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Darkryt Orbinautz
Group Admin

This has been a long time coming.

I apologize. I kept meaning to do this, but it kept seeming ... not important, less important, oh, I could do this instead. But I am finally getting around to it now.


This group kinda stinks.

Really ... I am honest, this is a group was more a butthurt shelter in regards to certain groups and individuals more than anything. Those groups seem to have become less active in time, okay, great, now what? Well, now we do things like proofreading and helping writers out with their story and coming up with discussion topics for stories or the show or even just whatever ...

But there are lots of groups who already do those things, and do them better. Do them more organized, more strongly, more consistently, with more rules and posts.

So I had been considering just deleting this group ... but I figured I should let anyone who would beg to differ get a fair chance to raise their voice in objection.

It's become clear to me that I am not good at adminning. If anyone feels that this group could be put to good use, could be updated, have the rules revised, and feel like they could do [/i all of ]that ... just say so, and I'll refrain from deletion and probably make you an admin. (I might just make you an admin anyway simply for replying, because we clearly need a) more of them and b) more of them who are not me.)

I'll leave this open for a little while. Not sure how long. A week is probably too short, so ... maybe a few months? Until I retire? Something like that, I don't know.

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