The Equestrian Assassin Organisation 19 members · 0 stories
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My dear Henchman, goons, associates or whatever you want to call yourselves, I'm going to tell you origin story and In exchange I want you to tell me yours okay? here goes:

I was once an Ordinary person who did what most 16 year olds would do. But one day while I was down the street at the afternoon while every was inside, two people tried to kill me, but I killed them back in self-defence and hid the bodies. After that I thought killing would be the only thing I'm good so when I turned 18 I became a Hitman and I, believe or not, sucked, I only succeeded in one job out of ten. So I was at pub drowning my sorrows when a man approached and he asked me what was wrong and I drunkenly told him everything. But lucky for me he was a Hitman Teacher and offered to train me, so out of desperation I accepted.

Eventually after 2 years I became the best in the school and actually got a girlfriend in said school. I was near graduating but I had to do a contract to graduate so I took the hardest one they which was to kill the corrupt owner a power plant. Everyone thought I was mad for taking it but I actually did it flawlessly so I returned to the school. When I got there it seemed empty until two other students jumped me and I killed them with ease and then everyone from teachers to students came after and I kill them in self defence despite not wanting to. After my mass genocide I rushed to my teachers office to found out what the hell was going on when I my "Girlfriend" stopped me and... she tried to kill me. I killed her and I felt... sorrow then betrayal then anger lots of anger. I rushed to my Teachers office to find him sitting at his bloody desk

When I asked him what was going on and he revealed he sent those assassins after me because he wanted to test me because it turns out that members of my family that shared my name sometimes became the greatest assassins of the time, Like the Celtic times, ancient China, The Pirate era, the Western era, The Middle Ages any you could imagine. He thought if he trained me he be known as the greatest assassin he even sent my "Girlfriend" to spy on me. Although things went downhill for him when I became better than him so he thought he'd get rid of me. Hearing all that made me quiet before... I started laughing like maniac and then, I striked. I ended up almost killing him and let me tell you it was slow and painful. I then set him on fire after filling the room gasoline and it set the whole building on fire and I walked away from the scorching building after stealing anything I could vowing one single thing: to Help the innocent and those who had good in them despite how they acted and kill any Heartless and cruel being I could find in order to purge the world of evil. I took the Name "GameLord" because if was kill every last sinner, By god I was going have fun doing it.

Okay your turns and feel free to tell me what you think of my story

3254908 Wow that's actually pretty sa- Hang on a bloody second, you told me your parents died in a car crash on your birthday

3255416 oh that explains anyway adding that with the car crash thing you have a overall sad story Mate, what do you think of mine?

3255811 which bit did think was the most sad?

3255846 well I assure I will not betray you, I only betray stupid evil people

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