Black Feather Development 23 members · 2 stories
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So, yeah... what was initially just a passing thought, I have come to realize is overwhelmingly applicable to Luna's current emotional situation.

There's this incredibly talented Celtic song artist named Loreena McKenitt, who many years ago created a lullaby which was layered with a very ominous reading of a 231 year old poem by William Blake about the savage tragedy of war.

The emotional impact of this song mirrors Luna's feelings to an incredible degree.

So why do I feel this is so good? Let's break it down.

First, we have background rolling thunder. This symbolizes the storms of war.

The instrumentals are very ethereal, giving a delicate, comforting, yet very sad air to the piece.

The female vocals are a powerfully poignant lullaby tune which carries throughout the song and continues on through the reading of the poem. What's very strong about this technique is that the haunting, soft female vocals play right on through the stern male voice simultaneously, giving a very serious and tragic emotional tone to what is happening.

I think this sets the tone wonderfully for the aesthetics which tie in with the tragedy Equestria has suffered.

Also, the female vocals only say "Lulu" which happens to be Luna's nickname. It's as if the song itself is written for Luna specifically.

Then, there's the poem, recited in super-convicting male vocals, condemning war and death, and calling out those responsible. That's the thrust of the poem as far as I can tell. And how appropriate!

Look at these lines.

O for a voice like thunder, and a tongue
To drown the throat of war!

Equestria is in deep. They are in way over their heads with the zebras, and Luna is seriously burdened and distraught over not only the recent tragedy, but the very future of her nation and people. This quote could be uttered by Luna herself, for her current realization is that this is no mere skirmish that can be resolved by some swift solution like so many conflicts of years past.

When the senses are shaken, and the soul is driven to madness,
Who can stand? When the souls of the oppressed
Fight in the troubled air that rages, who can stand?
When the whirlwind of fury comes from the
Throne of God, and the frowns of His countenance
Drive the nations together, who can stand?
When Sin claps his broad wings over the battle,
And sails rejoicing in a flood of death;
When souls are torn to everlasting fire,
And fiends of hell rejoice upon the slain,
O who can stand?

And wow, the situation Equestria faces, with it's very survival of a once great nation and people is literally in flames and driving once cheerful and happy ponies into despair, shock and grief. Their senses are shaken. Their souls are driven to madness. Desperation grips the nation. A divine-like fury is driving two great nations together in a struggle for annihilation or survival. There is a flood of death over the battlefield. Who can stand indeed?

O who hath caused this?
O who can answer at the throne of God?
The Kings and Nobles of the land have done it!
Hear it not, Heaven, thy ministers have done it!

And here we get to those responsible. Who is responsible for this tragedy? Is it not the leadership, essentially? Even unintentionally, they have caused this.

Surely as anything, "The Kings and Nobles of the land have done it".

But we're not finished yet. Who was responsible for the Megaspells? Who made the decision to not only create them, but to use them and to give them to the enemy, in the vain hope that they would not use them, for fear of mutual destruction? It was the Ministries!

"Thy Ministers have done it"

So there you have it. Luna's song of mourning over the hundred or so children who perished partially due to her decisions, and also mourning over the quite likely annihilation of her people's way of life if anyone survived at all.

If ever we wanted a picture of Luna's feelings toward the Littlehorn tragedy, and why Celestia is not the sole pony feeling guilty over it, here it is.

And what better place to apply this song than when Luna visits the Littlehorn memorial in the foyer of the Ministry of Peace.

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