The largest collab EVER. 10 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Well, post below your ideas for the big story! Sorry about the delay, I wanted to post this thread a few days ago. I've been very busy but I now have the free time to work with this group.

2376035 Okay, well here's my idea: Humans have existed in Equestria since roughly two hundred years after Luna's banishment, and have always faced some amounts of ridicule(every world has its pricks). In whatever time period this takes place, our heroes(I think everyone should get to add an OC of some kind, human or otherwise, that's part of the main group), catch wind of some kind of disaster on the horizon, I'll leave that up to everyone else, and band together after getting swept into it by a prophecy that isn't about them at all, but everyone's convinced is. Along the way, laughs are had, romances blossom, and maybe a few ponies/people/other species die along the way in hilariously cliche ways.

What do you think?

Group Admin

Whatever Hallow Head said in his thread.

Group Contributor

I like this idea:pinkiehappy:and I will be happy to help on the romance side of things.

Group Admin

I like it!

2376077 are we going with this?
it seems useful

2399102>>2380928>>2376299 If we are going with this, I'm gonna loose my mind over the fact that my idea was picked for this.

Group Admin

Meh, sure, why not.

Group Admin

I really liked Crackshot's idea. But I still wanted to show you my original idea I had thought of before I made this group. I'm already writing the first chapter, but I'm losing my motivation and my ideas, so I'd like to get some help with writing it. So, here is the idea:

Many centuries ago, a pony older than Celestia herself was banished from Equestria for attempting to overthrow the parents of the royal sisters Luna and Celestia (who weren't born yet) and was sent to another dimension as punishment. Upon being taken to that world, he took the form of a human and woke up in modern-day Guam, which at the time was part of a larger continent called Mu. Well, while he was there, he was worshiped by the natives for his strange powers (magic) and managed to unite all the humans living in Mu to help build several objects of great magical power to open the portal to Equestria so he could enact his revenge and use the humans native to Mu as an army. When the portal opened, he burnt Canterlot to the ground and killed many. The royal family managed to finally banish him back to Mu and to stop him from returning, they sunk the continent, drowning him and leaving only small islands that were part of the continent intact (The islands are now the continent of Oceania).
Skip forward to present day Earth, treasure hunters searching the Marianas Trench discover the bones of strange Equine like creatures scattered near human remains in a way that's similar to a battle ground. Puzzled, the lead treasure hunter goes scuba-diving to inspect the remains, only to find a strange tablet written in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Puzzled on how the tablet got there, they follow the source of the tablet to a lost tomb in Egypt. Inside the tomb, they learn that the Egyptians were once attacked by strange creatures that left behind a sailboat. Before they can continue to decipher it, the hieroglyphs on the wall seem to be unfinished. However, in the tomb they discover that the sarcophagus that contained the pharaoh is empty, instead the bottom of it, which should be containing the mummy, is actually a map that leads to the Seychelles. When they arrive in the islands, they unknowingly gain the attention of an enigmatic cult of Maori's that kidnap them and take them to Easter Island.
Back in Equestria, princess Celestia has a vision that haunts her. So to save her kingdom, she sends the mane 6 to our world to find the source of her vision which brings them to Easter Island where they meet our heroes. Together, they must stop the cult from reviving the evil and destroying Equestria.

tl;dr: Indiana Jones esque adventure with a lot of scenes taking place in tropical islands like Easter and Hawaii.

I mainly have trouble writing this one because I am trying to avoid the many cliches I have come across while writing this. Anyone like the idea? If not, how can I improve? And yes, I know Mu is a myth, I just wanted to add some mystery to it by using something everyone thinks doesn't exist. I really doubt the story of Mu is true in anyway.

Group Admin

One condition.

Aeroe Conner, the unrealistic demolition expert.

When you say boom, I ask where, which is followed by a random explosion nearby. Doesn't matter whether or not if I have any explosives. It will still go boom.:trollestia:

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