Lilith911's "Special" House 218 members · 48 stories
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((Simuli is going to be the baddest cop that you ever saw.:trollestia: After all, she makes good on her threats.:pinkiecrazy:))

Intending to set up a trap for the Vistani or any other spies, Simuli reveals that they will be traveling light for this mission, but that we are more then prepared. "Now that we are safe from diseases, I am free to eat anypony that crosses us. With all that energy, sister's spell weave will be fully charged.":moustache:

Ashlyn, Ireena, and perhaps even you, are shocked by what she says. Behind you, you hear a Vistani choking on his drink. Ashlyn is the first one to speak up. "You eat ponies?"

"No, I burn enemies in my belly. How else do you think our cleric gets so much energy to throw around? Ritual sacrifices? Most casters have barely enough for half a day before they have to fall back on melee, and now poor Imperi had to stretch herself thin to buff 8 ponies. We make a great team and share everything." She presses a kiss on your cheek and leans her head on yours. "Including our stallion. He's just too much for one mare.:heart::twilightsmile::heart:

The ponies at the table still can not believe their ears. "That sounds dangerously close to necromancy," accuses Ashlyn, but once more Simuli has her answer ready.

"It's eating, the most natural of all actions. Unlike others I do not poison nature with wasted cadavers that are left to rot. I do as the Druids preach and eat my kills." She reaches out and pretends to put a little stallion inside her mouth, and swallows. "I provide my family with the energy to keep fighting and protect ourselves. How could that be wrong?" Seeing that the mares still do not agree, she gives the age old excuse of culture shock. "It's a dragon thing. We're fire, and you are what you eat so I eat the ponies that I kill."

The conversation is interrupted when Imperi returns. "I'm all set. Ashlyn's gifts are now available for all to shape when needed." Having been briefed by Imperi on her new "taste", she plays along. "We're going to need as much energy as we can, but I'm certain we can gather it."

"But sister," Simuli whines. "Undead taste vile. They're rotten and dry. Can't I just burn them?"

Her sister pretends to think about and eventually gives in. "You know that we less from that, and we're gonna need about 21 corpses then, but it's possible." To you, she adds "I think I got a message from my higher self. I saw myself with three soulsparks and we were working on combinations. I'm not sure whether this means we need a three more, or just one and wait until after this mission."

((If nothing else is needed, we can leave after this.))

Thanks to the generosity of the zombies gathered around the square's defenses, Imperi manages to stock up on essential, which is what she calls that which powers the soulmelds, though she says that anypony who wishes to know more about the theory behind it should read up on psionics, a specialized form of spell casting trading versatility and power for flexibility, which is a power by itself.

The gathering ritual is very simple. Simuli pretends to siphon the energy from a fresh corpse by curling around it in her Naga form and slowly burn it. Meanwhile, Imperi performs the extraction through her. It takes about one minute per corpse, so Simuli likens the process to digesting to stop the ponies from asking too many questions. Tensions are high, as Ireena does not like sitting around in zombie filled territory, but with each point of essential gathered the soulmelds glow a little brighter until everyone is burning with inner fire. According to Imperi, she can not hide this much essential despite her love for discretion.

"I need to figure out a way to hide the glow in case we ever need to be stealthy. How are we supposed to sneak around like this?" she complains. "We'd stand out like torches at night."

Still, your group has never been at higher strength and now you got 2 more allies by your side. You're not sure what Ireena will add to the group, but Ashlyn's specialty is calling down guidance for ranged attacks. As long as she is around there is no risk for friendly fire, and shots seek out critical spots--those are her Paladin auras.

When Imperi is finally sated, it is time to leave for the church. You notice that Ashlyn keeps a wary eye on her, and you know why this must be. Trapped soul energy detects as Evil on detection spells, so to her mystical senses you're a bunch of unnatural abominations. Imperi does all she can to assure her that energy can not be destroyed and will eventually find it's way back into nature. No harm is done to it, as it's just like water that is siphoned from a body, and will eventually be excreted. That was apparently a bad comparison because now it's as if you are wearing piss.:derpytongue2:

"Oh come on," protests the mad genius. "There is no excrement inside it. Think of it like ice shaped into a weapon then."

Eventually though, you reach the church about a block away. It's a gray, sagging edifice of stone and wood that stands atop a slight rise, on the very roots of the great pillarstone of the omnipresent castle. Light flickers through holes burned through the roof shingles, and the sound of hoarse chanting is audible within.

With weapons and armor literally pulsating with power, you make your way through the graveyard surrounding it, your hooves making loud noises on the cobblestone path. "Be wary of undead rising from their graves," whispers Simuli while she slithers behind the group in her 20 feet tall Naga form. "They always do that in stories."

And she is correct. Skeletal hands claw through the earth and free their long dead owners from their graves. Some are clad in tattered robes, more and more start to rise you make out spears and armor, sorcerer's robes, clerical symbols, assassin's daggers, and even hunter bows. :rainbowderp: Spells crackle at rotting hands, while ethereal arrows appear on ancient bows.

((Remember when I said "Just how many corpses can there be? This is but a small village."? Well, I also said that Strahd regularly invites heroes to play with.:trollestia: Have fun with the equivalent of a hundred heroes.:pinkiecrazy:))

I don't know why...but I actually was looking forward to this and feel well as excited.:rainbowderp::pinkiecrazy: Perhaps the feeling of being trapped in a small location with hundreds of deadly enemies, the feeling of your groups deadly power, and the fact that we're try to act evil, has awaken a bit of inner Red Dragon and wants to cause some mayhem.:moustache::pinkiehappy: "We'll...there seems to be quite of bit of them." I say almost nonchalantly. " seems like we need to clean house, or church, what ever." I say as I pull out my sword as it and my eyes are glowing with could be described as...a little slayer happy.:pinkiecrazy: Even though I am ready to go at it, I still think of my groups protection. "Stay safe...and don't let them hurt you." my voice comes out in a whisper that only they can hear, for I speak from my Dragon heart.

