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On February 2, 2014, Hoffman was found dead in his Manhattan apartment. His death at age 46 is being reported to be the result of a drug overdose.

- From his Wikipedia page.

Let's just hope this doesn't affect Mockingjay in any way.

Group Admin

It's always such a shame to see such a talented person go in such a way...:ajsleepy:


Let's just hope this doesn't affect Mockingjay in any way.

I think that should be the last thing on our minds.

We should instead be mourning the lost of an incredibly gifted actor, and a father of two, who had a wife who loved him. Not worrying about a movie.

2756362 if "Mockingjay" is your main concern, it won't really, he had only a week left of shooting. Philip Seymour Hoffman was a really talented actor, and while a lot of times when a celebrity death happens I don't really find myself caring, this time I did. It's so senseless.


Group Admin

2756386 I don't know. Having made films before and knowing how stressful they can be to make, there has to be something really shitty about one of your actors/co-workers/friends dying during production.

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