Shisubu Ruins 16 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Dymara led the rest of the class to large green door.
"This is the Bruiser bunker, where I stay and train here with-"
"Dymara! What took so long!"
"- Mr. M." Dymara finishes her sentence a little annoyed at her minotaur comrade.
*Mr. M is a large minotaur with dark blue skin and black fur. He is larger than Dymara and quite frankly admires her and follows her around like a lost puppy. After he was defeated by her on the street and brought here, he strives to become better and trains with her everyday.*
"All bruisers will stay here with me and Mr. M. Serebu will take the rest of you to the other dorms."
*Inside, it is packed out with training ponies, and all sorts of beings. A few zebras even found their way here. There are plenty of bunkers lining the walls and you notice that a few even have to sleep on the floor. You hope that is not your fate, but it's not like you have a choice. Either way, when you walk in you're met with a barrage of other students. This dorm is the most welcoming of them all and you are made to feel right at home here.

1310563 *Storm takes off his armor and weapons and dumps them in an open space against the wall. He sarts stretching and immediately starts sizing up everyone in the bunker. Not as enemy but trying to figure out who were the alphas. He walks over to Mr. M*
I am ready for instruction.

Group Admin

1311710 We decided to give you your first day off considering what you guys went through on your first day here. Plus, Dymara has a mission to go on, she doesn't like to leave during the new ones training sessions.
*While he talks Dymara is picking out her weapons*

1311751 Yes sir. What about chow?

Group Admin

1311811 I thought you'd ask that. *he chuckles*
*he leads you over to another large green door.*
This is where the food is. It's open at any time.
*Inside is a large room. Rows of different types of food lay on rows of tables. On the side, there are different tables, where other Bruisers sit, chomping down on different types of food*

1311902 *Storm's mouth began to water* What's the ration size here sir? The refugee camp I just came from we had to ration a great deal, so...

Group Admin

1312026 *Mr. M chuckles again* The ration is all you can eat.

1312033 *without another word Storm attacks the buffet of food. Rationing for a year has left his appetite...angry*

Group Admin

1312430 *Dymara walks in and fills her plate to the brim. She begins to pig out as well.*

*back in the bunker Storm goes over to where he put his stuff down. Seeing all the bunk were filled he grabs a blanket off one of the laundry shelves lays down against the wall. Wouldn't be the first time he slept on the floor, and most likely wouldn't be the last*

1310563 *Storm was woken up by the sound of the others preparing for the day of training. He quickly cleaned up his area, did a little stretching, and fell in line with the others. The warm-up itself had him gasping for air. It had a been a whole year since he'd done any rigorous training. Sure his muscles were superior to most, but his cardio was a different story*

Group Admin

1317434 *Mr. M has a solemn look on his face as he addresses the class.*
Training will be cancelled for today, your teacher, Dymara-sama, has been wounded and right now, nothing is certain.

1317473 *The class was in shock and filled with worry. How could their best warrior have fallen in battle. They asked what happened and wanted to see her. Storm was new here but still felt for a fallen comrade, and he had a good feeling about her from the beginning*

Group Admin

1317568 *Mr. M holds up his hand, making the Class fall silent*
Right now, I do not know what happened. The students in the advanced class are dead and Dyamara and Rui are the only survivors. Dymara is asleep right now, and you know Rui. We must wait until she awakens completely til' we get any answers.

1317584 * some students ran off to see if it was true that some of their friends would never return to converse with, or to share drink after a well fought battle. Some wept, others grieved in thier own way be it food, music, or drawing. Storm went over to the euipment racks and trained, the same ways he's done for the past year.*

Group Admin

1317758 I will be going to Sukoshi Oni's office should you need me.
*With that, Mr. M leaves. You are left to wonder who Sukoshi Oni is, and why her name sounds menacing.*
((It means 'Little Demon' in Japanese. :derpytongue2:))

1317789 * After tiring from his exercises Storm wonders off to find Mr. M to ask him something. Searching for a bit he finds himself in front of the office of the one they call Sukoshi Oni. He knocks on the door*

Group Admin

1317925 ((Hole on, gotta make dat thread :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2:))

1317948 Excuse me, but... everythings on fire...

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