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I went to the movies recently and ended up watching two movies, "GODZILLA", and "Terminator 5: X-men of future past". And although the last few forum posts have ended up eliciting only the friendly chirping of crickets as a reply, I'm going to review the both of them, starting with GODZILLA.

first thing, if you think that it should be "Godzilla", and not "GODZILLA", that's how the ticket stub said it.

I was really looking forward to "GODZILLA" even putting up a forum post saying just how excited about "GODZILLA" I was. However, about a week prior to it coming out I lowered my expectations drastically, lest I feel the crushing disappointment of "Mass Effect 3" again. Well I watched it, and I think that GODZILLA was pretty great. Not amazing, not better than "Captain America F yeah 2", but still pretty great. If you are even mildly interested in the monster at all then you should go see this movie. I'm going to just list out pros and cons from here on in, just trying something different, and will label spoilers as they come.

1. GODZILLA! they didn't totally F*** him up like Roland Emmerich did. Godzilla earns the God in his name in this movie, and every time he shows up I felt like screaming "F*** YES!" The title monster is alive and well in this movie.

2. good villains: Godzilla fights monsters in this movie, and they're pretty cool as well. creature design is pretty original (not constrained by having to be a suit that a guy can wear is good), and they also seem pretty formidable. A nice little touch is that these creatures are not portayed so much as out and out evil and hell bent on destroying civilization, more as creatures that are just trying to live. granted, their living kinda screws all of us over, but they aren't really out and out bad.

3. Bryan Cranston. he kicks ass in Breaking Bad, and he's still damn good here. its a great performance.

4. good direction. the movie is directed by a guy named Gareth Edwards, who has only made one movie previous to this called "Monsters." I haven't seen that, but having seen Godzilla I can say that this guy can make really really excellent shots. I'd go so far as to say that sometimes this movie felt Spielbergian. I'm really looking forward to more movies from this guy.

sweet final fight. It's sweet.

F*** yeah moments. in the third week of it being out this probably won't happen as much, but when Godzilla starts kicking ass, people cheered where I was. this movie has a lot of F*** Yeah moments, especally at the end.

not totally retarded story.

Cameos. Find Mothra. it's in the movie.


The Music. the music is too loud, and never stops and gets out of the way. the rest of my family didn't really care, but it annoyed the shit out of me. Also, they never used the Godzilla March, or even referenced it.

too little of either Cranston or Godzilla. Before you jump to conclusions, this isn't a really big con in my book. In Godzillas case It kinda works to his advantage because it makes the times that he is on screen that much more awesome, but at the same time more would be appreciated. This movie really needed more Bryan Cranston though.

kinda sucky side characters and human lead. a lot of the side characters don't really make a impact, and Arron Taylor Johnson dosen't have a lot to work with. they all do Okay, but another rewrite could have helped.

Occasionally stupid. there are a few head scratching moments, but not too many.

and those are my thoughts, feel free to comment below.

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