Prompt Tag Group Collabs! 54 members · 26 stories
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The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

This thread is meant for posting all of the prompts written here. If you wish to read the full story in itself, check it out here.

Prompt #1: Snow by TheSheepMaster

Clover looked down at the ground in front of her. There was snow everywhere, just like the year before; but this time, the snow was good. There were foals out playing in it. And adults enjoying the warmth of their fireplaces indoors. There were snow-ponies being made, and games being played. It was Hearth's Warming, the way it was meant to be.

Clover thought of her old land, and how she had hated the snow so much before. She had been so wrong. The snow wasn't bad at all. In fact, it could symbolize the start of something new, something good. A new winter in their brand new land, Equestria.

Clover couldn't have been happier; especially now that the earth ponies could grow plants in the cold. The unicorns had even enchanted a species of tree, designed to keep its leaves throughout all of winter; and the Pegasi had helped by bringing plants that couldn't grow in the winter to Equestria. They would send a group to Griff, the griffin homeland, for fruits and vegetables; And a group to Shep, the sheep homeland. Where some of their warm fur could be traded for the grass the Pegasus had saved all year before.

Everypony was finally together, and they weren't arguing about it for a change. This was exactly what Clover had wanted her home to be like. Together with all her friends, Clover was content. This was snow, and this was harmony.

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Prompt #2: Fire by IceboxFroggie


The fire emanating from the fireplace warmed Twilight's face. It made her cares and worries dance away, like the small jets of fire that would jump from time to time from the fire. One had actually come close to burning Twilight's muzzle.

"Twilight?" Spike called. "I got the hot chocolate you asked for..."

"Give it here," she said, smiling.

He handed her the mug. "I put in some marshmallows, but they got soggy and sank to the bottom...." he said, looking at his feet. His hands were behind his back, but Twilight could tell he was twiddling his thumbs out of nervousness.

"That's okay, Spike," she said, taking a sip of the hot chocolate. "Things like that happen sometimes. Don't worry about them."


"Spike, are you okay?"

"Um, yeah. Why?"

"You seem...distant."

"I'm fine. Just...just tired, is all."

"Come here."

Spike complied. He sat down next to Twilight, his knees curled up to his chest.

"What's wrong, Spike? You can tell me anything."

"When was the last time you said 'thanks' to me?"

Twilight let the question sink in. It hadn't been in a while, she thought, suddenly feeling incredibly guilty.

" you appreciate me?"

"Of course I do!" She reached over, grabbed him, and pulled him close. "I appreciate you and everything you do. I couldn't do it without you."


"Really." She kissed his forehead.

He smiled, and hugged her back. Without saying a word, he made his statement.

And the two of them huddled there, watching the fire, letting their worries dance away with the small jets of fire that would pop up from time to time.

They were content.

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Prompt #3: Gingerbread Cookies by Scantrel

"Wha...what do you mean they aren't right?" Spike asked, with a little quiver in his voice. The young dragon was dressed in an apron and chef's toque, holding a small tray of freshly baked cookies. His eyes brimmed with tears as he gazed up at the special pony to which he had devoted his afternoon in the kitchen.

Rarity coughed lightly, trying to hide her slight blush of embarrassment. "Oh Spike, I didn't want to sound rude, they certainly look delicious, but I don't think.."

"But I heard you telling Pinkie Pie about them!" Spike blurted out, interrupting Rarity. "How the smell reminded you of cooking with your grandmare as a little filly. How the crunch when you ate them reminded you of the sound of hoofprints being made in fresh-fallen snow."

Rarity blinked. "You must have overheard me at Sugarcube Corner this morning. You remembered all of that? And you made these just for me?"

Spike could only nod at this point, unable to say another word.

Rarity's eyes misted as well and she levitated the tray of cookies out of Spike's hands before levitating a tablecloth over a small table nearby that Sweetie Belle had used for drawing. Once the table was covered, Rarity set the tray down on it with her magic and reached out a hoof to cup the little dragon's cheek.

"Come to the kitchen with me, darling and help me make some hot chocolate. I would simply love to share some of these wonderful looking cookies with my Spikey-Wikey." Rarity gave Spike's cheek a little caress before letting go.

"Really?!" Spike gushed. A large smile spread over his face from side to side and his eyes grew wide with happiness.

"I insist." Rarity said with a smile.

"After you, my lady!" Spike said gallantly, bowing low.

