Black Feather Development 23 members · 2 stories
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Due to the difficulty in continuing the drafts the way I've been doing, I'm trying something new.

I've updated the Index of Editing Docs to provide all the links you'll need.

At this time, I'm simultaneously drafting the final five chapters of act one. This is an iterative process, meaning I will go over the text multiple times until it's complete. The first pass is a simple outline, which has already been finished (though I may add to it). This is Iteration 00.

The real drafting begins with Iteration 01, which I'm currently working on. This is a technical draft, where I flesh out the chapters with all the primary events and dialogue. Very little heed is given to flow or paragraph structure. The idea is to get through it quickly so that we can all have a good picture of the rest of this act. Because I'm not putting effort into paragraphing and flow, you guys should be able to breeze through it, focusing on major structural problems first. If the events don't make sense or if the dialogue just doesn't feel like it fits this part of the story, you can point it out before I've invested much time into polishing the prose.

The main thing for you guys to remember is that you don't really have to worry about editing for quality and polish in these early stages. We're just trying to flesh out primary events and dialogue. Some parts of it will flow much better than others. It depends on how readily it comes to me. So don't worry if some parts of it are really rough in Iteration 01.

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