Lilith911's "Special" House 218 members · 48 stories
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((I did not get a notification.:rainbowderp:))

Imperi finishes a bite of her honeyed muesli, and speaks up. "We'll only have time to do one of these, as it will be quite the trek to the Vistani camp where madam Eva lives, AND to get to the castle on time.Which one should we do?" Under her breath she mutters, "Stupid Count. Couldn't send a carriage or something, but nooo we have to walk. That trollop probably flew her or something. Just you wait. One day we'll all fly. On clouds. As dragons, even. And with a fanged skull to adorn our ride."

((I wonder why? Site must be glitching up again.:rainbowhuh:))

I couldn't help but hear what Imperi said under her breath and smile.:trollestia: "Well...if we go to see Madam Eve then we would be late for the Counts meeting and I'mmore than sure that things will turn for the worst then. I'm afraid that she'll have to wait for a later time. We have to meet the Lords meeting time, perhaps we will get to leave early and then on the way back we'll pass Madam Eve on the way." Descions Descions...:applejackunsure:

With your next course of action decided, Imperi finishes her meal, while Simuli asks if she could taste on of your rubies. Sadly, she can not yet eat them but she is looking forward to it and then goes to help her sister. The two of them finish Imperi's Grapple Lasso, and have a minor success with the holy symbol. It's enough to channel positive energy, but not enough to do more then drive back weak undead--a vampire wouldn't even be fazed.

There are a few setbacks though.:unsuresweetie: Imperi, the one who was bonding with the symbol, reports that is a minor but constant drain on her body. As long as she wears it she gets tired more easily and her muscles are weakened--she says something about it sapping her bio-electric magnetic field. On the plus makes coloured dancing lights. She has some fun creating up to four lights that resemble lanterns or torches (and cast that amount of light), or up to four glowing spheres of light (which look like will-o’-wisps), or one faintly glowing, vaguely humanoid shape. The dancing lights must stay within a 10-foot-radius area in relation to each other but otherwise move as she desires (no concentration required): forward or back, up or down, straight or turning corners, or the like.

The Grapple Lasso is also ready. It resembles a grey leather bracelet that rings around her thumb, index, and middle finger. When used, an electric current shoots out to where she is aiming, or as a loose blue whip.

If there is nothing else, then you can leave for the Count. Only you and the twins shall go, but Imperi keeps the hounds shrunk and hands Rollout to you, Auto to Simuli, and Rusty she keeps herself.

I put Rollout safely on my person where he can be safe and easily grabable. "Ok, I guess that is everything." I say as Silver-Bolt climbs on my shoulder. Still I turn to Imperi. "Dearest, you say that that symbol will drain you as you wear it, is there anyway we can help you stay refresh and charged?" I ask as I go and start up the Kaxium V3 and my familar lands on her shoulder and nuzzles her cheek.

Sadly, Imperi has to disappoint you. "I know about items like these. They use more magic then they can gather on their own, but the upside is that they grow in power the more attuned they and the wielder become. As such, only my power suffices and not that given by anypony else. On the other hand, it's a small price to pay for an item that let's you use power usually privileged to the clergy. I'll make good use of it." She scratches Silver-Bolt behind his ears and takes her seat.

((To be honest, it's just something the designers did to balance it out: you get a legendary item that grows in power with you, but lowers your stats in return. She has -2 hitpoints, -1 on attack rolls, and -2 on any roll related to health. ))

((It does have it's payoff, but many players do not use "heirloom" items for this reason. While flavorful and quite memorable, most just buy something else.))


"Well if you say so, Imperi, but please be careful." I say as I finish loading up all of our gear. "Ok, that should be it." I then walk over to Ashlyn and Ireena. "We will be leaving now. I do hope that you two will be safe until we return." I say me and the girls climb into the vehicle.