((Insert theme music of how I think we should handle this battle!


My eyes go a fiery red gold as make a small dash and use my sand abilities ((Or in this case, my good dragon legs, you did say that I could change from Silver/Blue to Gold/Red, so I'm not 100% sure how this should be handle.:unsuresweetie:)) to propel me into the air like a fiery comet and slam my swords tip into the ground in the middle of a whole mess of zombies, sending a shock wave through the whole area. Those that are around me are blow to the ground, while the ones that were the closets were burnt to a crisp. I then charge ahead and start making some quick but deadly strikes to two undead.

Insert a slow-motion shot with me hissing. "Lawgiver: Online !" I snap out my pistol and take quick deadly aim at the few that are trying to cast magic, my shots also happen to look like small fiery slugs as the strike the head or heart of unfortunate undead.

(( was that?:trollestia:))

((You're a superbeast.:trollestia:

When I said you could retroactively change your draconic heritage I meant that you could change your backstory. On the other hand, Bahamut is the god of ALL good dragons so if you want to, then switching nature's could be your thing. Simuli does it all the time, switching dragon colours.))

Simuli roars a fire of defiance, mixing glee with rage. "Bamut's Special: Storm Breath." ((Quicken Breath+Lingering Breath+Tempest Breath+Enlarge Breath+Clinging Breath=18 rounds of recharge required.))
A skywards pillar of flames fires from her mouth, and like the dragon that her colour tributes, the sky responds. Hurricane strength winds erupt in the graveyard, and air is sucked in from the surroundings to fill the vacuum. Any and all undead are drawn to the storm winds rising up in the sky, but you and your team, protected by Bahamut's power, are not affected. As Simuli uses her other lung to start her Dragonfire Inspiration, each and every one of your team has a few seconds to switch to a ranged weapon and take many of them down before they even hit the ground again. ((See, a third lung rocks. Go dragons.:moustache:))

Ashlyn was dumbfounded at just how serious this group takes the term "crowd control" but can not argue with the results. She unloads Seeking Flare Bolts at the falling skeletons, while the hounds open their mouths, and you see that the sockets that once held the key rods are now the muzzle of a Lawgiver. Bane'd Flare Bolts are projected and fired towards 6 of the skeletons.

Not defeated so easily, many of the skeletons actually survived the onslaught so far. About a third of them is winged or use magic to control their descent. What looks like an undead Minotaur recovers in the air and uses the momentum to strike down with her greataxe, causing a small eruption of fire where she hits the ground. It looks like Ireena found an opponent.

Finally, Imperi has her turn and she takes precision shots at any who look too dangerous.

((I am the supereast that will protect his loved ones.:moustache::heart::rainbowdetermined2:
Switching natures...I'll keep that in mind.))

I let out a great laugh as I see my family going all out on the undead.:rainbowdetermined2: We I feel the undead Minotaur strike the ground like a meteor I turn to find her making her way to Ireena. Not knowing just how much skill she has with a blade I decide to lend a helping gun. "Armor Piercing!" I hiss as my Lawgiver changes ammos. I am for the back of the legs of the minotaur and fire two flaming slugs in the spot that is right behind the kneecap, making it stumble and gives her a clean strike to the neck and head. "Welcome!"

Turning to the zombies that somehow have I wings, I let my gun do the talking. "Rapid Fire."
Aiming up, I aim for the close bone set the gives the undead their wings, making several of them fall to the ground in heaps where the hounds go crazy on them with some trigger happy fun.:rainbowdetermined2: Thinking that it is best to same ammo I put my gun on the side as my blade starts going agaginst the axes, spears, and swords of the graveyard army. I use beams of hot flame to fight against the ones that cast magic.

((Talk about a warzone!:ajsmug:))

Simuli does not have another breath like this in her, not unless we take a break first, but by now her "song" has gained a second element already and wraps her allies' attacks in fire and acid. Imperi ahs taken to finish off the flightless skeletons, while each shot of Ashlyn and the hounds bursts skulls and explodes ribcages--none of their attacks leave any survivors.

In the end, only the minotaur warleader remains. She raises her stone axe and strikes the earth. In a flash second you see her falter as if...dying, but then something unthinkable happens. The ground starts to shake and split with the force of an earthquake, and the less dexterous of your group start to slide down into wide chasms. In a panic, Imperi overrides the groups' soulmelds to affect everyone with Feather Fall, but that would not protect you from being buried alive. Simuli, being used to thinking with size, grows herself even more. Her body starts to give in when she reaches 90 feet but that is not what is important--she does not need to walk right now. She picks up her sister and you, and places you behind the crown of her head. Then the hounds, with Ashlyn and Ireena last, are placed on top of her while she tries to grow as big as she can to evade the earthquake's effects.

Suddenly she starts to gasp for air, as her lungs start to give in under the pressure, and her heart can no longer pump her blood around. By the time the earthquake stops, Simuli has fallen unconscious and Imperi forces her to shrink down. She cradles the child-sized naga and assures herself that she is okay. "She'll be fine. All she needs is a little rest."

That stone axe, Imperi once told you about weapons like this used in the jungles of Xen'drik. They are strong, but their greatest effect comes at the cost of the wielder's life. As a suicide attack they are devastating, but even more so in the hands of an expendable zombie.

You can choose to search for it, or go to the devastated church. The storm and the earthquake were not kind to it. Fortunately the village does not look worse for the wear. The barricades can take an earthquake, right?

((You never have to worry about ammo, but your blade really is the more effective option for close combat. You get to add your draconic strength to your attacks, while the gun always does the same whether wielded by a weakling or a being of monstrous strength.

