Sky Army Recruits 25 members · 2 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Yay! Daily Thread!

Joke of the day! Why did the squid cross the road? To get pwned by The Sky Army!:rainbowlaugh:
Fact of the day! I am now working on a butter themed adventure map where you get to kill squids and befriend ponies along the way!:yay:
Pic of the day!


I heard butter was hear? Yay kill squids kill squids squids.......ima make a squid group now fer teh lols

2984716 I wanna try! :rainbowlaugh: Most epic thing ever!

Group Admin

2985416 I just started. Won't be out for a while.

2985425 :pinkiehappy:oh well... then again, what am I thinking?! my Minecraft is unplayable on this computer. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too laggy, but oh well... :derpytongue2:

Group Contributor
Group Admin

2985894 Wanna do a test run soon?:pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

2985902 I would but I have no idea how to custom maps

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