Rarity graciously led the pair to the kitchen to get the things necessary for the hot chocolate. Once she had the milk warming on the stove she turned and said, "Thank you so much for the gingerbread cookies, Spike."

Spike's brow creased. "Ginger?...Oh! You mean Gemgerbread! And you're very welcome, Rarity!" Spike replied as Rarity levitated down two mugs from the cupboard.

I'll let Twilight correct him later. Rarity decided. She had to think how to discreetly enjoy the cookies without chipping a tooth.

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Prompt #4: Wreath by Hydra

Watching the snowfall through the window, Shining Armor's breath frosted the glass as he sighed. Stretching out on the couch he hummed contently while rolling over, only to be greeted by two wide violet eyes. Pretending he didn't notice, he closed his eyes intentionally slow, smirking when he saw her eyebrows knit together.

"Shiny," his little sister Twilight whined, before going silent for a few seconds. Feeling her hoof prodding his muzzle, she started bopping him repeatedly in an effort to get his attention. "Shiny... Wake-up... You were going to help us with decorating for Hearths Warming..."

Finally feeling her teeth start to gently tug on his ear, vainly trying to pull him from the coach, he jolted upright to her surprise. With a quick roll, and the surprised squeal of the filly, he scooped her into his arms and tackled her in a hug.

"Nopony bops Captain Shiny's nose," he said jokingly as he carefully pinned Twilight, using just enough strength so she couldn't break free. Her squeal turned to a giggle fit as his horn glowed, her squirming intensifying as his hooves tickled her and his muzzle gave her tummy a quick raspberry. "The punishment is death... by tickle attack!"

"Noo!" Twilight squealed with delight, managing to break free as she tried to run, only for a glowing wreath of pine branches to lasso her. She squealed and bucked playfully as she tried to get away, Shining dragging her back into his tickling embrace. "Help me Caddy!" she managed to shout between giggle fits.

Seeing a shadow loom over his shoulder, Shining was too late to dodge. With a flap of pink wings, and a, "yay Caddy!" from Twilight, the alicorn tackled him to the floor. Disoriented, and knowing what was to come, he waited for the world to stop spinning while he felt his legs get tangled in a series of wreathes and a filly sized weight climbed onto his chest. When the world finally stopped spinning, he looked up to see the two mares staring down at him smugly.

"What do you think, Twi," Cadence said coyly, "no mercy?"

"No mercy!" Twilight cried before tickling Shining. His eyes quickly teared up as he tried to not laugh, before seeing Cadence's muzzle descend toward his own.

Stellar Sparkle watched them roughhouse in the christmas decorations from the kitchen, sighing as she felt her mate leaning against her. "They look so nice together, don't they."

"They're practically sisters already," Strong Armor whispered into her ear as he rubbed her shoulder. She hummed contently while he massaged her shoulder, making him chuckle.

"Maybe we should let him reap what he sowed..." Stellar said coyly pushing him off, watching Cadence steal a kiss from her young colt. " least for a few more minutes."

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Prompt #5: Tree Angel by The Princess Rarity

"Ah wanna do it!"

"You did it last year!"


"Yeah, ya did!"

"Ya dare callin' me a liar?!"


Applejack narrowed her eyes towards her elder brother and swiftly took the tree topper into her mouth, bolting straight for the living room, with Macintosh right on her heels.

"Ya cain't do that!" he called after her. "That's cheatin'! Mama! Dad! Granny! AJ's cheatin'!"

"Yer bein' mean!" Applejack countered as she skidded into the main centre of their cozy little home. "It's mah turn t' decorate!"

Macintosh scowled, and started to fight his little sister for the final touch of the Hearth's Warming tree, causing the both of them to whine and argue about who was going to get the honor of placing the beautiful decoration on the top. Unfortunately, in the midst of their fight, the colt and filly ended up rolling right into the tree, knocking it over and thus getting covered in tinsel, lights and other various ornaments.

"Applejack?" Macintosh said softly as he held back a laugh upon watching his little sister wrestle in the string of lights she had gotten herself trapped into.

"Whatdya want?" she muttered, crossing her forehooves and giving an adorable little frustrated pout.

With a small smile, the colt carefully unraveled one of the strings off of his sister, causing a twinge of a grin to spread across her expression.

"How's 'bout we both put the star on the tree?" he offered.

Applejack giggled and smiled. "Ok, big brother," she said, wrapping him in a hug.

