The Life of A Wanted Changeling Series! 83 members · 7 stories
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Down with Chrysalis
Group Admin

So I made a good time gap in my schedule to read this chapter, even got some snacks cause I figured it would take awhile...


Then I saw it was only 494 words, to which I face palmed and said to myself,

"Oh right, this was before I started writing chapters that were 1000+ words long."

Seriously, it is so jarring seeing how small these chapters are compared to my recent stuff. It really shows my improvement over the years huh...

Now, the episode itself...well honestly I couldn't stop thinking 'what the hell was I thinking?'

I mean I was only working off one comment sure, but why the hell did I have Rarity of all ponies in the Everfree of all places! It makes no sense whatsoever! I mean I'm pretty sure the next episode explains why, but what was I thinking in the first place when I wrote this? Fluttershy would have made more sense given the context, but hey what can ya do?

Anyway, this was also the first chapter I misused my powers of being the author to 'drop' in a item for plot reasons. I think I got the idea for the sewing kit after reading a fanfic at the time where sewing was involved. I think it was a Rarity x OC fic, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was called.

I wanted the sewing kit to be a sort of 'identifier' with the commenters. You know the item and skill Bugze would use in situations like if he was cornered or was trying to earn a ponies trust. Obviously that never happened, but I like to think The Inventory and Bugze's patch working skills came about from this idea. Obviously a part of me still wanted Bugze to have some sort of 'get out of jam' skill, and when I saw a chance with patch work it just worked.

Keeping in mind this was before the Nightmare Cloak and Selena came about, so yeah.

As for the idea to just drop a item onto the scene for the plot, well I think Wake Up. See This. What Do? was a factor in this, as during this time I was still trying to follow its whacky style. Of course my own randomness shined through later on, but the idea to just give Bugze items for the plot came from here.

Now I also wanna address the dialogue of this ep. Cleary this was when I wasn't so good at it, so it is really cheesy with Bugze's vow speech.

I remember wanting it to be a speech that would be called back on whenever Bugze was at a crossroad in life. This idea later evolved into Selena being the voice of reason, and the vow was forgotten. As for why he said Luna well....

I want to say it was to show how Bugze was a dumb when it came to pony politics and couldn't remember who the main princess was. But the real reason was cause Luna was, and still is, my favorite princess and I figured it would be cool to have Bugze be a fanbug of her, maybe even have her be a friend or romantic love interest (a changeling drone and the princess of the night falling in love. I smell a soap opera!).

But...well we can all see how that turned out *cough*Nightmare Moon*cough*

Onto the Title Segment!

Favorite Moment:

" I swear to Princess... Luna, yeah that's it, I swear to Princess Luna that from this day onward, I will do everything In my power to help others no matter the cost!" You say to yourself with fire in your eyes.

Purely for how ironic this statement is concerning what happens down the line for poor Bugze.

Embarrassing Moment:

This is awesome!. I mean it isn't very popular (yet.) But it does have multiple favorites and one like. One Like people, one awesome like!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Believe or not I actually did get this excited over one like. It was my first so I guess its understandable, but geeze...

Also I just realized that this was when I tried having Bugze speak in the AN with me. That was a weird thing...maybe I should try doing that again...

First Appearance Comment:

Transform to some cool stallion. Like a hero in shining armor and fix her dress.:pinkiecrazy:

Ah that is a username I haven't seen for awhile. While he/she probably stopped reading the series a long time ago, he/she was a on and off commenter for a good chunk of season 1 (and I think season 2) and their ideas were usually really good and funny. While they may not be around, I still think them for all their comments!

The Beginning of a Running Gag:

You think before picking up the sewing kit and then continue to go towards the scream. You get lost a few more times (you have a terrible sense of direction) before you finally get to where the scream was at. You walk out of the trees and come across a open field with a no monsters at all. In fact, the only living being in sight is a pony in the middle of the field.

While it may not be used often, this was the beginning of Bugze's bad sense of direction joke. It's always a fun one to whip out whenever we get to a new location.

Welp that's it for this review! Reply if you have any questions concerning this chap, for me in general, or to just tell me what you thought of this chapter as well! See ya all tomorrow with the next ep!

Rating: 5/10

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