Comments ( 17 )
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Reminder that social-network style blog posts that encourage you to repost them are not allowed.

Bulls:yay:t! My blog my rules!
I mean seriously, why is this a thing?
I personally don't like being told to reblog stuff
and almost never will, but what the heck?

Edit: completely unrelated, but you know how the backspace button works as a "go to previous page and screw everything you just wrote"? And how the "put away the keyboard" button on android secretly turns into the aforementioned button when there's any lag?
Yeah, screw that noise.

Group Admin

4929690 I got one of those too. :P Maybe because they don't want to be like Facebook or twitter. Shrugs.

4929694 this is tyranny, unamerican! Knighty is a heretic of patriotism!
Anyways, I'll just go back to doing whatever I want:yay:

Group Admin

4929699 I got a message in my inbox tonight. And the mod said that you can have people leave comments on your journal entry, but you can't encourage people to link back to the quiz.

4929715 sheesh, they don't need to be so oppressive about it

Group Admin

4929731 Shrugs. There must be a reason for it.

Group Admin

4929747 This is the message I got from a site admin.

From Meeester (Site Admin): Participating or starting a series of chain blogs, encouraging others to post their own blogs in response is not permitted as it promotes site-wide spam. If you start a blog like this, ask that responses be in the comments, not new blogs. This limits the issue. We appreciate your cooperation.

4929756 well fine, if they must...

Group Admin

4929870 Great minds eeeuup alike. :raritywink:

Group Admin

4929893 Tis true my good sir. :moustache:

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