After passing through the craggy peaks, the road takes a sudden turn to the east and the startling presence of Castle Ravenloft towers before you. Twin guardhouses of turreted stone keep a silent watch over the approach, broken from years of use and exposure. Beyond these, a wide chasm gapes between the Balinok cliffs and the walls of Ravenloft, disappearing into the fogshrouded distance far below. The lowered drawbridge of old wooden beams hangs precariously between you and the arched entrance to the castle courtyard. The chains of the drawbridge creak in the wind, their rust-eaten iron straining with the weight. From atop the high strong walls, stone gargoyles stare at you from hollow sockets and grin hideously. A rotting wooden portcullis, green with growth, hangs in the entry tunnel. Beyond this, the main doors of Castle Ravenloft stand open, a rich warm light spilling into the courtyard.

I bring the vehicle to a stop in the middle of the courtyard and look around castle scenery. "Well...this most defintily seems the home of a Dark Lord." I say steping off the Kaxium and gather around my family. "So...are we ready for this?" I ask looking into the casrles large doors. Though it does give off a warm glow, I feel a shiver run down my scales.

Even though it is high noon, the perpetual mists and cloud cover make it appear to be twilight time. As if awaiting you, a stallion that can only be the vaunted count stands in front of his castle, petting several large wolves. Strahd is a tall, standing just over 6 feet. His body is lean and hard, and his gaunt face has strong features and prominent cheekbones. His eyes are dark and hypnotic, like deep pools with subtle reflections of red light. His fur is regal white, and his elongated and thin fingers have long, sharp nails. He wears black with touches of white and red. His clothing style is the tailored, layered look common to the nobility.

When he sees you approach, he spreads his arms as if to welcome you. "Ah, the celebrated heroes of the hour. I hope the trip was uneventful, and that your stay shall be long." With powerful strides he makes his way towards the Kaxxium. "I could hear your vehicle from miles away. What an interesting design. If I may be so bold, can I ask how it works? I do try to keep up with the latest modern delights."

The wolves slowly go and disappear between the trees surrounding the path.

This one reeks of darkness, pain, and power. I slowly approach and give a respective bow as much as a Dragonborn can do to like him. "Lord Strahd, it is a pleasure to meet you at last. I am Lhikan and these are my companions. We have come at your most gracious invitation."

I then motion to the vehicle. "The vehicle is of my own design and I call it the Kaxuim V3. I was able to forge it out of the minerals of a far off desert with my own power. Able to carry there at once with cargo space in the back it can travel over if not all terrain with miner adjustments. For now it runs on mineral power found in the Earth, but I am hoping to find a better power source when the time comes." I explain, but keep the weapons on it to myself for the moment.

((*claps* nice description. Mineral power from a far-off dessert.))

The count listens with great interest. "May I suggest you try residuum? It is less specialized but more readily available." He eyes the angle of the wheels, how the power is distributed, and the weapons. Slowly clouds gather in the sky and it starts to rain. Whatever sunny break you experienced is now over and the clouds and fog retake the land with gusto.

"It appears that a storm is brewing. Let us retire inside the castle."

The drawbridge cracks and groans when you walk on it, but is sturdy and silent under the count's weight. When walking under the portcullis over the entry tunnel, Simuli looks up and shivers for some reason. Next, you come in the courtyard where thick cold fog swirls around. Sporadic flashes of lightning lance the angry clouds overhead. Thunder pounds the courtyard. A light drizzle begins to fall. Ahead, torch flames flutter in the wind on each side of the keep’s open main doors. Warm light spills out from the doorway. Although windows and arrow slits are visible in the walls above you, no illumination escapes from them.

While there is more to see about the castle, the count leads you to the main entry.

((You may act now, or I'll keep going. What did you do with the Kaxxium? Did you demonstrate Imperi's signature Miniaturization, or is it still standing outside?))

((Oh it is still outside, I hardened it so the rain won't bother it and there is no way I was going to let the Count know of Imperi's abilities.))