Would it surprise you if I told you that Simuli's Storm Breath did barely any direct damage? Asides from some burns, they didn't even take damage from being pelleted with rocks and dirt suck up with them--they're made of bones. However, that was not the point. Even we could not have survived 40 Fireballs send our way, or whatever the spellcasters could have pulled off if they had had the chance. But my twins are anti-army units, and they know that they could never have taken an army directly. Instead, they shape the battlefield to prevent spells being cast in the first place. In these conditions the light-weight skeletons are easy prey for us, and Simuli has time to set up her Dragonfire Chorus combo. I like combos.))

I'll be sure to remember this useful info.:ajsmug:))

My heart aches badly as I see Simuli in such a weak state and walk over to see the little naga cradle up next to Imperi. "Oh saved us all." I say as I kiss her forehead:fluttershyouch::heart::eeyup: I look around at the devastation that the undead minotaur left in its wake. "This...we weren't exspecting this and sure as blazes neither were the villagers. I think we should head back and see if there was any damage. For all we know, while we were fighting the undead hoard they could have been trying to make an attack on the square. That earthquake could have broken or glass wall defenses." I say as Silver-Bolt lands on Imperi's shoulder and starts to lick her little naga careingly.:pinkiesad2:

"If we go check quickly then we can take a small rest before or if coming back here."

No flares are send from the village but Silver-Bolt does go and takes a look. From what he can tell, everything is fine. There is however some place else that requires your immediate attention: the church and Danovich the priest who might be buried alive right now.

Imperi shrinks her sister to doll size before gently putting her in her bag. "She'll be safe in here, but we just lost our big gun. We'll have to investigate the church without her help." She lovingly strokes her little twin. "You did great, sis. Judging from your shape pressed in the ground, you must have reached at least a few hundred feet, maybe a quarter of a mile. I can not imagine the pain you must have been in to keep growing and, us safe. The strain on your brain alone would have stopped lesser mares. You deserve your rest."
((I know that it is inappropriate but when I reread this scene I get this funny image of Imperi yelling "Simuli, return", before putting her in her bag and taking out another Pokémon.:facehoof:))

When Imperi walks past the shaken Ireena she has a few things to say to her: "Burn. Your. Dead! There shouldn't even be corpses to reanimate.":twilightangry2: Sadly, it appears that this is an order of the Count, to bury the dead.

You make your way to the half collapsed church. The building is in surprisingly good shape--I guess the ponies here really appreciate the church' protections. Halfway under the altar you find the bleeding body off a dark brown pony with a white mane. Some of the falling debris must have hit his head but he is still alive. Imperi finds something next to him: "A scroll of Circle of Death! This is a high-level death spell that could have slayed us all when we walked in. This pony intended to kill us."

Ashlyn made her own discovery. On the altar is a much-stained journal kept by Danovich. The last half of the journal describes Danovich’s grief over his son’s death, reveals his descent into madness, and rationalizes his subsequent decision to read some accursed manuscript. "According to this there is at least part of a Liber Blaspheme in this church and he must have used it to try and revive his son."

At the side of the church is a dark hole in the wooden floor, leading to what must be catacombs or cellars.

Imperi puts on her teacher's hat and pulls down a screen with a picture of what looks like the Monster of Frankenstein. "A Blaspheme is a flesh golem stitched together from at least 6 different corpses. This unholy abomination is a "living" nexus of negative energy which poisons everything around it. It is however, almost indestructible save for blessed weapons so if you were to use your son as the base for the head and brains then you would never have to fear losing him.:twilightsmile:"

She now points to the unconscious, but no longer bleeding, priest. "Mad by grief over his son's death, and the decades of vigil against Count Strahd von Zarovich's evil influence, must have made him susceptible to the Liber Blaspheme's lure." She holds up the leather book, containing the ritual. "Magic wishes to be used, and this book contains not only the knowledge, but also has the correct spells "preprogrammed" in it. Any of us could use it, provided that we supply the materials of course. Ah, isn't alchemy wonderful? Magic for all of us, even to those of us who are not unicorns."

Finally, she addresses Lhikan. "It shall be up to you to cast Judgement upon the priest. Danovich caused many deaths, and defiled nature and holy ground, but did so while not in his right mind. We should also take note of his decades of servitude, and-" here she glares at Ireena."- the fact that there is no one of the village here helping him. Shouldn't there have ponies to keep him from slipping? I know that in my Order there would be a whole circle to support each other.

"Also, if he had only gotten 4 levels higher then he could have resurrected his son. That may cost 5000 gold in diamonds, but creating a Blaspheme takes ingredients worth 15.000, know. That's something that an alchemist like me could know."

I sit in the little desk with an apple on it that I pulled out of the bag as Ashlyn and Ireena pass notes behind me as the hounds and Silver-Bolt look out the window. "Teacher, back at my old school, my old guild days, I was told of many tails that had ponies that had slowly lost their minds over the loss of a loved one and were willing to do anything to gain them back. In the end when they are defeated and often put on trail or simply put to death for the heinous crimes that they had committed. Still...a plea of loss and madness often helped them easy the case." I look over at the damaged priest. "Grief...can often make one do something that they would have never done."

