Noobish Writers Seeking Help (NWSH) 8 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

I may not be the most experienced writer around, but I know my way around a plot.

I'll say you do! :pinkiecrazy:

Not that kind of plot. Well, I do know that kind, but that's not what I'm talking about.

Are you suuure? :pinkiecrazy:

Yes. Look!

:pinkiegasp: Ooh! Floatey thingy! :pinkiehappy:

*sigh* Well, with Pinkie out of the way, I can finally finish. If you have some questions about writing, I can probably answer 'em. :twilightsmile:
Just make sure you put it as a reply to this post, so I get notified, or I might not notice your question.

Group Admin

Well thank you very much I am happy to welcome you! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin
Group Admin

@ocalhoun Helpful writers r what we need that is why you are an admin

Group Admin

:twilightangry2: do you know where to find inspiration? I'm going to write a comedy.

Group Admin


Hm... inspiration for a comedy?

I'd start off looking for a deliberately absurd premise to get things going. Turn something that everyone accepts and knows upside down and/or inside out (say, Fluttershy is actually a Macho Libre wrestler in her spare time), or just go for the randomness of combining things that should never go together (say, Pinkie develops balloon-flavored ice cream. It has side effects, though).
Or failing that, take inspiration from something that makes you laugh. (As I did in my Futurama crossover.)

Then, do some research. Do a google search for jokes relating to your premise. Shamelessly steal them and work them into your story. (I did that a lot in my 'Discord Finds Jesus. Literally.' story.)

Group Admin

Thank you all I need now is the most awkward thing in the world
why don't you write about yourself dorkus
Quiet you! Any way thanks
You really are annoying

Group Admin

Never mind about comedy. I'm going to write a Romance slice of life story. Got anything for that?

Group Admin

Heh, just all over the place, huh?

The biggest problem I see in fanfic romances is not making it believable. They try to get into the romance too quickly, and it leaves the characters acting unnaturally eager.

I remember editing one story where a guy's horrible OC goes from meeting Rainbow to bedding her in the space of three paragraphs. :trixieshiftleft: That might work if you were going to characterize Rainbow as some kind of super-slut, but he didn't. He depicted that as nothing out of the ordinary. :facehoof:
(Not to mention, the actual sex part was literally written as "and then they had sex".)

Secondly, for a romance to be interesting, there must be obstacles in the way of it. The real thrill of reading a romance story is the question: will they get together in the end or not? (Building up lots of tension about that question is what makes the eventual getting together so satisfying... or alternatively, makes the eventual failure to get together so heartbreaking.) You want to do your best to make it very difficult for your two lovers to get together, yet (slightly) possible.

There could be all kinds of obstacles:
-social stigmas
-logistical issues
-disapproving family
-the other lover doesn't seem to feel the same way (at least at first)
-too nervous to approach
-other events getting in the way (say, a romance set in the middle of a war)
-other lover is with someone else already
-misunderstandings and a comedy of errors
-other suitors competing
-and many more... anything you can think of that would be a reason it would be difficult for them to get together.

You can use as many as you like, and the more you use, the more gratifying the end will be... but if you're calling it a slice of life, that probably means you want to keep it short, and the more obstacles you add, the more story length it will take to overcome them. So, for a short story, probably only add one or two major obstacles.

Hopefully that helps!

Group Admin

Cool thanks. :heart:

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