"Mac, quit lyin'! Apple Bloom did it last year, so now it's mah turn! We go backwards in age, remember, ya big lunk?!" Applejack declared, with a roll of her eyes as she fished through the endless boxes of Hearth's Warming decorations.

Big Macintosh simply shook his head and continued wrapping the lights around the freshly cut pine tree. "Nnnnope." he said.

"Yer a cheater." the cowpony muttered, narrowing her eyes towards her older brother. "It's mah turn."

"Ah reckon we went by oldest first." he countered.

"No," Applejack protested. "we go young'uns first, then work our ways upwards."

The two siblings simply stared at each other, both seemingly releasing a scowl simultaneously, only before the mare finally found the tree topper.

It was gold, but not as shiny as it used to be from years past. Dried glue was stuck to the edges of it for some reason, and the silver heart in the center was fogged up. The Princesses of Equestria weren't nearly as regal as they used to be - what with half of Celestia's crown missing and Luna's wing broken.

...still despite it's flaws, it still put a smile on Applejack's expression.

"Y'know what, Mac?" she inquired.

"What?" Macintosh replied as he plugged in the lights, muttering a swear under his breath due to static electricity from the outlet.

A moment of silence passed, only before Applejack held up the tree topper. "Whatdya say we clean this 'ole thang up and put it up together?"

The stallion thought for a moment, slightly confused, only before he saw the light and gave a smile in return.

...another wonderful thing about Hearth's Warming - the memories.

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Prompt #6: Joke by Hydra

"Say 'ahhh', little one," Fluttershy cooed as she tried to spoon feed medicine to the baby bunny. Giving the bitter liquid a sniff he sneezed, startling the pegasus enough to spill most of it on the ground. Squeaking apologetically, he quickly slurped up the remaining medicine before Fluttershy gave him a gentle pat. "There you go," she congratulated as he yawned and padded back to the pile of dozing baby bunnies. Smiling warmly, a slight tug on her mane made her look down at hiss mother, who was offering her a carrot for the burrow call.

"You don't have to mama rabbit," she said as the rabbit chirped insistently, pushing it against her hooves. "Um. Well. If you insist. Make sure he gets plenty of rest and his cold should be all gone in the morning." Getting a quick nuzzle of thanks, the mother returned to her warm burrow, as the pegasus started the journey back to her cottage. These mid-winter calls weren't uncommon, especially after a thick blanket of snow covered the ground. Tucking the carrot into her saddle bag, Fluttershy took a few steps before lifting off. Although she didn't want to admit it, she'd been a little eager to get back to her cottage.

It had almost been a week since Fresh Air had moved into her home, making her feel like she'd taken a big step in their relationship. At first Discord and Angel seemed to have mixed feelings about the new resident, but they soon came around and accepted how important he was to her. It had been after a similar burrow call that she'd meet him, and it had been love at first sight. For the next few days they had met at the same spot, the two of them conversing for hours as they snuggled for warmth. His limbs had felt so strong, placed over her back and sheltering her from the frigid wind. It wasn't until after their tenth meeting that she'd finally mustered up the courage to ask if he wanted to move in with her. She'd felt ecstatic when he'd said yes. The next day, they'd met at their special spot so she could help him move all his stuff to her place. It had been a chore, but she'd never felt happier when he was finally settled in. Discord was staying in the guest room, but apparently Fresh was content staying in the living room.

Feeling bubbly, remembering the coy promise he'd made that morning, she put an extra burst of speed into her flight as her cottage came into view. Landing a few feet from the door, she gave herself a once over to see if her mane and tail were dirty, before opening the front door. What greeted her was the sight of Fresh sitting by the fire with a rather promiscuous popcorn outfit on, her favorite. Beside him, two glasses reflected the firelight, with a bottle of cider nestled in a bucket of ice beside them. Giving him a sultry look as she got closer, and putting an extra sway in her steps, she gently brushed her tail against him as she picked up a glass. "Looks like somepony spruced up," she said with a small giggle, pouring both of them a glass...

In the emergency room, Discord twiddled his thumbs guiltily under the four mares accusing look. Thankfully, due to Flutter's unexpected injury and Pinkie's understanding how an innocent joke can go bad, he hadn't been turned to stone, but he wondered if that would've stopped the guilt trip their pony friends were putting him through.

"You better hope she forgives you Discord," Twilight threatened, "because I definitely don't approve." Her horn sparked dangerously, telling him just how agitated his innocent prank had put her on edge.

