Collaboration Central 67 members · 0 stories
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So, I need to start a collab for this certain chapter. The whole story is about someone making a video. The story only tells what the video catches. No 'I'm too sexy for that, he thought' or stuff that would be said off-camera.

So, in this chapter I'm doing a livestream, which will be long, as you could probably tell. What I need is ideas for activities and comments in this form:

[username]: #[name of pony that the user is speaking to] [comment]

For the username, use whatever you'd like. I coild use some variety. The ponies that will be in the livestream are: Chance, the mane six, Princess Celestia, Vinyl, Lyra, and Derpy (so far). As far as comments go, they can be requests, compliments, or trolls. But not all trolls, I'd at least like a variety of different comments. If you have ideas for what the ponies could do, this would be a good place to post. I already have one activity in mind. It's a mix battle between Vinyl and Chance, and I'd like to know which of these you guys like better:

To make things simple, you can post your idea, then vote on one of these two.

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