I look around at the grand halls and all of its splendor. "You have quite the castle, my Lord. Very amazing in detail on the outside and within. You certainly have quite the good taste." I say as I admire his workings. Buttering up the villain for a speech is always a good way to put him in the good mood.

((I just had to say.:raritywink:))

((I believe you just activated my trap.:trollestia:))

"Why thank you," answers the count while leading you into his home. "It is my family's ancestral seat of power, and it is quite dear to me." He lovingly slides his hand over the door that opens at a mere touch of him. "Sometimes it feels more then a just a building to me, but an actual part of my family."

This small entry chamber is illuminated by flickers of fire in the mouths of two coiled stone dragons that form an archway at the room’s far end. Their mouths direct the light in your direction, cloaking the room beyond the archway in darkness. A few steps later you enter the great entry. Stone gargoyles squat motionlessly on the edge of a balcony circling some 20 feet above the floor. Cracked and faded frescoes adorn the domed ceiling, nearly obliterated by centuries of decay. Two great bronze doors stand closed opposite the arched entry. To the left of the entry, a wide staircase climbs into darkness. A wide hallway extends to the right.

It is this hallway that you are led through. It is draped in shadow. To the left, a narrow passage leads to a spiral staircase, and an alcove holds a suit of full plate armor posed with a halberd in one hand. A pair of double doors stands opposite this alcove.

"There we are," announces the count. "The dinning room."

Crystal sings in the darkness as great chandeliers swing, dancing and sparkling in the light of torches that ignite just before you come around the corner. Motes of light dance in glass and china on a great dining table. Around the room, 8 beautiful maidens stand waiting for orders, their faces downcast. When your group enters, 3 come forth to pull back chairs for you and your girls, while on the other side...

"Sasha," growls Imperi under her breath. There, seated with her 2 companions is the lady that invited you here.

((You entered from 7, and were led to 10.))

((You mean the monologue?:twilightsheepish:))

I have to stop myself from letting a growl escape me when I sit in my chair. "Thank you." I say to the maid. I take a moment to calm myself and gaze at my surroundings. "As said before, you have great taste, my Lord. Your domain is second to none."

((Nope, I did not mean the monologue))

He takes a glass offered to him by one of the maids. You smell deep red wine and not blood. He takes in the bouquet before responding to your question. "While grateful for the praise, my ancestral domain used to be much more glorious before the Last War." He gestures to the stormy terrain outside of the windows and indicates the grandness of it. "While rich in history, it is but a shadow of what it used to be. It's isolated position kept it safe during the war but now we are old fashioned and outdated.

"I wish to bring new life to my lands, and cleanse it of the rust of ages." He hefts his glass to you, as you and your girls are offered the same drinks as him. "While grateful we are that you and your companions stopped this plague, we are saddened that it was not done by my hands." Here, he looks genuinely saddened and full of remorse. "Unfortunately, there were matters even more pressing then the ones you dealt with. You see...there are witches in Barovia. One of these hags worships a great evil and wish to bring him into this world.

"Sadly, I am not the young stallion that I used to be, and and your companions could take protect the good ponies of this valley?"

((Wow, I almost believe the guy myself.:twilightoops: And I'm writing him.:rainbowlaugh:))


I taste the red wine slowly, enjoying its rich taste. "Witches you say?" I say interested moving my glass around and watching the wine swirl. "We have dealt with strong beings coming to life and dealing with those who wish to bring very..."unnatural" life back to this world." I decide to not bring up the mare that he possibly has his eyes on. "You are the rightful heir to this land and it would be disastrous if those witches were to unleash it upon your ponies and you." I say, making my voice sound as interested as I can. I wonder how much of his words are true?

((I'm trying my best to appear evil, but want to sound interested as well. If we say we will do it then he'll know we are for good, I think we need to let him on slowly.:trixieshiftright:

Before taking even a sip, Imperi declines the offer of witch extermination. "With all du respect, Count von Zarovich, this last victory was a fluke. Undead happen to be something that we are very familiar with and I learned a lot from the Blaspheme and it's creation process, enough to even recreate the process, but I think it would be better if you contacted the Paladin living in town right now. She's much more suited to this kind of work."