((This was a great side post.:pinkiehappy: It reminds of the time back when Imperi's mind was arguing wit itself.:twilightsheepish:))

Okay, that was just too funny, what you wrote there.:rainbowlaugh: I really liked it when Imperi argued with herself as well, but nowadays she's rather straightforward: Imperi wants, Imperi gets--except for one thing.:rainbowwild: I've always had a part of me that was attracted to people based on Personality and Ideals. Especially if they were fictional characters.:twilightblush:

It's Saber!:pinkiegasp: She hid her womanhood for over 30 years and sacrificed everything that she had, everything that she was, for her country but ended up alone and despised.:fluttercry: She even had to execute her 2 best friends.:fluttershbad: And then she sold her soul to Gaia in eternal servitude in return for one wish: "My country would have been better off without me. I wish I had never been king.:fluttershysad:"

Imperi, get out there and kiss her on the mouth. Make her feel like a woman and give her the happiness that she deserves.:yay:

What?! But she's a girl!:applejackconfused:

It's also Saber.:raritystarry:

And what about Lhikan?:trixieshiftright:

He can join in.:trollestia:

I notice that our teacher Imperi seems to be having some inner conflict about what I said. So I get up from my desk as the girls behind me keep talking away. Teacher is going to give them F for that.:rainbowwild: I walk up and gently place my hand on her shoulder. "Imperi, are you ok?" I ask in a caring voice.:twilightsmile:

I look over to the knocked out persist with a look. "Anypony who even dares to harm my family and cause such pain I would show no mercy in sentencing...however...I know that grief would drive one to do truly bad things out of desperation. I think we should chain him up where he can't do a thing. That way he won't cause any trouble while we explore." I say as I think of little Simuli. "There is much to do..."

"Huh? Oh I'm fine," she answers in Twilight Sparkle coloured text. "I'm just having a moral dilemma including you, Saber Ashlyn, a king-sized bed, molten chocolate, strawberries, a candle, and silken ropes, ending in an outdoor hot spring while watching the sunset."

Imperi takes out ropes and a masterwork lock. "Thank you, Harold. Somehow everything that you recommended has come in handy already. Especially the Insectbane candles." She proceeds to tie up Donavich, while Ashlyn continues reading the journal, and Ireena examines the hole in the floor. Suddenly the wood under her gives way, and *GM rolls dice: 16* she manages to avoid falling in. Now you can descend with a hook and rope, or try the stairs.

I feel myself get hot as I hear her inner thoughts. "Oh...I see.":twilightblush: The girls in the back start whispering to each other, must be trading gossip.

"Please don't go near areas that don't look stable, ok Ireena?" I say thinking about what to do. "Maybe we should take the stairs first? I think we may find something on the way down, but maybe we should leave a trail of rope hanging down from the hole with a hook just incase our path back gets blocked. It will be much easier for the hounds." I say as I try my best to think of a plan of what could happen. "Good thing I can act as a torch, it's bound to get dark down there."

"Was I thinking out loud? Oh, I meant that I'm thinking about keeping Ashlyn after hours for a while, that's all. The girls has it hard at home and may need a helpful touch." She looks up into your warm eyes. "If you ever need special classes, just come and see me.":twilightsmile:

"We can just grapple a beam from downstairs if we come across this hole from down there," suggest Imperi while she finishes tying up Danovich. She'll recommend everypony to shop at Harold's in Sharn, for all their adventuring needs, as his package sales always seems to have something for any given situation.

In formation, you all descend down the stairs, with you and Ireena in front, then Ashlyn and Imperi, and the hounds in the back; Silver-Bolt has all positions at once. Under the church, amid the litter of the collapsed floorboards and the quaking in the cemetery, is a dank understory. A partially smashed laboratory work bench stands in the northwest portion of the cellar, including an iron slab surrounded by a clutter of broken equipment of incomprehensible complexity. Something awful groans to the south and shambles forward. The church understory is dimly lit through the hole in the floor above, but asides from that you're the only source of illumination until Impero lights a blessed flare bolt.

In the blessed light, you see the blaspheme: This creature appears like a corpse surgically modified by a lunatic. Skeletally thin, its arms are too long, while its head is wide and wedge-shaped, with a mouth split so that it is able to open wider than a normal equinoid. Its teeth glitter like shards of black, steaming ice. Besides it, two figures in shining armor leap to its defense.

"Those are..." Ashlyn falters when she recognizes the two zombies accompanying the monster. "Endur and Salder. My companions from the Lightbringers."

While Ashlyn falters from the sight of her companions' corrupted corpses, Ireena sees only the end of the plague in reach of her sword. She charges forward, but not before Imperi commands the hounds to pin down the cleric who was already busy casting her spells. Unfortunately, the zombie's concentration did not break and she is filled with Divine Power. With a great burst of strength, the former servant of the Silver Fire breaks loose Auto and hurls her towards Imperi who falls down under the impact.

The Blaspheme takes the hit from Ireena's sword like a man, and even with holy fire burning into him, he still grabs her by the throat and start choking her. He probably hopes that by killing her, he will get another servant. The last zombie, the fighter, is blocking your path while Imperi pushes Auto of her and fires at the cleric, setting her ablaze with sacred flare bolts.

Seeing Imperi hurt brings my inner fury to the surface.:twilightangry2:
When I see the undead cleric stagger back when being blasted with flare bolts I go in for the finish and make an up word slash with my Loredrinker, servering half its head off in a dieangeal angle and kicking it stright into its partner and the both crash to the ground.

Seeing Ireena is in danger I let my flame brighly and furiously. I charge ahead and lift my sword high over my head and put as much energy I can into the blow, as I come down on the Blaspheme's arm and hack it off. Following it droping her, I use my sand as one gaint battering ram at my side and shove the creature far onto the other side of the room where it crashes into a wall. I then lean down and carefully pry off the hand around Ireena's throat. "You ok?" I hiss.

You see the imprint of his hand in her throat, but she coughs and recovers. The fighter tries to attack you from the side but is overwhelmed by Imperi and the hounds. Ashlyn sees the Blaspheme recover and prepares her bow. It glows with divine fury as she whispers the of the Paladin's signature attack. "Smite Evil!" The arrow that hits the creature sears away undead flesh. And then a second arrow flies, a third, and so forth until there is nothing left but a smoldering corpse that soon crumbles to dust.

"That was for my comrades, monster!":twilightangry2: For good measure, she fires two more at the severed arm, making sure that it can't regenerate from that, or something. "It's over. May you rest in piece, my friends. I'll make sure of that." She plants a flare stake in each of her comrade's corpse and watches them cremate to be sure that their physical remains can never be reanimated again.

