The Marvel/DC Co-Fan Club 719 members · 569 stories
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Hello there. Just thinking of a possible Alternate Universe Crossover series depicting an equal mix of the Marvel Universe and the Invincible universe. Admittedly, the biggest inspiration for this was the realization that J.K. Simmons was both the voice actor for Omni Man AND the actor who plays J. Jonah Jameson.

In this case, Omni Man arrived on Earth 40 years prior to the present day and took up the Earth name J. Jonah Jameson, taking over a major New York newspaper and using the information gathering of his paper to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of the assorted heroes and villains and prepare for the Viltrumite invasion. His son, John Jameson, ended up becoming a Colonel in the American military, learning about combat tactics, as well as weapon use and hand-to-hand combat, to supplement his powers (which he gained at age seventeen).

Of course, this version of Jameson doesn't bother with smear campaigns against Spider-Man, as he already reduced the wall crawler to a greasy smear with his bare/gloved hands when Spidey was still in his first year as a crime-fighter.

Similarly, the Avengers don't exist per say - the characters who WOULD be the Avengers (at least the ones Omni Man HASN'T already killed) became part of the new Guardians of the Globe - same thing with the X-Men (Omni Man's body is invulnerable, but he has no particular resistance to telepathy to my knowledge, plus the X-Men DID have A FEW Omega level powerhouses on the roster AND are among the best in the Marvel Universe when it comes to teamwork).

Of course, Omni Man has a lot of trouble with Doctor Doom (massive army of robot duplicates plus being skilled with both science AND magic, the latter of which Omni Man has no particular resistance to as far as I know, plus Doom would be upset about Omni Man killing the Fantastic Four before HE could), Doctor Strange (again, Omni Man doesn't have any particular resistance to magic to my knowledge) and the aforementioned X-Men as well as the bulk of Marvel's own Superman Substitute characters.

And of course, I can't think of too much more than this and don't have the time and energy to write this myself if I could. Anybody who likes this idea enough to do it, however, is definitely welcome to tackle it and add their own stuff.

Interesting ideas.

Thanks very much once again.

You're welcome.

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