Kumkwat and pickle Barrales 3 members · 0 stories
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The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Why am I so lonely...it's so...dark and alone here....I'm cold... why is no one here with me...can anyone hear me scream?...Can anyone see me? Am I just a ghost? A nobody? I'm all alone...and no one is here...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Cheer up buddy...you're not alone...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Someone...is actually here with me?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Yeah...I'm here with you....this place is great...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Really...why thank you mr....

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Mr.... sugondese nuts boi....ha...fuck you...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Oh no you didn't...fuck you..

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

No..fuck you....you're a lonely mother fucker..

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Oh yeah...well....at least I'm not an asshole...unlike you...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Yeah I'm an asshole..but I'm the only asshole here to talk to....

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

No you're not..I'm here too...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Wait, there's a third person in here...hope he isn't an asshole...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

I'm not an asshole, you can trust me...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Hey....this guy looks like an asshole...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Shut up no i'm not, I'm just a friendly guy that wants to see what this group is all about...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Well thank you for not being an asshole. well this group is all about....huh...I really don't know why i made this group....

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Well it looks like fun anyway...what are the rules for this group?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Well it's simple...do whatever you want...except don't be an asshole...like tat guy...over there in the corner...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

HEY...i'l have you know I have standards and not an asshole all the time...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

whatever you say...asshole....

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin


The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Well i guess that guy is gone from here...so yeah, basically nothing to worry about, just kick back and relax...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

So I can post whatever I want here?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Sure...just....don't snitch...ok....we don't want the mods to know or that fucker Knighty to know about it...site rules and shit...which...I understand but....you know...it didn't sued to be this way...used to be good...not anymore...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Well sorry to hear that...so as long as it's just you and me and maybe that asshole assuming he comes back...you think this place is just for us two?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

I guess it is...when you think about it, it's kind of like a little underground just for those he happen to find it...just like my story...my Little Pony: Universal Magic...why did I bring that up here...sorry..I embarrass myself sometimes...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

That's ok...I don't judge...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Well that's great because I do....so anyways what do you want to talk about?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

I don't know...maybe...the moon?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

We didn't land on the moon...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Of course we did...what are you...one of those moon truthers?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Well come on...the evidence clearly point to the moon landing being fake...I mean just look at NASA...they are some shady mother fuckers you know...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Are they? I don't know...they seem really nice and stuff...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Come on..don't be fooled by that fucking government shit...I guran fucking tee you that those fuckers at NASA are hiding something god damn it...I en just look at Mars for fuck's sake...there's pictures where at one point there's something and then in another there is nothing there...they are hiding something about everything in space. ok...and we're fucked if shit goes down and when the bombs drop and the aliens come to take us all...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Now you're talking like you have tinfoil on your head. That is completely false and fake news... I mean sure, there might be some shady stuff going on in Area 51...but I'm sure it's only to protect this nation and in all of its glory..

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Hey...don't call it fake news...save that for CN fucking N...those bastards deserve it too...speaking of CNN...you know those fuckers...those commie mother fuckers have the balls to write a piece on trump and they complain that he had two scoops of ice cream while everyone else got one and pass it as journalism?... I mean....my god...they are complete retards...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Well....CNN isn't what it used to be anymore. I remember them being actually good at one point, but yeah...you're right...they re dumb...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Yeah...I also believe they killed a guy too...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

What? Excuse me?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Yeah, you read right...i believe they covered up a murder of some kind...you know tat guy that was supposedly was going to release information about the CIA but then his car all of s sudden blew up...and all the fingers pointed at the CIA...fucking...bullshit...it was CNN...the proof is in the pudding ok...they are covering their asses for something...and I don't know what that is..but my guess is that CNN is working with the CIA here and they wanted that guy to shut up permanently...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

That's not rue...you're just being crazy...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Am I? No...you see..you just don't see the big fucking picture here friend...WE'RE AT FUCKING WAR WITH THESE FUCKERS ...and they think they can just get away with whatever they want and when they please...WELL I SAY NO MORE GOD DAMN IT...I SAY WE TAKE TO THE STREETS AND START A REVOLUTION AGAINST THESE FUCK TARDS...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

No...please...not in front of the kids...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Who the FUCK are you?...And also welcome to the group...how may I help you on this fine day god sir/ maddem

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Well...I just happened to stumble upon this here group and wondered what it was all about...care to explain?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

No...not really...I just kind of made it because why the fuck not...I had more groups originally but that got taken down by that fucker Knighty...fortunitly he was kind enough to leave me this group...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

oh...well what do I do here?...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Just do whatever...but be quiet...this is the underground where the mods can't hear us...so as long as we keep a low profile and don't snitch on each other...we're all good...and if you do...well....snitches become bitches that get stitches...

The Masked Ghost
Group Admin

Oh...my....this might be too much for me...I think I should go...

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