Black Feather Development 23 members · 2 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Group Admin

It would seem that I have screwed up the timing of events with Sage Root, and need to make alterations.

I have him as traveling to Withersberg, discovering the zebra camp, getting infected, staying overnight two nights and one day, and disappearing. Then the day after he was found missing, our heroes arrive.

The problem is that Sage has only been gone for two days by the time our heroes initially arrive in Gatorton. That means he isn't really late :facehoof:

This is the consequence of not having precise days mapped out before writing the events. I just had it in my mind that he was gone for about a week and was due back in 2-3 days. But then the events I wrote didn't add up to a week and somehow I didn't notice.

I'm currently in the process of making a precise timeline of events, identifying the exact date that everything takes place. I'll be adjusting the comments ponies make in regards to Sage as well. I will lengthen the amount of time which he has been gone (and consequently how long the zebra camp has been butchered) by a day, and then changing his due date such that he was expected to stay overnight one day and then return. That should give sufficient reason for his daughter to be so upset about him being late.


I don't imagine that it would be too difficult to change the aforementioned problems. Just a matter of altering the words after figuring out the timeline.

Group Admin

Yep. I'm just glad it was caught. I'm working on this precise timeline now in my notes. I'll post the whole thing when I'm done, so you all can see it. This is going to be really helpful I think.

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