"How was I to know she'd take it so seriously, miss uptight," he retorted, his voice oozing sarcasm as her eyes narrowed. "It was a Hearth Warming tree for goodness sake," his lips continued to move as his voice seemed to come from Applejack's Stenson, "how many ponies believe a tree is actually alive."

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Prompt #7: Decorations by Scantrel

Twilight cast an appraising glance over the library to make sure everything was in its proper place. The books had been reshelved, the quills and parchments tallied and arranged, every last detail had been checked and rechecked meticulously, then triple-checked. With a nod of satisfaction, Twilight felt ready to undertake the next phase of the plan.

"Spike!" Twilight called toward the door leading to the basement. "Have you found the decorations yet?"

A small somewhat muffled voice drifted up from the stairs. "I think so, give me just a minute." the little dragon replied. True to his word, not long after, Spike came struggling up the stairs carrying a couple of large boxes of garlands, lights, and ornaments.

"Thank you, Spike." Twilight said. "Just put them down over by the door to the back room for now while I make a list of the decorating tasks." She gazed over at her assistant, to see a look of horror on his face.

"Better make it a cleaning list!" Spike exclaimed, dropping the boxes and putting his arms up over his head and ducking.

"Spike, what do you..." Twilight asked, somewhat startled.


The window to the Library burst open as a blue blur came crashing through, managing to knock down an entire shelf of books.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight huffed to her marefriend. "could you please use the door at least once in a while? Look at this mess!"

Rainbow Dash sat up, rubbing a hoof over her head with a slight blush. "Sorry Twi! I just was in a hurry to get here. I wanted to give you your Hearth's Warming present early."

Twilight sighed a little and went to help Rainbow Dash back onto her hooves. "Whatever will I do with you?" she asked.

"Well, you can start by saying 'Hi'." Rainbow Dash grinned and leaned in to give Twilight a peck on the lips.

Twilight giggled and returned the kiss sweetly, pulling Rainbow Dash into a warm embrace. "Hi." Twilight breathed once their lips had parted. "I have an early present for you too."

Rainbow Dash's face lit up like a tree on Hearth's Warming Eve. "You do?! What is it?"

Twilight levitated over a broom and dust pan. "Here it is! And when you and Spike are finished, we'll start the decorating. I just need to finish my list." Twilight wriggled out of Rainbow Dash's forelegs to go get a quill and ink.

Rainbow Dash groaned, but took the broom and pan. "Early present...very funny, Twi. We're hanging the mistletoe first!" she called after Twilight defiantly.

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Prompt #8: Carols by The Princess Rarity

"But Taaaavi, I don't wanna!"

Octavia let out a sigh, and shook her head. "Vinyl, will you please just go through with it?" she muttered. "I don't want to either, but it's a tradition in my family I would like to keep alive." She batted her pretty pink eyes and gave a small smile. "And you know how much family means to me~"

With a groan, Vinyl sat up on the couch and leaned over to place a light kiss on her wife's cheek. "You're lucky I love you," she said reluctantly. "But we're not staying out for too long. I don't wanna become a pony popsicle."

"Fair enough," Octavia chuckled, as she snuggled next to the unicorn, only for a sudden crash to be heard, thus ruining the moment. "Oh, goodness, what did they do this time?"

In ran their twin daughters, Melodie and Harmonia, both bestowing horrible poker faces.

"Mama, Mommy, the tree fell over!" they said in unison.

Suppressing the urge to laugh, Vinyl noted her wife's glare as a smile weaved it's way across the disk jockey's expression. "We'll fix it later, kids," she managed to say without laughing. "Go get your coats."

"Why?" Melodie questioned, cocking her head to the side in an adorable manner.

"Because Mama Tavi is boring and wants to go sing at random ponies' doors."

Rolling her eyes, Octavia released herself from her wife's grasp and got up from the couch. "It's not boring," she argued. "It's a wonderful way to spread the holiday cheer."

"And get frozen." Vinyl quipped.

"But I can't sing," Harmonia pouted. Unlike her mothers and sister, the younger of the two fillies wasn't musically talented - the odd one out of her family. "Can't we just go for a walk?"

Ruffling her daughter's charcoal mane, Octavia gave a hopeful smile. "Maybe not today, but someday, I'm sure you'll be able to sing," she assured. "And maybe if you all behave, we could go out for hot chocolate, and see Santa Hooves again."

