Write For Fun, Not Fame 1,246 members · 5,510 stories
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I have a story i like to write on, and building up to the part that i REALLY want to write is hell for me. I don't want to pace it very fast to the point where it would go to that part immediately, but i also don't want to be too slow and lose the reader's interest.

I just need some people to randomly compliment me so i can have enough confidence to start writing it with a more positive attitude.

I don't know if anything i said made any sense.

4431373 You can't write for adoration, and if you're not self confident enough to write good stuff on your own or be motivated to go out and write, then you shouldn't expect anyone else to boost your self esteem or ego for you. It's a real issue that plagues a lot of people, and simply asking for others to smother you with undeserved praise and words of good feels only covers up the self esteem issue.

Basically, learn to self motivate, or ask someone who is a self motivator to help you, and you'll be set for the rest of your life when it comes to the drive to do stuff, as opposed to simply asking for a one off of kind words to help you this one time.

Teach a man to fish, as it were.


*Insane off the wall training segment with horrible music*

I think I'm ready, Coach.

Do you like your story?
Does it wake you up in the morning with new ideas?
Does it walk beside you during the day whispering?
Does your story tuck you in at night?

Who cares about self motivation when you have this
way cool story burning in your head to be written.

Maybe you need to be passionate about what you write?
That passion will carry you through slow periods and the proofing/editing.
It will carry you through the five chapters that are filled with dialog formatting errors.

You know to get good at writing you have to write and write.
Find stuff that you like to write about and bang it out.
Find out the issues and write another story.

As far as pacing goes, write your story first and you can go back and tweak it.
There are plenty of articles online on pacing.

Here are a few

Thank you for your assistance.

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