Devil May Cry 294 members · 37 stories
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Let me start off by saying I do not have this game, nor will I be getting it for the foreseeable future, as I do not own a phone capable of operating games, and have no desire to get a phone to do so. Any of my opinions I express are strictly from an outsider perspective on that platform, with my bias still sitting with the DMC fandom and all that's related to it.

Lately, I've been seeing quite a bit more footage of the game through semi-notable DMC youtubers that have the time and resources necessary to delve into such things. Why? Well, I guess I have the algorithm to thank for that, as I've watched quite the variety of DMC content that's been offered (including re-watching older DMC content for the lulz), and curiosity finally got the best of me. What I saw was... odd, to say the least, but not necessarily in the worst way, despite the fact the game is designed to be a psudo-gatcha/psudo-action RPG with a heavier emphasis on customization than previous DMC games.

While I'm very iffy on the animations (which are on the stiffer end), I'm not the biggest fan of the general aesthetics the game has, and I'm somewhat weary of the idea that this is an alternate telling of DMC3 (or, just an alternate universe entirely where all demons, characters, and locations from previous games are mashed together into a single story setting), the gameplay seems to be solid enough (if a little bit stiff, again due to the animations), and it's alternate telling somewhat allows for unique encounters and "what-if" scenarios to exist. This game is VERY much some sort of fanfiction of the series, but in a much more loving way than what Ninja Theory attempted with the reboot game.

Still, it IS a type of "psudo-gatcha/psudo-action RPG" game rather than pure action like DMC, so that could be a bit more of a turn-off for others, but I'd like to hear your thoughts, my fellow DMC fans. What do you think of this oddball mobile game heavily based on the DMC universe? I'm mildly welcoming to it, mostly because it does have some potential to be a fun, non-canon side thing with interesting ideas, even though I'll likely never be able to play it.

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