This, of course, was enough to convince the two fillies to smile wide and dash out of the room, nearly trampling over one another to go grab their coats, and get out the door. After all, the sooner they'd go through with their mother's request, the sooner they would get to see everypony's favorite Hearth's Warming icon!

"Y'know, Octavia, we don't need to go out to sing," Vinyl mused.

With a raised eyebrow, Octavia looked over to the unicorn, and thought for a moment. "If you're suggesting what I think you are..." she muttered.

"And you say I'm the one with my head in the gutter," the DJ teased, as she got up from her seat, trotting over to her wife, lightly humming a very familiar tune to herself.

"Vinyl, please don't." Octavia murmured, just as her wife silenced her with a kiss. "I swear, sometimes, I think I married a child..."

"Child at heart," Vinyl joked, as she began to softly sing. "I really can't stay~"

"But baby, it's cold outside," the cellist crooned.

"I've got to go away..." the disk jockey smiled, nuzzling her wife.

With a playful roll of her eyes, Octavia relented and sang the next lyric. "But, baby, it's cold outside..."

"This evening has been-"

"-was hoping that you'd drop in."

"So very nice~"

The cellist's expression was beginning to melt, and she couldn't help but chuckle as Vinyl held her hoof. "I'll hold your hooves, they're just like ice..."

"My mother will start to worry,"

"Beautiful, what's your hurry?"

"My father will be pacing the floor-"

"Listen to the fireplace roar~"

"So, really, I'd better scurry..."

"Beautiful, please don't hurry," Octavia crooned just as she was about to lean in and kiss Vinyl, however, a certain burst of giggling from the doorway snapped the two lovers out of their trance.

There were Melodie and Harmonia, laughing at the sweet and adorable yet quite silly lovesick moment between their mothers.

"You two better run, or Scratchie the Windigo will get you!" Vinyl playfully threatened, giving a mock glare to her children, and the laughter only increased, as they ran down the hall, leaving their parents in peace once more. "Now, where were we?"

Octavia smirked, placing a quick kiss on her wife's cheek. "About to go out on the town with our children," she declared. "So get that look off your face." Despite her stern tone, there was a playful sparkle in her enchanting eyes. "Maybe when we get back, I'll warm you up."

"Yes, please," Vinyl chuckled.

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Prompt #9: Late by Scantrel

The clubhouse could be called many things. It could be called a headquarters, where the most daring and clever plans in all of Equestria were hatched, each more brilliant than the one before. It could be called a sanctuary, a place where the taunts and teases of bullies like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon could not invade. It could be called a hideaway, a place where somepony could take refuge from the terrors of unwanted chores or those annoying Sunday baths or the tirades of a sister driven crazy by too much work.

The one thing the clubhouse could not be called, however, was insulated.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shivered together, huddled into one corner of the clubhouse under the idea lamp. Of all days for the weather pegasi to schedule a blue norther, it had to be today when some very important Crusading business for Hearth's Warming Eve was to be discussed. Of more immediate concern however, was the fact that Scootaloo had not yet arrived. She usually was the first to show, making sure to check off her name on the roll call sheet so she could call the meeting to order.

The two fillies wrapped their Crusader cloaks even tighter around their small frames as the whistling of the wind was joined by the sudden tap dance of rain against the window.

"Maybe she's not coming," Sweetie Belle said dejectedly.

"I dunno, she's always made it before, I jus' hope she's not caught out somewhere in the storm," Apple Bloom replied hopefully.

"Me either," Sweetie Belle agreed.

A couple of minutes passed, then Apple Bloom said through chattering teeth. "Ya think we should try an' head back to the farmhouse?"

Sweetie Belle rubbed her hooves together and nodded. "I'm freezing, let's go get warm." A look of concern crossed her face. "Should we leave Scootaloo a note or something?"

"I reckon so, so she won't wonder where we went to," Apple Bloom said.

Suddenly, the door to the clubhouse jerked open and Scootaloo dragged herself inside, tugging at the door against the power of the wind. Apple Bloom grabbed a hold of Scootaloo and pulled, but it wasn't enough. Sweetie Belle wrapped her forlegs around Apple Bloom and tugged. A brief power struggle ensued, ending when the door slammed shut and dumping the three Crusaders in a soggy, cold heap.

From the bottom of the pile, Scootaloo's muffled voice called up, "Sorry I'm late!"

Yay for prompt stories!!

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