So I was reading a story here on fimfiction and encountered some of the things that had changed with the Chief after the Librarian 'accelerated his evolution' I believe is how she put it. This got me thinking, what did change with the Chief? We already know he can't be composed. Did it alter anything else like maybe his emotions? Is he a colder, harder soldier that is unrelenting or maybe he is more open? I have no idea, just spitting ideas out there. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if he technically isn't human anymore. What I mean by that is maybe his body operates and reacts differently. If that's the case then I wonder if his already tampered genetics will cause problems in the future. What do you guys and gals think? What are you expecting?
So I was reading a story here on fimfiction and encountered some of the things that had changed with the Chief after the Librarian 'accelerated his evolution' I believe is how she put it. This got me thinking, what did change with the Chief? We already know he can't be composed. Did it alter anything else like maybe his emotions? Is he a colder, harder soldier that is unrelenting or maybe he is more open? I have no idea, just spitting ideas out there. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if he technically isn't human anymore. What I mean by that is maybe his body operates and reacts differently. If that's the case then I wonder if his already tampered genetics will cause problems in the future. What do you guys and gals think? What are you expecting?