Voice Actors Welcome! 132 members · 11 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Seems interesting. I might be interested in voicing Pinkie Pie. How do I audition?

Also, how many lines does pinkie have? And I’ve never done this before. How does it work? Do I just record my lines and send them to you somehow?

Your voice should sound at least similar to how Pinkie Pie sounds in the actual show and should at least have a decent audio or mic, even if it's custom made. Yes, you do have to record your lines and send them to me either on Gmail or PM here in Fimfiction. Everything will be explained in the link above.

Also, here are her lines:

  1. (Excited) Woo-hoo! Let’s do it!
  2. (Angry) Hey, stop that, you meanie!
  3. (Sad) H-how could you say things like that?

Sorry for rushing you, but how's the voice for Pinkie Pie coming along?

I’m working on it. And it’s fine. Sorry, I just saw your message.

Did you send me the voice reel?

Not yet. I’m sorry it’s taking so long, I’m new to this, never done a voice acting thing before. Also not sure if my phone has the apps and stuff that it would need, but I’m trying. If you find someone else for this, I’d understand.

Sorry about that. I should've known better than to pressure someone to do things like this. You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

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