Human in Equestria 16,876 members · 17,071 stories
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I have been reading some HFY on reddit and I don't think I have seen that version of human in fimfiction. In some HFY, Earth is a Death World, meaning it is extremely dangerous and has a high gravity while most aliens developed on lower gravity worlds. So when they encounter humans we are stronger, faster, and tougher then them and usually able to turn their fragile bodies into bloody smears with our bare hands.

We can all agree that the world of Equestria ( which I will call Gaia to differentiate from Earth) uses a different set of physics. Everything from the sun, the moon, the stars, the clouds, and everything on the planet acts differently similar to Narnia which is different from Earth and has magic and even an actual End of the World. So like Narnia's air which makes Earth humans stronger, the magic, physics, and properties of the Gaia will make us better then on Earth.

Discussion, for or against, is greatly encouraged. Speak your opinions and maybe we can reach 50 comments before this thread dies.

Your Human and You will fit perfectly for this and greatly exaggerate how different the human is from the native humans. You can add scenes of him testing his new limits and will allow him to be more Independent as he won't be at such a disadvantage.

You can find all sorts of good reading on that sub.
Not just fan works either.

Yeah. I like The Beast and Humans Don't Make Good Pets as well as some of the One-Shots.

Ah man, HFY. It's one of the main reasons I'm into HiE, though not a lot of stories try to go for that kinda scenario, where Humans are actually pretty kind of special compared to other kinds of life, and not a bland bipedal being.

4720519 I haven't read seen this tread before but I'm currently writing something that is very similar to the idea that you stated. Personally, I like the idea a lot and the idea behind it is plausible.

The most recent update from the progenitor of the J-Verse Hambone is definitely worth the read.

I concur, it's a shame few people have done this. Although I personally am a fan of the concept of magic making humans smarter or even the idea of humans being able to use magic like unicorns.

4720570 could I get a link to this "humans don't make good pets...please?:fluttercry:"

I personally like the prospect of humans, coming from a non-magical environment, evolved to function normally without it, while ponies evolved to be dependent on it. We have seen how weak ponies get without their magic. Now imagine if you placed a human into a magical environment. Magic would flow into them, as they would be a void of any magic, and said magic would begin to do its thing. Basically boost physical condition, and exaggerate human traits, such as long distance running and problem solving.

It's stands for Humanity, Fuck Yeah! It's a subreddit and is similar to Humans are Superior and similar groups. The humans might not always win in some of the stories but they are usually respected for how hard we fought against impossible odds.

Check it out. Some of the stories are really well written.

4721622 In the universe I am building, time is presented as a field on which objects leave an imprint, and this imprint is gravity. But I digress. Humans will get acclimatized to lower gravity over a period of time unless they exercise regularly. In most stories and universes, there is just none of the specialized equipment needed to maintain that strength, so we only have our wits after a period of time. That and our ability to bond together to survive i.e. guns.

4721778 Also, you got the Idea from John Carter, didn't you?

I was looking for the name! Thank you. I didn't get the idea from the movie thought I was going to use it as an example of what we can do while we have our strength. I was just sharing what I read in HFY on reddit.

4721083 Magic will not make us, smarter, it will just turn a good bunch of us into lazy useless excuses for humans. It will only help the intelligent and idiotic people who want to use it to find out more.

4721548 How can you assume that magic will be beneficial?

4721868 Might not, whose to say. I was taking the stance that it seems to give the ponies added benefits, why not extend that to humans. Of course it could just be pretty rainbow colored radiation. But for the point of HFY, lets just hope for superpowers, else it just wouldn't be very Fuck Yeah worthy.


For the purpose of HFY we could say it would simply augment existing human abilities such as agility, endurance, strength and High order/Non-linear thinking. Kind of like in the movie John Carter.

4723720 I say so because humans don'react to anything new very well.. By default every living creature has adapted to the substances that are present in the immediate vincity.. Anything new is extremely poisionous and hazardous.. It is one of the reasons why we cannot flee to a new planet if the earth becomes useless


I see where you're coming from and I agree but I say what I said because this is HFY meaning that such a situation would be fitting within the theme that a species that adapted to not only survive on a death world but thrive would completely spread without abandon. (Kind of like the situation with the Krogan Rebellions in the Mass Effect Lore, where a violent species from a death world spread so quickly that a countermeasure had to be developed and then enhanced to act as a counter balance.)

4723863 no, you didn't get me.. What I was trying to say was that any new substance that we have not been exposed to is almost always posionous.. Take lead for example.. We had absoultly no contact with it until the Romans dug it out of the ground. And then a few centuries later some greedy American companies put it in their petrol and spread it all across the world.. It's still affecting us.


I actually do get you, as Magic is a foreign construct humans have no resistance to it whatsoever, like exposing a person who has lived in a sterile environment their entire life to microbes, even those we consider harmless and even symbiotic (i.e E. Coli) would be inanely lethal to the specimen.

I stick to my point as this is Sci-Fi, fantasy, we are assuming that against all reason Magic enhances existing human capabilities rather than simply act as a toxic substance.

4723959 you have proven that I am better at ripping apart stories instead of enjoying them.

4724031 may scifi logic live forever!!!


Or else we die a slow magical death!

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