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Object #: WCP-317

Object Class: Declassified

"Name I is █████. I what ponies is say physicist."- dialogue in broken Equestrian between WCP-317 and Dr. █████

Special Containment Procedures: WCP-317-1 is to be preserved in a vat of liquid nitrogen. Requests for tissue samples from WCP-317-1 must be made in writing; all research into tissue samples from WCP-317-1 must be in compliance with class-5 biohazard protocols.

Examination of WCP-317-2 must be done in class-3 cleanroom facilities. Requests for examination of 317-2 must be made in writing.

Description: WCP-317-1 is the cadaver of a sapient reptilian entity identified as a previously-unknown species of pachycephalosaurid. Subject was bipedal and 3 m tall, and wore clothing made from synthetic polymers; subject also wore corrective lenses. Subject was largely herbivorous, and had prehensile digits.

In the forty days between its arrival in Foundation custody, and its death from a lactobacillus infection, WCP-317-1 learned to communicate via a combination of sign language, crude vocalizations, broken Equestrian, and drawings; video archive 317-B-36 shows interview sessions with WCP-317-1. Drawings made by WCP-317-1 are available in archive 317-B-42 (general access: basic anatomical figures; interactions between itself and Foundation personnel; demonstration of knowledge of mathematics; demonstration of knowledge of chemistry; demonstration of knowledge of nuclear physics) and archive 317-B-58 (restricted access: circuit diagrams, mechanical schematics, [DATA EXPUNGED]).

WCP-317-2 is the personal effects of WCP-317-1: a tunic, a robe, a tool belt, six tools, corrective lenses, a fire-damaged document pouch made from synthetic polymers and its fire-damaged contents, and a fire-damaged digital camera whose contents were unrecoverable.

Notes: There's something wrong with this one. modern and ancient pachycephalosaurs are the literal bone heads of the dinosaur world. look at the intelligent dinosaurs we have today. they're mostly predators. then look at living pachycephalosaurs. You can't tell me something's not weird here- Dr. █████

Addendum: WCP-317-1 has been identified as belonging to a species found within Concordia's Storm Valley, and has subsequently been declassified

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