((Unless you wish to add something, I'll go and prepare the next part.))

A quick flight later, Silver-Bolt reports that any and all undead in the village have stopped moving--they slumped down where they stood, just regular corpses now. After Simuli woke up and was brought to speed, she and Imperi agreed that that axe must be found.:twilightangry2: It took a while, but a giantess with Detect Magic can search a lot of ground. They keep it away from you, saying that they wish to examine it--the life conversion mechanic might be key to unlocking the Symbol of Ravenkind--but the look in their face tells you that they simply do not wish this thing:twilightangry2: near you. After promising to Ashlyn that they will help her look for her real objective, the Sunsword, she handed over the symbol seeing as for now it has no power.

Through all this, Ireena was pissed at how easily she was defeated, and seems ready to work out her anger on Danovich the priest.

Do you wish to pass Judgment on him, Lhikan?:trixieshiftright: Your Mark authorizes you to.

I walk over the burning bodies of Ashyln's friends and lower my head give them a few draconic words for them to find piece.:ajsleepy:

I turn to my family. "So...what now?" I ask.

I see Ireena about to strike thee priest but I stop her mid swing and grab her wrist. "This one was just a pawn Ireena, our true enemy waits beyond a dark castle wall." I look deep into her eyes as I feel my DragonMark glowing intently. "It has time for a child of Bahamut to pass judgment on this fallen priest. I shall pass it and you will reframe from telling what has transpired here. You are hurt, I know...I can feel your heart, but more death won't solve the deaths they have come and gone." I slowly let go of her hand and she walks away shaken and starts to sulk in a small corner.

((Hold on I'm not finished yet. I need to move.:facehoof:))

I turn to the fallen priest and feel my Mark glowing even brighter as I feel my body and eyes glowing. "Look at me." I say in a voice that..sounds more powerful than normal. Lifting his head I look him stright in the eyes.

"Danovich, your crimes against the people of this village are grim and dark in all matters of the subject. By the power granted to me by the great Dragon Good Bahamut I pass judgement upon you. Desite bit the cterrible crimes you have commited angainst ponykind, the over wellming pain of grief annd loss can cause even the purest of souls to preform dark acts. For this and your long service to your village before darkness claimed your heart, you may keep your life, however, you will spend the rest of your natural existence repaying the great loss of life you have done to the ones you have harmed. You have fallen...but that doesn't mean you can't risie again...but be forwarned." My eyes glow entensly. "If you so much as step a toe out of line and cause anymore damage...the wrath ofthe Great Fragon shall fall upon you and there will not any place that you can hide!"

((I;m so sorry this took so long...I hope I did it aright.:unsuresweetie::ajsleepy:))

((I can not hold battery issues against you.:twilightsmile: However, I foresee angry villagers and his death. I prefer Harmony, or at the very least the Greater Good.))

Taking pity on the stallion, Imperi takes him under her wings while Simuli glares at Ireena and bids her silence. "If you feel any gratitude for what we did for Barovia this day, then you shall not speak a word of what happened here, except that Danovich has held Evil at bay for as long as he could--which he did. My sister shall assure that he is punished, but your village needs a cleric more then it needs vengeance." She gestures to the ruined graveyard, and the silent village. "The blaspheme is dead already, and there is much healing to be done. We shall put Danovich to work, and I want people to be grateful to the only one here in this village who did the effort to develop magic."

The following days, while you and your group continue your adventure, Danovich shall bring the lessons that Imperi taught him into practice. With the alchemical components from the lab, worth at least 2000 gold, he uses Shape Stone to slowly repair the village, smoothing the barricades and fortifying houses. He heals and cures whoever asks, and the process is slow, with him only being able to perform the spell a few times per day, but perhaps this is for the best. While the villagers believe that he is grieving for having failed them, they see a man of piety working the teachings of Harmony. Next to him floats a sapphire soulspark that twinkles and shimmers to lift his spirits.

At night, the villagers are surprised by another crucial part of Imperi's teachings. There were Danovich repaired, the spark enchanted a stone with Continual Flame so it burns as a torch. This way, the villagers are just that little more safe, as the night is brightened and the flame of hope keeps burning.:twilightsmile:

((There, Incarnum style healing. I believe in the long haul.:heart::rainbowdetermined2::heart:))

While we're at it, I searched for a few maps online. Details may vary.

The village of Barovia. We entered from the East. E3 is the town's square.

The valley of Barovia. We entered from the South, point A.

That night, a mare enters the Blood on the Vine inn, accompanied by 2 strong looking stallions. The establishment is still full of families that did not yet return to their homes, whether out of fear or because it is destroyed in the attack. By command of Imperi, Danovich is taking up residence here for now.

When the mare enters, the meager festivities fall silent.

While the whole village may know her by name, she introduces herself for your benefit. "Sasha Ivliskova, is my name and I serve the Lord of this domain. He followed your efforts with great interest and invites you to his castle to properly thank you. He would like to welcome you tomorrow at high noon." She raises a finely shaped eyebrow. "I presume you know where to find him, do you not."

((Edit: they are in not in their vampire form, of course.))

I walk forward and give my best preformence of a Red Dragonborn trying to be on his best behavior. "Yes, we are aware of where the Lord resides. We just weren't expecting such a graious invation to his humble home. Though it would be an honur to to pay a visit to his castle. Yesss..." I say as I bow. "We shall do our best to be there."

((Oh BW Megatron would be proud of that Yesss...:derpytongue2:))

The dame haughtily looks down on you and your companions--especially Imperi for some reason "I assure you his home is anything but humble so it would reflect well on you to...clean up." She turns her back to you, unafraid of an attack, and walks away. "We shall be expecting you."

