Padded Ponies and Adult Foals 1,304 members · 968 stories
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So, for awhile now I have been roleplaying a lot. It's good stuff that gets my writing side out, as well as the brony part too. I have this nice site that I go on, a good amount of friends, and I truly enjoy it in all honesty. However, roleplaying has kinda slowed down. My OC's are getting boring, and I just don't have the same time anymore. However a good friend approached me about roleplaying ABDL stuff. I thought "why not" and did it, and had a really fun time. It reignited my love for roleplaying, as well as introduced a new kind. The only problem is that this friend is in a totally different timezone, so we can rarely even do these roleplays!

So the point is... Is there anyone interested in this type of roleplaying? Anything that has to do with the fetish. It can be sexual, regression, or whatnot. As long as I get to get enjoyment of combining my 3 favorite things. That, or we set up some sort of roleplay in this group. That site is just a little more for roleplaying, when this is for writing. Post your opinions below, but for now, I'm gonna give you the name of the website, and my username.

The website is
My Username is: Anonymoose (PM me once you make a account!)

(Please do not mention the roleplaying in the chats. The moderators will get mad and possibly ban you. Go to the forums and PM me, and I'll talk to you about the site and what to do) has a large roleplaying section with a number of pony RPs.

2896240 my fiancee and i used to abdl roleplay online.... Now we do it in person... She loves being a babygirl... Shhh


Well, I guess... But this site I'm on is set up like a chatroom. It's fast paced, and is ALL MLP related, unlike this site. I did think about joining this one, but I don't know, the MLP roleplays I found didn't look too good

2896298 Lucky... I can't even get my hands on diapers, let alone have a girlfriend to do it with. If you still want to join me, that's totally up to you. It sounds like you have some experience.

2896322 why cant you get your hands on diapers? Whats stopping you from saving $10 bucks to go out and buy a cheap brand or two?

2896240, we could have a massive RP thread or multiple ones located here.

Also, it looks like the staff are "straight-edge" canon crusaders. I hate these kinds of people with a passion.

I agree with Velkaden, we should have a large RP thread on here for perople that want it.

Use Googledocs if you want to RP: Instant chat, easy editing, revision history in case a troll comes by, able to be locked to everyone except those invited, can see when other people are in the document with you, save the entire RP logs with the press of a button...

If you did it with the forum here you'd just end up swamping it with little replies and killing any discussion threads.

2896428 Well, I mean the pharmacy is far. That and I am (Age disclosed) and I still live with my parents. I live in a big family too. It's hard to get my own privacy, so it would be pretty hard to wear diapers. I can definitely pay for them, I guess I could come up with some type of plan, but I also would be pretty embarrassed to buy diapers anyway.

2896547 Yeah, that would be a good idea. I just wish I could get a friend who would want to be with me on this site I showed. It isn't forum RPing, it's a faster paced chatroom like RP.

2897095 Well, I honestly don't care either way what happens here lol. I would love to RP on Google Docs, it's just I don't know how and I need someone to teach me. I also need these, so called, friends who will RP with me. That was kind of the point of this thread. If you want, you can shoot me a PM and we can try to put something together

To be frank, I have high standards for my RPs and prefer them to be in a story-like structure. Do you have an RP you consider to be particularly good that you can share as an example?

2897580 Not exactly, I don't have one that I can show you as a example, but I've definitely done ones that are structured like a story. Ones with plots that are sorta followed, and tweaked bit by bit as the RP goes on. I know some roleplays can be just mindless clop stuff... But I usually do them more complex ones


Yeah, the quality of the RPs on that sight are pretty mixed. Some of them are just wish-fullfillment, without any real regard for story, characterization and grammar. But others are better. You just need to find the right people to RP with. You can take a look at my RPs (profile here: and the RPs of some of the people I friended on the site, like AmaraDash19, Arkady, TyrantHoof, and Liten.


In fact, I wouldn't mind RPing with you. I actually borrowed (stole) some ideas from your Borrowed story for one of my RPs with Liten.

2897873 I know... I would love to join. I like all those things, but I am more on the DL spectrum of the ABDL scale. I like diaper usage, both ways, as well as characterization and such. I guess I could join


Then you should definitely join and shoot me a PM when you do. I'm not AB at all, and I favor characterization.

Me, Tyranthoof, and TheMatt are all users I'll vouch for that do DL non-AB stuff and are decent writers with regards to grammar and characters. Give us a shot.

2906173 Alrighty then...

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