We Like The Prequels! 32 members · 0 stories
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Dash Attack
Group Admin

What many people fail to realism was that the prequels are meant to be watched has tragedy all. All the supposed,"bad character flaws" were intentional. In tragedy, characters are supposed too be flawed, often not seeing what's right in front of them until it's too late. Palpatine plays the role of "Iago" from Othello, guide the protagonist ever closer too damnation.

And of course the character with the most flaws in any good tragedy should be the protagonist. Anakin is portrayed was a confused young adult who was taken from his Mom (Only to see her soul leave her battered body years latter). He's the chosen one so of course the Jedi are going to expect him to be the best Jedi seance Yoda. This puts alot of pressure on him to be the very best, witch is why he beats himself up when he doesn't meat expectations. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is trying to be Anakins brother wile still filling Qui-Gons Shoes. In Both episodes 3 and 6 Obi-Wan even admits that it was probably his approach to teaching that might have pushed him from the light. This good cop bad cop rueitn creates a love hate relationship to forum with Anakin.

Then there Padma Amidala, who despite her cunning, tries too deny the darkness in Anakin. Wile I will give the critics points in regards to Padma marrying who murdered women an children - though you could calk it up too community service in some twisted way. Still, I guess you could say that she her love for Anakin really made her deny or ignore the torment he was going through. Even when Obi-Wan flat out told her in Episode III what he did at the temple, she didn't believe him.

To me, this is why the prequel trilogy is a work of art, and adds another layer of power to the already stellar original trilogy. It a story about how the a child who faces simalr challenges as the father ultimately learns from the fathers mistakes. To me those connection are what make the entire saga a master prequels, even with the dialogue and directing problems. Looks The writing and acting in Star Wars has always ranged from amassing too corny has all hell. I swear Mark Hamill acting skills have gotten a'lot better since a New Hope, just has Hayden improved a bit between the two films.

And Plicket said the only reason like these movies are idiots who like flashing lights.

It's not that the basic framework of a tragedy was missing. It's that all of the pieces of that framework in the prequel trilogy were terribly made.

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