When she is out of the door, ponies look at you and your group with pity, but Imperi does not care. "Challenge expected, bit:twilightangry2:h" she hisses to the departing vampire and her cronies. "Group, strategy meeting." She makes her way to your room. Now that some families left, you have it all for yourself--and your girls of course.

When the door closes Simuli shifts into a smaller naga and positions herself at the window. The twins each hit their palm on an opposite wall "to provide privacy," they say and you can make out a glow with your mystic senses.

"Companions," Imperi takes the word, "we can choose to decline this invitation. At best he'll think us cowards, and at worst he'll dispose of us. I think that we should go and try to find out what it is that he is planning. Nothing at all, perhaps? It could be that he is content to rule over his domain and laugh at the village's struggles. There is however one thing that we know that he wants." She points to Ireena, the poor mare that has already been marked by him.

"Considering that we just saw a female vampire it may be that he simply likes to drink from a young mare every once in while, but we should be careful. That Ivliskova did not call you by name so you might stay here and out of his sight." Now she addresses you, but more so Ashlyn. "How about you two? Could you control yourself if you were face to face with the demon lording over this domain?"

Standing against the wall I look outside at the dark forest and wonder just what kind of spy's could be out there. I turn back to Imperi and slowly node. "Yes...I do believe that I can keep myself stable when we meet him, though I will admit that I will mostly likely be on edge when the time comes."

I turn to Ashlyn, "I think you and Ireena should remain here. She is the one that the Count is after and you are the best guarding for this place and her."

While both Ashlyn and Ireena wish to take down Strahd, they do least until we find a way to destroy him. The next topic on the agenda is finding the Sunsword which supposedly can kill vampires permanently, and reactivating the Ravenkind symbol. Imperi does not believe she will have unlocked the secret by tomorrow so that's for later. The only lead to the sword that you have for now is to visit Madam Eva, and if you hurry you could do that tomorrow morning.

Eventually the mares leave for the night, including Simuli who says that she will patrol and takes the dogs with her. Imperi however, manifests a combination of leash and whip around your neck, and keeps you from leaving. "I need somepony to help me spar, and while we're at it, a ritual.":trollestia:

((Mortal Kombat.!:flutterrage:))

I give a tiny yelp as she pulls me close with the leash. "Yes, of course, my dear." I say as I see a glint in her eyes.:rainbowderp::twilightsheepish: I remove my garments and lay my weapons to the side with only my bottom half is still clothed. "Are you prepared, dearest." I say as I move into a fighting stance.


"Bad servant," she coos. "I was going to undress you, as practicing to disable your opponent's defenses is crucial." She activates the Sizing property of the soulmelds, slowly shrinking you two for room, while her clothes fade from view, though she is not uncovered. Aassuming a wantonly alluring pose, she is sheathed in swirling veils of sensual shadow that accentuate her shape and promise to privately reward those who embrace her.

"Swallowing Darkness style. The greatest weakness of spellcasters is melee, especially grapples. Therefor, Simuli and me have been working on something. It's homebrew and not done yet, but it's what we have for now." She cracks her violet whip, and winks over her shoulder. "Also, I needed something to subdue my lover despite my petite size.":raritywink:

Suddenly she darts forward. "I strike first!" While she's not a fighter and you can easily defend yourself, the whip sneaks past your hands and touches your clothes. "Stripping the partner!" Your clothes shimmer and fly off you. "We are alchemists after all, and altering materials our specialty."

((Are you surprised?:pinkiehappy: Huh, are you?:heart:))

((Oh indeed I was.:twilightblush::heart:))

I give another yelp as my clothes fly off me and feeling that whip hits my garments. "Eep!:derpyderp2:" I do a quick jump back from the shadow covered Imperi. "Yes...that is true.":rainbowderp: Note to self: beware when she has a whip.:trollestia: I won't be using my fire, but I do consider using my enduence exposure, but I don't want to set the room on fire. "Ok...let's try this again.":rainbowdetermined2: With that we start to circle each other before I make a slide kick tackle toward her where I see her slip away.

((Ok, I stole that move from M. Bison.:raritywink:))

((I aim to please.:trollestia:))

The shadows rise, and obscure her laughing form. "Aiming in the dark," she smiles after having darted to the side. "In the darkness of the bedchamber, it requires my skilled hands to guide my lover into me, or you will never spear me and discover my wet, slick, insides."

She looks into your eyes, and smiles while dancing around you, her whip floating and circling around her on an unseen breeze. You see the flames of lust and dominance dancing inside her heart, and like a fire it catches the eye. "Smoldering Gaze" Her come hither look distracts and seeks to captivate you. :raritystarry:

Imperi's eyes...they call to me. I can feel her using her special skills to light up my inner fire and my draconic cock aggress as it hardens.:twilightblush:

My body desires to hold her close in my slide my teeth and tongue along her neck. But I know that she is much more dangerous and crafty than she lets on.:rainbowdetermined2: I know that she won't make this easy for me, right now she's the dominate predator and I show her what I can really do.

I start to circle with her my own gaze and make a fake leap to hear, but then leap and dash to one of her blind spots and use one tail to knock her off her feet and bind them together with my tail.:moustache:

The shadowy light around her legs allow her to slip out, and you're certain that she actually pushed herself up on her whip--it really must be levitating. "Taking it in all the way. You're kind of...big, especially since I like playing with sizes, so I worked on hardening myself, and redirecting pressure." She takes a few steps back, cracking her whip to keep you at a distance.

"As you may have noticed, Swallowing Darkness is mostly a defensive and reactionary style meant to compensate for my natural lack of strength, speed, and reach." Her whip circles around her, sliding around her neck and then between her breasts. "Not to mention that I got the idea back during our vacation, that I really needed to find a way to dominate you without shrinking." She let's go of the whip, and like the ribbon of a gymnastic performer, it floats and orbits her to create patterns and spirals in the air. "Incarnum is life energy, and never intended to be about brute force but about adapting and improving. This style is designed to make me very slippery to catch, while I look for a weak point to exploit. And I just found one: you have no way to attack when bound!"

