Button's Mom 1,597 members · 110 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin

Foreigner In Equestria: Unusual HiEs

Are you tired of the same people always going to Equestria? Are you simply bored of it always being a pilot, the edgy man who hates his life, or twelve year old kid ending up in a magical world of talking ponies?

Would you prefer something more... exotic?

How about a Mongolian warlord?

A Roman praetor?

A British grenadier?

An Aztec priest worshipping his gods by ripping out a man's heart?

An extremely advanced alien from a race of horse-worshipping zealots?

Any of these could end up in our folders! This group is for people who have written these stories and want to share them with us! This group is for people who have a thirst for the unknown and exotic, a group for people who are sick of seeing Kyle and Johnny in Equestria, and would love to see a Kahn's fiercest and most loyal rider among ponies, or a horde of shapeshifting werewolves trying to form a peaceful village while surrounded by suspicion?

Join now! Adventure awaits!

Group Admin

Looks like I can't do anything about this! :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


:rainbowkiss: Wouldn't do it if I didn't need it. :rainbowwild: I just need twenty or so more lads to hit the trending groups list, and from then on it's a run to the top. :yay:

Promise it's not going to be a regular thing. :scootangel:

Group Admin

Oh Stalin, you and your iron gauntlet! :heart:

Sure, I'll join! :scootangel:

What about a Japanese Samurai? :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin


Perfectly allowed. :rainbowkiss: Anything unusual is allowed! :heart:

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 7