Alternate Mane 6 509 members · 156 stories
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Ok so I'm very new to FimFiction, I seriously joined not 3 hours ago and I have almost no idea what I'm doing, but I do have an Alternate Mane Six AU that I need help writing.. Or at the very least executing... So if anyone has any pointers or suggestions on what could help me, I'm all ears.

5087679 Well, what's the summary? I can't help you if I don't know what your idea is.

5087679 What's your idea? I can help if I have a general idea.

5087679 Here's a couple of ideas for an Alternate Mane Six.

The Element of Magic: Moondancer or Colgate/Minuette

The Element of Honesty: Mina the Dragon (She's from the IDW comics Friends Forever 14

The Element of Kindness: Time Turner or Big Macintosh

The Element of Generosity: Octavia or Coco Pommel

The Element of Loyalty: Spitfire

The Element of Laughter: Cheese Sandwich

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Without even a basic summary, I can only offer this very general advice:

Have an interesting hook.

Many AM6 stories I tend to follow (or any story, for that matter) usually has something to help it stand out from the crowd. Just a few examples:

Lunaverse: Almost everything is the opposite of the show, from the characters to the tone.
The Music of Ponyville: A strong emphasis on music.
The White Mare: A self-exiled Princess Celestia who operates in secret.
Nightmare Moon Over the Republic: A steampunk universe ruled by Discord.
A Harmonic Sonata: Sonata Dusk is the main character.
Recasted: Twilight with male OCs.
Flipside: Spike and Twilight reverse roles and species.
Upon a Falling Feather: Air Pirates.

Basically, just have something that will tell readers that your story is worth paying attention to, and then build off of that something.

Again, sorry for the simple advice, but without more details, "simple" is all I can give you.


Alright, my basic idea for this story is an AU where Celestia had been the one to go all kill crazy instead of Luna (cliche and overused, probably, can I pull it off and make it good, hopefully), and she turned into a being called Solaris Knight (mostly because I'm not fond of the name Solar Flare). Because of this Luna became the sole ruler of Equestria leading her to take on a different student, Aurora Flash, who in turn meets 5 other ponies and stops Solaris Knight upon her return. The five other ponies are Serendipity, Minty, Sunny Daze, Willow Wisp, and Orchard Grove. I also have an AU Spike, his name is Talon.

After my initial "Pilot", I hopefully plan to continue and write the episodes of the show anew (and hopefully fix some of the problems I had with some of the episodes) and go through the lives of my Mane 6.

In case you need help figuring out who's element is what;

Aurora Flash: Element of Magic
Minty: Element of Laughter
Orchard Grove: Element of Honesty
Willow Wisp: Element of Kindness
Sunny Daze: Element of Loyalty
Serendipity: Element of Generosity

5088459 Well, like some of our bronies and pegasisters have already suggested, look at other AM6 stories and see what makes them different. Some stories I would recommend are A Different Sunset, Recasted, The Music of Ponyville, and others like it. See what makes them unique and hopefully it will inspire you to create your own eye-catching story that will leave your future readers begging for more.

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