You expected her striking whip, and even grab it. Were you thinking about pulling her in? What you did not expect was for the whip to extend and spread like water. In streams it flows around your body. An electric current travels through it, and while it's not enough to hurt you, it seems to override your synapses and makes you buckle to the ground. The watery light pulls together and binds you like adamantium chains. Even your tail is bound tight around your left leg, and to top it off, she straddles your chest. "Don't even think about using your mouth for anything but kissing, dragon boy--though licking is allowed as well. My Incarnate Weapon is made of anything I know, and I know bindings that hold dragons and demons. The trick is catching them first. I call it Beauty of Artful Binding ."

The petite mare seems to tower over you, as she radiates confidence and power, looking down over her small breast at your bound form. She moves a hand behind her back, and starts stroking your rock hard cock. "I got other moves as well, though they are rather...intrusive. Shall you keep resisting, dragon mine? You know that I can get rather...creative."

Come to think of it, she really did not resort to changing sizes to gain an advantage. She did not shrink to become more evasive, nor grow to gain a reach advantage. She really is serious about this style.

((Its techniques specialize in diverting hostile energy into uncontrollable dissipation. Wow, it's really possible to make anything sound dirty.:trollestia:))

((An electric body bonding whip!:raritystarry::coolphoto:))

I can't help but give a small pleasurable growl as the powerful mares lays on my chest. The feeling of her warm electric whip running through my body gives me tingling pleasure and my body still gives off waves of lustful heat. I can feel and hear the confident and power in her voice as she has bound my body. Still...I just can't resist the urge to try and pull against my bonds in an effort to free this dragon.:raritywink: My dragon cock has gotten so hard from the feeling of her dominating me.:trollestia:

A shudder of anticipation runs through her as she sees how defiant you are. The diminutive mare lies down on your chest, and locks her legs around your cock. Delighted, she feels the tip protruding past her green ass.

"Were you always this big or did I overdo the shrinking?":raritywink:

She presses a long smoldering kiss on your lips, forcibly invading your mouth. Her hips move up and down and slide your dick against the underside of her wet folds. When the kiss ends, Imperi rolls on her back, completely ignoring your throbbing dick. "You know, maybe I'll just keep you like this during our off time. It would feel soooo nice to have my stallion hanging from a chain around my neck." She pokes your belly, while using your chin to support her head. "What do you think, Lhikan? Anything you wish to do?"

Absentminded, she starts shaping her shadows into the image of a tiny you chained at hands and hooves, set in a beautiful necklace. She's completely absorbed in her work, while she rubs a finger along her folds.

Her words make me tremble with excitement at the thought of being totally in her power.:raritywink: The feeling of playing with me and teasing me is driving me wild as my cock presses into her warm fur. As I look at the necklace I see that she really can do with me as she pleased.:twilightblush:

So in an act of submission to my Dark Queen I lick her neck affectionately with my warm wet tongue. "This Dragon...will obey his mistress." I hiss.:rainbowkiss:

The image of you is pulled spread eagled, while her hand reached out to play with the captive shadow. "Oh, so you do submit.

"I don't know. I haven't tested my technique to draw energy from a subject while he sleeps so maybe I really should just go and sedate you. After all, I can always go and seek out my sister for some fun later." Suddenly, the image in the air gains colour and zooms out. In the illusion, you see yourself hanging around her neck, but then the camera turns as if to watch from your point of view. Her clothes shimmer back into existence and you can only watch through the opening from her blouse while she walks through the hallway. Down to the inn's main room she goes, and there she sees Simuli talking with Ashlyn.

"Maybe I can now act out that Saber roleplay with Ashlyn? Unless you got something to say, hmm?"

((Beg, worm :trollestia:))

I can't help but let out a submissive whimper to show that she has me within her power. "Please mistress...let me please you." I say as I nibble on your neck as a sign of affection and that she is my Alpha. "My body belongs to you and will do anything to you command me to. If thy wish I would clean all of you my tongue and show you the passionate fire a dragon can give to his mistress." I say in a submissive voice.
((Need me to beg more?:twilightblush: I will.:trollestia:))


"Hmm" She's not very responsive to your entreaties. "I've got a dragon sister downstairs that has 7 dragonfires." In the illusion, you see Simuli cooling her drink with her frost breath. "Oh, she could chill me, and heat me. And then there is that succulent Paladin. With Slow and Sleep breath we could peel that cold armor of her white body and reveal the warm mare underneath." As in response, even though she is still erect and proud, beautiful Ashlyn starts to blush.

"Oh, she's so cute. Like steel wrapped in satin, both hard and cutting, but soft and brilliant as well."

((Keep begging. I'm starting to consider making good on my treats.:trollestia:))

((If you haven't figured out a response yet, then you got a lot to learn about girls. What can you give that those 2 could never? And I'm not talking about your dick. We got magic for that.))

I can't help but squirm a bit as I feel my heat increase. "My Queen, would they be willing to let you to send volte's of your own power just for your pleasure? You could use me in any which way you desired." I move my hips so my hard throbbing Draconic cock rubs against her. "I would do anything at your command. I would let you use me as your personal little toy and torture me in anyway you wanted. I'd wrap myself around you and fill you with warm lustful passion until your dark hunger for lust is quince." I manage to slip just the tip of my tail out and rub it against her foot while I nibble her ear. But then I say softly, "I would hold you tight and kiss you like no one ever could as my heart burns for yours."

((Does this please you my dark mistress?:twilightblush: Am I doing ok?:unsuresweetie:))

((Without that last sentence, I wouldn't have given in. Think about it: I'm not a lesbian so why do I still like these 2 girls? Not for their bodies, but...))

