Three's Company 25 members · 48 stories
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Group Admin

Rules copied directly from Twilestia Prompt Tag Collab, which in turn copied it from the Twiluna Prompt Collab, which in turn are copied from the Appledash collab.

Rules are as follows:

Someone starts off by posting a 100-1500 word mini-fic about ANY threesome coupling. At the end will be a one word prompt. If you would like to write a 100-1500 word threesome mini-fic relating to that prompt within the next four hours, comment right away to claim that prompt. Post the story when you finish, and add a one word prompt at the end for the next people to claim.

Simple enough?

Just to make sure everything is clear:

* The mini-fic can be in any style, any tag, AU, humanized, whatever. It can be a cute scene, a snippet of conversation, or an excerpt from an Equestrian history book. It's not expected to be preread or proofread, and if you've never written before that's just fine. Everyone, teen or mature stories accepted, just make sure it's 100-999 words of fiction about three characters loving each other and it relates somehow to the prompt you claimed. Mature stories should be marked as such.

* Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the last post. Just the word "claimed" is fine. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the next prompt.

* Your claim is valid for twenty-four hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After four hours, another person could post a claim for the same prompt. If you ran out of time, and no one else has claimed it, and you still want to write it, just go ahead and reclaim it.

* In the event that people become confused, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.

* Please include a one word prompt at the end of your fic. There are lots of words, and they can mean lots of things, and it's up to the next writer what they want to do with it.

So thats the rules! Anyone who's interested in playing once we have over 1,000 words I'll (Palaikai) publish our brand new story.

First prompt(s): Berry, Tracks, Castle.

Group Admin

Just a quick note to say that, if there's a demand for it, I'm willing to make this Mature rather than Teen. It's whatever you guys want.

Just because I'd like the chance to expand my writing horizons into more erotic fiction, I'd wouldn't mind this collaboration being M rated.

Agreed Mature rating accepted.

Group Admin


Updated da rules. Happy Maturing, folks. :rainbowwild:

So I'm very tentatively claiming berry... Actually maybe not. The story's gone in a completely different direction.

Going to claim Castle
Prepare for Twilunestia!:heart:

reclaiming Castle

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