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If you dont wanna read the full thing, this is the troublesome part:

According to Keenan, Mattel is also looking at completely reinventing Thomas for a new TV show and film.

“We spend a lot of time talking to kids and parents about Thomas & Friends, and about different aspects of the show that could be enhanced,” says Keenan. “We are in production on a yet-to-be-announced version of a Thomas series, as well as another film—both of which I can say will be pretty spectacular.”

Does this mean the current itteration of Thomas and Friends is ENDING?????

Well, I've heard talks about trying to do a live action Thomas film, set during World War II. Perhaps THAT is what they're referring to, and they're going to make it like the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Well, on the bright side, if it does maybe the new iteration will stop treating their viewers like they're braindead? Or maybe they're just revamping what we've got now and going back to their roots.

On a slight tangent note, how many time do you think the Reverend W Awdry has turned in his grave?

5964145 Oh I think he started that a looooooong time ago. *cough cough magic-railroad!*


We won't know for a few months but on a more positive note, Be on the look out for "GWR Studios" Magic Railroad goof video, it is being realesed TODAY

5964335 And I pretty sure he did when (and sorry to remind everyone but) "His firebox was on fire" happened.

who knows, maybe a reboot will be a good thing

I'm still blaming the testing audience for that one

And the dreaded Soccer moms *shudders in fear*

5964423 You mean those ladies that complained about the lack female engines?

5964396 I'll have to look into it after the con

5964447 and the ones who are overprotective

5964480 I call those people Moral Guardians

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