20% Cooler Writers and Editors 57 members · 199 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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White Dragon
Group Admin

Guys i had a crazy idea, I am getting more people to join the group. and i think that we should do a massive story that we all work on. Not crazy enough.. its going to be 1,000,000+ WORDS. And the ball just dropped. I believe that we are all going to get 1 OC to put in the story.

Group Admin

Uh... I'm not entirely sure about that. I mean sure, you all can definitely work on it, but I'm not that much of an author.


White Dragon
Group Admin

Really? tahts surprising. I mean i just made my OC Meteor Flash. looks bad ass. ut im sure that you could do it.

Group Contributor

No thanks. I don't do a lot of collabs.

Cash Flow
Group Admin

screw it im down but i dont know if i have all the time becuase im working on fics two by myself and another three with somebody else

White Dragon
Group Admin

so is no one wanting to do this story

White Dragon
Group Admin

this is sad

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