"I can already play with you as much as I want," she says while pinning down your tail. "I could go out here in the street and take any stallion I want. There is but one thing that only you can give me." She turns on her belly and presses a smoldering kiss on your lips. "Strength. Both your heart and your body. None of these girls or peasants can offer me true undiluted manliness and heat. Fire that wishes to take me in his arms and hold me tight." She snuggles on your chest, before slowly rising up. "I want to see you squirm and struggle to reach me. To see you fight for your price.

"Pleasure is empty without your love, so I want to stoke that fire even higher." She gets up, and sits down against the sides of the bed, with her legs spread open and her pussy inviting you. "I want you to crawl over here on your belly and show me how much you want this."

((Sorry for not doing the whole physical pain thing. Unless it's a one-night fling, I don't get off on pain but on devotion. Nothing says "I want you, oh Mistress", like having a man beg for you. The difference with you is that I / Imperi want more from you then just pleasure.))

((When I was very young my mother told me that all a woman wants is for her man to show them all that heart has to say. Showing your devotion to the one you care for is all that one needs to do to show their affection. It is true what you say, pleasure is empty without love.:heart::heart:))

I get to my knees as best I can and look deep into her eyes. The fire within me has change red and flaming has turned warm and loving. "As you wish, my love, my mistress." I say softly as I get on my belly and start to crawl towards her, keeping eye contact with her as I do.

When I finally reach her I slide my head on the beds sheets between her legs and look up into her eyes. "I love you, my mistress." I say as I kiss her thighs tenderly as I make my way further into her warmth. Each kiss is full of devotion and care as I finally reach her flower and place gentle kisses on it before licking her petals, tasting her sweet nectar.

"And here I was supposed to be dominating you," she whispers petulant between soft moans. "It seems that I too have much maturing to do."

((I'm sorry honey, I'm just a bit tired lately. Shall we start wrapping this up. There will be lots of opportunities in the future.:twilightsmile:))

I keep kissing her pussy gently with deep care getting those small little spots that fill her with shivering delight. My tongue slides up her folds and lick her clit while giving it a few nibbles. When I hear her loving moans I spear my tongue deep into her.

((Yes, you need your rest, my dear. I care for your health and well being greatly.:heart::scootangel:))

That night, when Simuli returns before rejoining with Imperi, she finds her sister sleeping full-sized in bed, holding her tiny lover to her chest. "Aw, so cute. It looks like you had a great time you two." A third soulspark floats lazily above the bed, and Simuli greets it warmly. "You must be the last one. Come with me, and we'll get you all outfitted for tomorrow."

((Thank you. It's hard to feel sexy when tired.:twilightsheepish: I'll continue this later.))

The next morning finds you still cuddled in Imperi's grasp. She's warm and peaceful, and her hands hold you so gently that for a minute it's hard to believe that you're imprisoned in a land of darkness where a monstrous immortal toys with you and everything in domain. Soon, the sound of soft hoof steps alerts you to Simuli's coming. "Hello darling. I guess we didn't yet undo the shrinking, did we?" With surprising difficulty, she forces her sister's hands to open and takes you out. "Then again, it was an exhausting night," she says before pressing a kiss on your lips.

To the side are a few cages with disgusting creatures. You recognize the vermin and other contaminated beasts that flourished in the village during the plague. Simuli sees you looking at them, and explains. "Last night I prepared everything I could for today. The siphoned essential from the zombies won't last until noon and we need to appear Evil to keep up appearances with the Count." Her voice is strained, as she can not get over how close this is to necromancy. "We would have had to exterminate these anyway and the fresh corpses are just what Imperi needs."

She looks down at your still shrunk form in her hands, and rubs your back. "Sorry that I can't grow you back, but Imperi locked the essential in your soulmelds. If she hadn't, you could have done it yourself."

Walking over to the other side of the room, she shows you their latest project. The third and final soulspark is sitting on top of what looks like a coiled up whip inside a transmutation circle with several spell components around it. Some you recognize, like parsley, the hearthfire holy symbol and adamantium. "Imperi and I figured that none of us are actually wearing any magical items. We got our tools and gadgets in the bag but, all our money went to upgrading my form." She stretches her neck, and rubs her platinum scales all the way to the crown-like ridge growing from her head. "While definitely worth it, just look at how easily we handled the undead so far, our Imperi is surprisingly fragile."

She gestures once more to the whip that is being attuned to the soulspark and slowly drawing in the reagents. "It's meant to be a multi-tool and a focus to use touch-range spells from a short distance. She calls it the Grapple Lasso, seeing as it's more meant to grab and trip then to actually do any damage. Still, it has a few other tricks in it. It's magnetic effect, combined with the soulspark, means that she can either anchor herself to the floor to have a surprisingly strong pull, or pull herself up as with a grapple hook." A cruel smirk appears on her lips for a second. "Some electrocution, disarming, and binding will surely come in handy."

On the other side of the table lies the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. "Unfortunately, we haven't been able to reactivate it's power. We really would have liked that."

With all the talking, Imperi is slowly waking up and after a blissful few minutes of three-sided cuddling, you can go down for breakfast. Now it's up to you: You only have about 6 more hours until you need to be at the castle. Will you order the twins to keep working on their projects, or try and visit Madame Eva, the Fortune Teller?

As we all gather to eat breakfast I let my mind look into what my tight transpire today. After eating a few pieces of buttered toast and a bowl of grits I start to talk. "Ok, this is the day when we head to the Lords Castle so we must be ready for what ever happens." I say in a steady voice just incase any spies could be listening in. "I think we should finish our little project before doing anything else." I say after a cup of milk with a small half eaten ruby. "Madame Eve, who I believe could be a great help, does need to be sought out, still, we must be ready for what ever could happen." I say as Silver-Bolt nibbles on a piece of fruit on the table.

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