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It's a pretty abysmal time to be in the business of enjoying movies. it seems that every bloody movie that is coming down the pipe is either a sequel, a adaptation of a book, or original-ish, but looking as interesting as a sack of potatoes.

It's also become abundantly clear to me that you basically have to accept that all blockbusters are going to be sequels or reboots, and you just have to choose which ones you're interested in. So after watching "The Muppets:Most Wanted Cameos" (which was about an 45 minutes too long), and "The Hunger Games again""Divergent" (which was actually survivable), I was mildly excited by the prospects of "Captian America F Yeah 2: The Winter Soldier"

And before I get into the meat and 'tatoes of my review bits, it was actually really good, and if you have even the most remote of interests in it i'd recommend that you go see it.

It isn't without fault, some of the fistfights are filmed with kinda shaky cam (but by no means is this the worst offender), sometimes it gets pretty predictable (you'll know who the bad guy is almost immediately), and the other title character is somewhat underused. This however is the end of my list of complants, it never gets really F'n stupid (like the first one), and dosn't feel like it's as long as it actually is.

Now for the good. The characters and their actors all all in fine form here. noone seems to be shoehorned in, and they all are genuine and relatable. Captain America F Yeah is still great, as is Nick Fury and Black Widow, and the new additions are also very enjoyable (I expect to see more of the Falcon).

The action apart from the gripe above is very well shot and also really sweet. Occasionally it devolves into shaky shenanigans, but for the most part you can see it all play out, and it's impressisve. the CG is good, but it's also downplayed as much as possible which is great news.

finally (and most surprisingly) the story and theme (yes, there is a theme) is actually really good as well. I really can't say anything about it without delving into spoilers, but the story (while occasionally being predictable) also threw a few twists that I honestly didn't see coming. its a movie for this day and age, and makes a surprisingly bold statement about it.

All in all, I was pleasantly surprised about it, and would recommend it highly. feel free to talk about it below.

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