Comments ( 10 )
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Group Admin

Hello Fellow Ravens! I am Nerdy_Aslin, Admin, Brigid, El Presidente or whatever else you wish to call me. Basically, I'm the creator of this group, meaning I have control over all the lovely settings and such. :pinkiehappy:

Basically, this forum is created for any requests, information, problems and rules. Basically all that technical jazz that no one really cares about but is still pretty important. So if you find any issues or have any problems or wish to add a story to a closed folder or folder of new stories, this is the place to tell me!:scootangel: You can also PM me or send me an owl or whatever.

So now lets get onto basic rules and such:

1. Be nice to one another. I don't really expect anyone to break that rule but whatever.
2. This is a SFW group. No stories over Mature rated stories. T rated stories are acceptable
3. There really isn't a rule 3.

So that's all I have for now! Have fun Ravens!
aka El Presidente

El Presidente! El Presidente! The peasants are revolting!


Group Admin

1369507 LET THEM EAT CAKE! :pinkiehappy:


I was going to suggest a bath. :trixieshiftright:

Seeing that TD doesn't write M-rated stories the second rule is kind of pointless

Not for the Stories-inspired-by folder...

But truly how many of us would ever want to mess with his 'verse?


Not me, certainly--I'm not a writer. But audiences are good, too, right?

Thank you. My one Spike/Twilight story does owe some of its inspiration to TD's stories. I hope I've managed to capture some of the complexities of their relationship. To be quite honest, no one manages to write Spike/Twilight as well as TD.

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