Story swappers 12 members · 3 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Ephraim Blue
Group Contributor

I think this group needs a few improvements made.

For starters, we need some more folders in the group. There's only one folder, and that's for new stories(Which, by the way, aren't exactly new anymore). There should be a folder for the stories that were actually swapped, a folder for the stories that are in this group, regardless of being swapped or not, and ect.

I also think that we should try to get this group noticed in some way. There are only 12 current members, one being the admin, and two others being contributors(me being one of them for some reason, and the other being someone who stopped coming to this site), and that's not really a lot. If we got this group noticed, more people would offer their stories to be traded with another person/pony.

What I suggest we do to get this group noticed is try to get it on the group notification thing that happens in site blog posts. That way, everyone can notice it, and might decide to join. Either that, or each and every one of us posts a blog post about this group.

Third, I think that stories that are swapped should give the original author(The one who came up with the idea) credit. If you just write a story without giving credit, that's lying about it. Nobody/pony likes it when you lie about the story being yours. Plus, you could get reported for that.

Well, I think that's all. Now all of you go and do your own thing... Unless you want to comment on this thread and point out other stuff, you can. It's not locked(Not that I could anyway...).

Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! I have a idea! We both go round, making romance threads, adventure threads, comedy, dark, stuff like that, then we make a sticky thread (that'll always stay at the top) and put a link to each tag thread there, and then when somebody's looking for a story all they need to do is click on the sticky thread then pick the main tag then they have a couple of stories to choose from! I can only hope that makes sense!
And yes, I forgot to click the reply button.

Ephraim Blue
Group Contributor

3525482 No sense is made throughout this entire group.

And that's why it's fun to join!

Lets do this!
Although, could you repeat that in a way theta it will make sense?

3525593 I'll show you. It'll be easier.

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