Human in Equestria 16,888 members · 17,082 stories
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This spun off my TCB crackfic "Metal Ripper". What if, due to Equestria merging woth Earth, magic returns.

The catch: all spells must be cast either by singing, writing, drawing or any other creative media.

And the first thing that will happen: Sabaton holds a concert in Ponyville.

Humanity becomes Eldar Bonesingers.

Hmm... humans with latent unicorn-esc powers altering their reality by singing?

"I like big BUTTS and I cannot lie! You other brother's can't deny!"

You know? I'd be interested in seeing how music is suddenly censored since repeating rhymes about sex, death, depression, and so on would legitimately cause reality to experience a massive downward... thing! Would playing music with your car's windows down be made a felony since you're imposing some change to another person's reality against their will? Would thought police remove creative outlets from the public?

Hmm... a creativity devoid dystopian future... the numb torture of being unable to express oneself... Sounds like it be a comedic story set against a grim, dark background. Ooh~ That's sounds delicious!

I know a song that would make the princesses happy

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