Voice Actors Welcome! 132 members · 11 stories
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Hello, I am Discord Jedi knight. I am finally turning my fan fic which took me half a year a write and am finished with, into an audio drama why? because I like audio dramas that's why, and not only do we have a YouTube channel to upload it, I am now looking for voice actors, and auditions are open.

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo5sD3wgnKVlDA8y5OiqAvw

Episode 1 audition… 

When a normal pony named Twilight Sparkle is mutated into a unicorn she finds friends and becomes a superhero trying to stop whoever is turning ponies into mutants also known as chimera. One of her friends befriends and falls in love with a gangster not knowing his part in all of this. (Yes it contains a small bit of flutter cord)

1You must have Discord and be 15 or older.

2You must have a mic, don't have to be professional just make sure it sounds decent.

3 Give your best impression of the character. 

4 You can audition for as many characters as you want, there are plenty of one-off side roles to give, and give more than one take per line, please.

5 If you are auditioning for more than one character, keep the email one character at a time. 

6 Make sure the subject of the email is CHIMERA AUDITION  in all caps. Otherwise, I might miss it. 

7 When I am contacted through Discord I shall give you my email then. I am Discord Jedi Knight.



Main lead: twilight is a college student scientist  who is secretly a superhero trying to cure her mutation


1(Sighing sadly) “Somehow,” In the last month, these three have become mutants. Just like me”

2 (serious and cold) “I work alone”

3 (dull and sarcastic)  “It wasn't supposed to be, but it does seem to have acid-like qualities.”

2ed main lead, Fluttershy, shes a mutant that befriends Twilight and joins her on her quest to stop whoever is mutating people into chimera
(on a side note, whoever plays Fluttershy will also play a mystery original  character who sounds similar to Fluttershy)

1 (worried ) “Where are we, and why does it look like we're in the middle of a war zone?”
2(scared) “I don't ever want to be in that state again.” 
3 (joyful.) “Lizard boy is right”

Side character: Dash is a friend of Fluttershy who is also a mutant

1 (angrily) You won't hurt my friend

Side character: a friend of Fluttershy who is also a mutant
1(protective, try to do a country accent) You won't hurt my friend ya here, not as long as I'm here.

Minor character: Mayor Celestia Kang who is godmother to Twilight and is in charge of Ponyville

1(in a stern tone) I know in these troubling times, with this strange outbreak of… (pause) mutations. 

Minor character: Luna Kang is the secretary of her sister, and is the mother to spike


1(grumpy) Why is he here?

2 (happy) Nothing going to happen to Twilight, she's got Spike remember?

Minor character: Sombra Shine an equestrian security agency director, (basically the FBI director)


1 (dull and tired) the equestrian security agency is looking into it. 

2 background rolls are available to anyone who wants to play them.

Rara is a singer only in this. If you have a good female singing voice you may audition for her. She sings 5 different songs in the entire fan fic

Characters whom I already have an actor for:

Discord Ghost: main villain

Capper Cat is, the main villain’s sidekick.

Spike Kang

This is just for the first episode and more character rolls will be opened when I need them. So even if you don't get picked please look forward to possible more roles in the future. Thire are 10 episodes I need in total.

And i do plan to give full credit to your work in credits and that it. I have no money so if you do it, do it for th fun of it and nothing more.

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