Not even a flicker of rage is visible in the Count's eyes. "Maybe you are not the ponies I was led to believe, but maybe you are. Tell me then, filly, if you do not have the heart to help these poor ponies, then why else would you have come to these lands?

She takes a dainty sip, admiring the age of the wine but detecting a fault in it. "This wine is a perfect example of the situation in Barovia. It is ancient and well aged, but you can taste that it did not get enough sunlight when the fruit was cultivated. We came here to explore the old knowledge still stocked in this land, but do not expect to find much new here. To be blunt, we only came here to find snippets of necromancy, and I do not believe that exterminating a hag and her circle will be very rewarding."

She looks him in the eye, not afraid of any domination effects thanks to the Protection from Evil. "We are freelancers and researchers from House Cannith. We seek ways to restore the glory to our House, and fully trust in your capabilities to deal with this situation, so we are not endangering you nor your ponies by declining. The only thing that we offer you is to take care of this problem swiftly, but it will still take us days, time that we could have spend searching for what knowledge we seek and then leave."

She sits back, and looks outside the window at the raging storm. "There is not much keeping us here...unless we can make a deal."

The Count waves his hand for her to continue.

"A mutual friend of ours told us that you have an extensive library of ancient tomes. We only wish to peruse it until we leave, and then we will take care of this problem of yours."

((Anything you wish to add? That was our original mission, and Imperi believes that our employer is in leagues with Strahd.))

((Ah ha...strong and commanding voice you have there, my dear.:moustache: You certainly know how to handle the situation.:ajsmug:))

I give a small chuckle after another sip of my wine. "You will have forgive my companion for such strong words, my Lord. You should have seen her growing up." I say with a smile as I decide to amp up our "Evil" background in Power Play.

"I remember when she was no older than 16 when she sent a member of another house running away in tears when she didn't like her proposal. Later on she got into more bigger things until she got the "honor" of going out and doing things in the field that she thinks should be handled." I say as I cast my eyes to the chandelier in a way like I remembering old memories. "So please do not be angered by her sharp words. We still intend to help you, my good Lord." I say in a respectable voice that almost makes me sounds like I'm very interested, like a swab villain who will help just to see what would happen.

(( was that?:trollestia:))

"A mare after my own heart," chuckles the count. "Still, I admit to having more then a passing interest in the arts of life and unlife. In fact, since divine casters have been less then successful in 'improving the world', I fully believe that in the arcane art of necromancy lies the solution to many problems such as famine and plague." He lifts his glass and gestures to his lands. "I always tried to protect my domain and its ponies from the outside, and it worked as in that we are untouched by the Last War."

Suddenly, a servant enters the room and hands over a message to the count. He peruses its content, and momentarily glances at you and your family. "It seems that urgent business demands my attention." He puts the message aside, and folds his hands. "Let's cut to the core of the matter. It is true that me and my ponies could resolve this issue, but we are lacking the manpower during this time. According to our intel, the ritual will be performed tomorrow night during new moon. THAT is the reason why we ask you instead of just pointing the paladin in the right direction.

"Do this, help my ponies, and you shall receive your reward."

((Sorry for speeding this up. With both of us being under the weather I do not feel like spending a week in a gloomy castle. I want action...and cuddles.:twilightsheepish:))

((As do I, my dear.:rainbowkiss:))

Though I am aware that he is our enemy, I am still interested in this new possible foe that could even challenge him. Perhaps if we agree we could find a new ally against him or get ride of another lesser evil.

I tape the table with my clawed finger as I think this over. " would seem that our hands will be forced earlier than I thought. I would like to talk more on the matter, but I guess duty calls. I say we look into these witches for the good Lord. What say you?" I ask my family.

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