mentioned...but then have Bugze deny actually doing anything. Like the comments suggested he turn into a character, he thought about but decided against it.

Wake up. See this. What do? did a similar thing in the beginning of its run...I think. So I thought at the time I should do something like that as well. You know help myself grow by following its example.

Of course looking back at it it makes it seem like I was mocking the commenters by putting the comment in but not actually using it. I mean I tried to play it off as jokes, like Bugze just desperately thinking of anyway to get away from Applejack, but it still seems kinda mean.

Moving on, in this chap I tried to push it to make Rarity one of the ponies Bugze could trust out of the mane six. You know like how Fluttershy is now. I wanted to have at least one of the Mane Six be friends with Bugze cause at the time I thought it would lead to some pretty funny scenarios. So I had Rarity feel betrayed and kinda planted seeds for Bugze to reconcile with her later.

Then she could have been his go to for disguises whenever Bugze needed one since he sucks at transforming. Then she could defend him and you know pretend to be family.

Cleary, that did not happen. If anything the opposite happened with Rarity's character. Thankfully Fluttershy came in and filled in the roll I wanted to have...but then again considering what happens later I'll talk about it when we get to that episode.

We also got some brief insight into Bugze's character this ep as well. Bugze's intelligence, or lack there of, in the changeling ways is first shown here. As well as showing that the reason was because he was just a bad student when it came to class, skipping or sleeping though them.

I liked to think this set off his 'hoofs on learning' approach to everything, but who knows?

All in all this ep gave us some insight to Bugze (if brief) as well as set up lots of running gags. These running gags set up from this chap are enough to get it a higher rating then the last couple eps alone.

But before that, its time for the Title Segment!

Favorite Moment:

In desperation, you quickly grab Rarity hold her in front of you like a shield. Rarity is frozen in shock and Applejack... let's just say you didn't know orange could be so red. You quickly mumble "sorry" to Rarity and then scream to Applejack,


This joke...this joke! This is, by far, one of my favorite jokes in the entire series. Every time I see it I laugh and its just so...hahahaha! I can't even remember if this was a reference to something or if Erised just came up with it on his own. Either way I love it!

Embarrassing Moment:

12 likes....12 likes....I think I feel my heart going no*crack*thud* "Huh looks like DWC was so thankful for you guys that the author fainted."

Oh god...I actually wrote myself fainting from 12 likes. I...I think I need to go to the corner for awhile and rethink my life choices...and wonder how the hell I didn't get made fun of at all for this.

Missed Opportunity Comment:

Scream and fake a massive headache, writhe for a bit, then get up and claim you've been cut off from the hive mind, making sure to thank the mares for "freeing" you. Then swear eternal servitude to the white one as an apology.

Then do whatever she asks.

I don't know why I never used this comment in the next episode. It sounds awesome and would lead to some creative situations. I guess I just thought it wouldn't be too interesting at the time. The inexperience mind of a new writer at work folks, sorry Masterweaver but this was a great comment.

The Beginning of a Running Gag:

(at least that's I think they said back in school, probably shouldn't have skipped or slept through most of my clasess...)

As if the world just loved to see you in pain, your transformation ran out (your disguise spell always was unreliable) and you changed back into to your old buggy self...



Four of the longest running gags of the series all made their first appearance in the 3rd episode of season 1! Talk about a record! But yeah, everyone's faveorite 'Look a distraction' line first came from here, as well as the meat shield joke.

Along with those two we have 'Bugze is bad at school' joke starting here along with his poor timing transformation fails joke starting here. To think these all started now I feel old.

Big Lipped Alligator Moment:

Before you can run though you look to your left and see a manticore looking at you. Thinking quickly you point in the opposite direction of where you are running as well as away from the two ponies (you don't want to kill them after all. Vow to be good, remember?) and yell,


The manticore, luckily, falls for it and runs after the fake distraction.

I should probably explain this one. You see 'Big Lipped Alligator Moment' refers to scenes in movies that happen out of no where. They are usually big or just don't make sense, stick around for awhile, and then are never mentioned again in the entire movie.

This comes from the movie All Dogs go to Heaven (I think) where there was a song scene of a big lipped alligator that was never mentioned again. The Nostalgia Critic is responsible for its creation, though if ya wanna be technical it was the Nostalgia Chick who made it while the two where doing a crossover.

Anyway, while this scene is not big and flashy, it does come out of no where and is never mentioned again, so that's why its given this title.

Welp that's it for this review! Reply if you have any questions concerning this chap, for me in general, or to just tell me what you thought of this chapter as well! See ya all tomorrow with the next ep!

Rating: 8/10

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