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Group Admin

This is the thread where you tell us in a few paragraphs, about yourself. After a short bio, add these two paragraphs- Strengths, and Weaknesses. By these I mean those in your writing, of course.

What to do from here should be fairly obvious, but I'll say it anyway.

In the strengths paragraph, tell us where your good writing qualities lie. Don't worry if you can't think of any good qualities; there is always time to develop these.

In the weaknesses paragraph, name a few of your weaknesses- grammer, spelling, plotting, etc. Now you have those written down. I suggest you ask someone who works with you to give you an honest opinion of your work, and where they think you could improve. Now you know your weaknesses. That is a very, very good thing to know.

Now, you know where you're doing well, and where you need improvement. Time to get better.

Now, every time you think you've gotten significantly better in a previously weak area, make a new comment detailing the area, and how it is you've improved. We want to know your secrets, we aren't perfect writers either.

Ok, now use this thread. Have fun, peeps!


Hi! I'm superpony55. My most popular story is Wittle Woona and Cewestia's Day Off, which has 103 likes. My worst story by far is my first story, Replacement. My avatar is my dog, Gromit. He's a four-year-old cockapoo.

My strengths are my very good grammar, and big imagination. I get story ideas day and night! :raritywink:

One of my weaknesses is that I'm always getting story ideas. It's a strength and a weakness! I think of something, and I start it, but then I get bored of the idea, get a new one, and the cycle repeats. Also, I'm easily distracted. Sometimes I have to force myself to write! :twilightsmile:

I'm Sterling Sketch, I'm seventeen, and I am not so new to writing. I joined FiMFiction less than a month ago, and I currently have one story. I've a little experience in attempting to write a story, for I'm working on a novel, and I use devices and tricks I uncover in that experience to better my fanfiction.

Among my strengths, I've a rather large vocabulary and I have a wealth of grammatical knowledge, spelling-wise and punctuation-wise. I've a strong sense of characterization, stemming from a belief that assuming a character and becoming them in every way imaginable is the best way to make it real. Another of my strengths is my ability to write a description (primarily for scene-setting), for I've been told I have a rather vivid imagination. Finally, I possess an affinity for large and frequent perspective change.

My weaknesses are great in number, I believe. The few that come to mind this moment include my inability to write convincing dialogue. No matter what angle I take, it seems too rehearsed and lacking in spontaneity. I also have trouble writing in a drastic change of beat in a story (i.e.: when something shocking happens); the entirety of it comes off as a lack-luster, normally-paced event. Introducing a new plot point is difficult for me as well. All other skills aren't bad, but are unremarkable. :D Any thoughts, fellow authors?

Group Admin


This is me, replying to my own comment. My name is Will, or TheSheepMaster. I've only recently started to write, but I love it. I'm a musician also. I started this group so people like me could get better, and so I could get better, myself.

Strengths- I like to think I have decent grammar. English is my first language, so I know it pretty well. I am persistent without exception.

Weaknesses- I am young, and not yet smart or wise. I am a lazy doofus. I don't write anywhere near enough. I am a mere beginner. I have trouble completing stories, and I hate writing one-shots.

I'm Dragor. I'm 31. I'm writing my first fan fiction. It currently stands at 66 k words and it's still only half written. Half year ago I didn't even know the show existed, so I'm still kind of fresh to this community.

Strengths: dialogue, original ideas

Weaknesses: grammar, making up descriptions, pacing, not native English speaker

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