Tales of The Marabian Nights 22 members · 0 stories
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Khamelu (Camelu or Hkahmelu) is a wealthy, mercantile desert region, home to the camels. Saddle Arabia is one of its provinces.

Khamelu's culture is a merging of many cultures, brought in from the farthest reaches of civilization and characterized by a pursuit for diversity and, most of all, profitability.

The camels are staunchly atheist, believing there is no place for religion in civilized society.
The sheer amount of foreign traffic has slowly phased out the use of kamal, Khamelu's native tongue, and its status as the country's primary language – replaced by common.

Khamelu has no formal central leadership. Rather, they have four sheikhs, each of whom preside over a sub-region of Khamelu. Their ideals more than often clash and rarely do they see eye to eye on anything, but the protection of Khamelu – though what that means may differ between them. Ultimately, the only thing they share in common is the love for wealth.

"Don" Quixote, the naive, known for his wide and varied connections. Presides over Nadira in the north.

"Imam" Hanan, the gambler, known for his tremendous wealth. Presides over Ilham in the west.

"Hakim" Aamina, the cutthroat, known for his military prowess and might. Presides over Aamina in the east.

"Ulama" Fikri, the innovative, patron of the fine arts and innovation. Presides over Tehrein of the south.

Though Khamelu has the best equipped military in the world, it is comprised of mercenaries and personal armies, rather than a national military

Group Admin

2025892 ooh! Contribution occurring!:raritystarry::yay:
Creative as ever, my friend!:twilightsmile:

2029700 Thanks. I'll go into more at a later date. when I cover horses in my main blog

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